to the following students who presented scientific research at the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science Regional Competition on March 1st. These students investigated a scientific question, carried out controlled scientific research, and presented their findings to a panel of professionals in the scientific fields. The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) is a statewide organization of middle and high school students designed to stimulate and promote interest in science among its members through the development of research projects and investigations. First award winners will present their research at Penn State Main Campus in May.
High School:
Cassidy Zeiler- 1st award with a perfect score for her research in the field of Biology as she studied the Effects of Statins on Tendon Elasticity.
Cassidy was also awarded an academic scholarship to Marywood University.
Mackenzie Adams- 1st award for her research in Behavioral Science as she studied the Effects of Sports Injuries on Mental Health in High School Students.
Audrey Agnello- 1st award with a perfect score for her research in Behavioral Science studying the Effects of Posture Reminders on Improving Posture in Students. Audrey was also awarded the Excellence Award in Senior High Behavioral Science
Madelyn McClure- 1st award for her research in the field of Biology in her research on Quantifying Impact Resistance: An Experimental Analysis of Force Distribution on Equestrian Helmets Under Simulated Weight Drop Conditions
Raegan Fox- 2nd award for her research in Biology as she studied the Effectiveness of Sunscreen as a UV Protectant.
Aiden VanOrden- 2nd award for his research in Biology as he studied the Effects of Administration Method on Drug Delivery.
Sadie Booths- 2nd award for her research in Biology as she studied the Effects of Equine Masks on Preventing UV Radiation in Horses.
Abbie Washine- 2nd award for her research in Biology as she studied the Effects of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatories on Bone Density.
Middle School:
Andraye Agnello- 1st award for his research in Microbiology as he studied the Bacterial Load found on Artificial Turf.
Charlie Vinton- 1st award for his research in Ecology as he studied the Effects of Tree Species on Heat Production.
Ryder Glasner- 1st award for her research in Zoology as she studied the Effects of Soft Drinks on Daphnia magna Heart Rate
TJ McClure- 1st award for his research in Chemistry as he studied the Effects of Corrosion Protectors on Preventing Oxidation.
Igor Barth- 2nd award for his research in Zoology as he studied the Effects of Environmental Conditioning on Isopod Behavior.
Other PJAS researchers included:
Cameron Press
Congratulations to these exceptional students for representing the district well and showing their Wildcat PRIDE.
Faculty Club Advisors: Christine McClure and Maria Masankay
Picture One, High School, from left: Aiden VanOrden, Sadie Booths, Abbie Washine, Mackenzie Adams, Raegan Fox, Cassidy Zeiler, Audrey Agnello, and Madelyn McClure.
Picture Two, Middle School, from left: Andraye Agnello, TJ McClure, Charlie Vinton, Ryder Glasner, and Igor Barth.