Western Wayne junior Cassidy Asinski is the 2019 ACS Susquehanna Valley Section National Chemistry Week Poetry Contest 9th-12th Grade Winner. Cassidy’s poem was judged as being the best out of all 9th-12th grade entries received by our section.
The poem has successfully been submitted to the national competition for a chance to win up to $300. In addition, Cassidy, her parents, and her science teacher Maria Masankay are invited to the annual Susquehanna Valley ACS Awards Banquet in May. Cassidy will receive a $50 check and a certificate at the banquet.

Cassidy’s poem is titled “Rust.” She explained that she chose this topic after doing some research. Cassidy, who enjoys both science and English classes at Western Wayne, said she really wanted to make her poem stand out by personifying rust throughout it. The poem is told in the first person point of view of rust itself.
“I wanted to make it really unique,” Cassidy explained.
Cassidy is highly involved at Western Wayne High School. She is a triple-sport athlete who is a member of the soccer, basketball, and track teams. She just made the first team all-stars for soccer. Cassidy, also, participates in FBLA and is a member of NHS. She is keeping her options open for the future, and says she is interested in the study of forensic science.
She feels excited to have won the poetry contest and looks forward to representing Western Wayne at the awards banquet for it in May.
Western Wayne faculty, administration, and staff, are proud of Cassidy’s accomplishments and wish her the best in her future endeavors.