Western Wayne Hosts Annual Art Exhibit and Spring Concert Saturday, May 18

A trip around the world, a mystical forest, an animal kingdom, and the 60s era are just a few of the adventures you can take through the senior art displays at Western Wayne’s Annual Art Exhibit starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, at the high school gym.  The event is open to the public free of charge along with a free concert performed by the high school chorus and band at 3 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Auditorium.

          The entire gym will be transformed into an art gallery featuring 13 senior art portfolios among many other pieces created by students in the high school program. The portfolios will be judged and winners will be posted along with awards given for best overall displays.

          One senior excited to have her portfolio displayed at the exhibit is Rachel Butler.  Her portfolio has the theme of traveling around the world.

          “My fascination with nature and cultures around the world has been my inspiration for my senior art display,” Rachel, who plans to study engineering at Penn State University next year, explained.  “I want to convey the feelings I get observing animals all over the world, along with each unique place.  For my senior display, I incorporated the places I have visited and the many destinations I hope to experience.”

          Her family has greatly influenced Rachel’s journey as an artist.

          “As I was growing up, my mother was always using her photographic and artistic skills around me.  This is where my inspiration to create arts had stemmed from,” Rachel explained.  “Over the years, I’ve realized I can use my creative side to bring happiness and joy to brighten someone’s day just by doing something I love.  My grandfather is one of my main supports of my art, he is always wondering what I’m working on and asking when the next art exhibition is so he can attend.”

          Rachel’s family members will be sure to enjoy her display along with that of many other talented seniors including Dayla Jones whose display features animals.

          “From domesticated to exotic, I have chosen a range of different animals for my portfolio. My love for animals does not just stop at your average pet,” Dayla, who plans to study conservation and wildlife management and minor in zoology at Delaware Valley College next year, explained.  “I wanted to bring my dream of becoming a wildlife rehabilitator and conservationist into each one of my pieces. Whether it be a regular, smelly skunk or the endangered snow leopard, all animals deserve the same compassion and care. I put this compassion and care into each of my works of art.”

          Dayla’s classmate, fellow senior, Kat Moore also puts a lot of passion into her love for the arts at Western Wayne.  She is an accomplished musician who served as one of this year’s Wildcat Marching Band drum majors and has won many awards for her music along with playing in music groups at Marywood University. 

          Kat explained that she likes to incorporate music into all of her artwork in some way or another.

          “It can be a song title, an instrument, or a musician,” Kat explained.  “My senior display revolves around music focused on the 60s era which I really enjoy.”

          Kat furthered described her inspirations for her artwork.

          “I wish to live a very colorful life, traveling and experiencing as much as I can. This is reflected in my art as I enjoy incorporating lots of vibrant colors into my pieces and/or focus on using a dominant color,” Kat, who plans to study music education at Ithaca College in the fall, said. “When deciding the theme of my display, I immediately thought of the heavy impact music has in my life. Music and art have the ability to convey a wide range of ideas and bring out a variety of emotions in everyone. This realization has forced me to continue to create art as it has the capability to bring out the best in me.”

          Another featured senior who believes that art has brought out the best of her in her life is Melody Gershey.  Melody’s senior display can be described as a mystical forest. Her mural which the display features is a mystical waterfall with a unicorn by it.

          “Ever since I was little, I have had a mystical view of the world. I have always wanted to believe that anything is possible, but as I grew older reality hit me, along with lots of working and bills,” Melody, who plans to study cosmetology at Empire Beauty School next year, explained.   “With art, I am able to keep my childish beliefs alive because with art, anything is possible. My portfolio consists of landscapes from summer, fall, and winter, then split into daytime and nighttime pieces. My daytime pieces are realistic. These pieces represent people who have drifted away from their imagination or artists who have lost their inspiration. Through my nighttime pieces, I explore surrealism. These pieces are for those few who still believe that anything is possible and haven’t been sucked into the drab of reality.”

          The entire Western Wayne community cordially invites the community to their annual Art Exhibit and Spring Concert.  It’s the perfect place to take your mind off reality for a bit and enjoy the work of these talented student artists starting at 1 p.m. in the high school gym along with enjoying music sung and played by our excellent chorus and band with a concert starting at 3 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Auditorium.  Both events are free of charge.

Signed Schedule Sheets Return

9th, 10th & 11th Graders:

Students must return their signed
2019-20 scheduling sheets to their school counselors.  If teacher recommendations are needed for Honors, AP, Lab Techs or any other classes, signatures are required.  If the Guidance Department does not receive a signed scheduling sheet, students will be pulled from that course.  Students who need another scheduling sheet can see their school counselor for a replacement.

Western Wayne Pride – Timothy Shaffer to complete F-35 Pilot Training

Timothy Shaffer is a 2015 graduate of Western Wayne High School.  He has been attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida and participating in Air Force ROTC Detachment 157 for the last four years.  He recently graduated as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautics.  He earned a pilot slot in his junior year and will be stationed at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi next year to begin pilot training.  Upon graduation of pilot training, he intends to fly the F-35.

Western Wayne Pride – Timothy Shaffer to complete F-35 Pilot Training

Timothy Shaffer is a 2015 graduate of Western Wayne High School.  He has been attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida and participating in Air Force ROTC Detachment 157 for the last four years.  He recently graduated as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautics.  He earned a pilot slot in his junior year and will be stationed at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi next year to begin pilot training.  Upon graduation of pilot training, he intends to fly the F-35.

Western Wayne School District Participates in Area P Special Olympics

Pictured is Western Wayne Special Olympics participant Kameron Sic, fifth grade, Evergreen Elementary School, with a look of pure joy on his face as he competes.

Western Wayne Special Olympians in the elementary, middle, and high schools had another successful year at the 13th Annual Track and Field Area P Special Olympics that took place on May 8 at the Delaware Valley High School stadium.
“It’s an incredible experience for our students,” special education teacher Mrs. Sarah Rickert explained. “They all take it very seriously. There is something magical about seeing the wheelchairs lined up and ready to go for some of the races.”
One such student who had the chance to participate in races at Special Olympics with his wheelchair was Western Wayne senior Sebastian Tomasetti. He competed in the 25 meter speed and 50 meter speed.
“I had fun,” Sebastian said.
Rickert explained that a lot of the other students had really nice wheelchairs in the race this year and that Sebastian was racing with a new chair as well.
Sebastian’s classmate ninth grader Michael Phillips participated in a variety of Special Olympics events including: shot put, 100M dash, and the long jump.
“I liked seeing old friends at the event,” Michael said.
Rickert explained that one highlight of Special Olympics for the students is to reconnect with former classmates who have since graduated from Western Wayne.
“Outside agencies bring people to the event, so it is nice to see the students have a reunion of sorts,” Rickert said.
A student who enjoyed reuniting with former classmates was senior Marisol Henkel. Along with having fun with friends that were both former and current classmates, Marisol participated in the softball throw, long jump, and 100M dash.
Rickert described the Special Olympics as having an open format in which parents can move about freely to support their children. Sebastian, Michael, and Marisol had parents in attendance.
Along with the support of parents, friends, and teachers, the students were treated to the support of the Delaware Valley Marching Band who came out to play some music for all to enjoy.
Rickert said her students really enjoyed the music along with the support of Delaware Valley Elementary students who spent some time in the stands cheering on all of the Special Olympians.
A great day was had by all involved. Western Wayne participated along with students from Wayne Highlands, Wallenpaupack, and Delaware Valley among other schools and local agencies.
This year, as a special treat, the Western Wayne students wore bright yellow t-shirts to show their Wildcat pride and pride for themselves as unique individuals.
“The shirts had the word ‘disability’ on them with the ‘dis’ crossed out,” Rickert explained. “I think the message was powerful.”

Western Wayne High School Students Explore Varden Conservation Area

On May 7, 2019, Western Wayne High School General Science Students visited the Varden Conservation Area and participated in ecology activities presented by Lacawac Sanctuary.  Students participated in three different activities, which involved the topics of macroinvertebrates in a pond environment, topographic mapping, and soil percolation and pollution.

Lacawac Sanctuary instructors included Jamie Reeger, Environmental Educational Manager, who presented the soil percolation studies and how they tied into the water table.   Devan George, Environmental Educator, explained water quality health through identification of macroinvertebrates found at the pond.  Bruce and Kathy Grandjean, Environmental Educators, explained topographic mapping and orienteering with compasses and maps of the area.

The field trip will be followed by a classroom presentation on water quality and the environment.  Students will participate in activities that model ground water and surface water and how they fit into a concept of a water shed.  These activities will lead to discussions about the local area and incorporate the concept of a water table and common water resources shared by all.

Funding for the Varden classroom education as well the field trip was provided through an Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) grant from the nonprofit Western Wayne Education Foundation. Christine McClure, President, 1970C Easton Turnpike, Western Wayne School District, Lake Ariel, PA 18436

Accompanying the students were instructors Dr. Mark Nebzydoski and Mrs. Maria Phillips. For more information on:

Varden Conservation area




Lacawac Sanctuary



Western Wayne Band Learns from Marywood Professor

The Western Wayne High School Band was treated to some time with Marywood’s F. David Romines, Music Theater Department co-chair, associate professor of music education, and director of band activities, on Tuesday, May 7, during their band class.  The students were thrilled to expand their knowledge of music through working with Romines.

Western Wayne School District Hosts Annual Reading Competition

Western Wayne School District hosted the Annual NEIU Reading Competition on Wednesday, May 8. Numerous area schools competed in both the high school and middle school divisions of the competition. Hundreds of students participated in the event that celebrates a love for reading. A team from North Pocono placed first for the high school division and a team from Forest City placed first for the middle school division. Congratulations to all involved! Pictured are some Western Wayne Middle School students who participated. From left standing: Kylie Merring, Elizabeth Wasylyk, Anna Mangieri, Chaz Smith, and Ella Merring. From left kneeling: Alyson Buchinski, Emily Brophy, Ashley Small Bermudez, and Adam Kellogg.

Western Wayne Ultimate Frisbee Team Wins Spirit Award

The Western Wayne Ultimate Frisbee Team recently won the Spirit Trophy at a tournament this past April called the Firebird Invite hosted by Holy Ghost Prep in Bensalem, PA.

One of the team’s coaches high school science teacher, Anthony Zoppi explained the significance of such an award for the sport. 

“To be clear, this is not a first place trophy,” Zoppi said.  “It is the spirit trophy which in our sport is regarded as the more coveted trophy.  After each round the teams have to fill out an evaluation sheet about themselves and the other team.  We were rated so high above the other teams that the tournament director said he didn’t even need the last round to know who won.”

Both Zoppi and co-coach Alex Marchena, Western Wayne Alumni 2015 and former Western Wayne Ultimate captain, discussed the great importance of sportsmanship in Ultimate.

          “I think the level of sportsmanship really sets it apart from almost any other sport and it is also the reason I love the sport,” Marchena said.  “Ultimate is almost entirely self-officiated.  Even at the professional level, players still call their fouls, call whether they scored a point, and whether they remained in bounds on difficult catches.  Referees are only there to ensure fair play and even though they have the ability to overrule a player’s call based on what they saw, players on the opposing team have the right to overrule calls made by the referee if they object to the call in favor of the opposing team.”

          Along with being a sport unique in regards to sportsmanship it also is different from other more traditional sports in a variety of other ways.

          “It stands out in multiple ways,” Zoppi explained.  “It is co-ed.  It’s self-officiated. And without the leagues like Philly has, it isn’t mainstream.  In that area [Philly], Ultimate is regarded just as highly as soccer or football.  Even more to a certain extent as several Radnor players have become pro.  We just don’t have the same ultimate scene and probably won’t until other schools in the area get on board with it.”

          Despite being one of the few Ultimate high school teams in the area, Western Wayne has been able to play at many tournaments since the team first began in 2006.  The Western Wayne Ultimate Frisbee Team started out playing intramural from 2006-2008 at the request of Western Wayne students who got interest going in a team.

 Once approved by the high school principal at the time the students sought out a faculty member with experience in the sport and discovered Zoppi’s background in Ultimate.  Having first played Ultimate for East Stroudsburg University from 1994-1998 and having served as Vice President for the team in 1998, Zoppi seemed like the ideal candidate.

Zoppi explained he was enthusiastic to work with the students on the endeavor of starting the Ultimate team.  He explained how he worked to get the students involved in scrimmages and other parts of the history of Western Wayne Ultimate.

“In the beginning of spring 2008, I asked ESU, who was my alma mater, if they would mind a scrimmage game.  We played ESU and put up a fair amount of points.  I don’t remember the score, but it was enough for ESU to invite us to their tournament later that spring.  At that tournament, we met most of the college teams from the area and invites to other tournaments started coming in.  Then Principal Diane Scarfalloto and Superintendent Andy Falonk approached me and asked if competing in these tournaments against other schools was going to be a regular thing.  I asked our players at the time, and that’s what they wanted.  At that point, the principal and superintendent felt it should become a school recognized sport and asked me if it was approved by the school board would I apply to be coach.  In 2009, it was considered a sport under the coaching contract.  I have been officially coach from 2008-2019,” Zoppi explained.  “This year, I split coaching duties with former captain Alex Marchena.  He was approved as a volunteer last year and this year got approved to split coaching with me.  I am happy to know that as I stand down from coaching that he applied and got hired for next year.  It’s great to see it live on past me, and even better to see it is living on with someone that came through the program himself.”

And the foundation for the legacy of Western Wayne Ultimate to live into the future is being created by Marchena and the current team.  The group practices on Mondays and Wednesdays in both the fall and spring sports seasons.

“Kids train the same way all the other teams train, we work on conditioning, run through offensive and defensive plays, run drills, and have scrimmage games.  Endurance is key,” Zoppi explained.  “A tournament usually has 4-6 rounds over an hour long each round.  A starting player usually runs four to five miles per game.  It is conceivable for a starting player to put in 20 miles of running through the course of the day.”

All the members of the Western Wayne Ultimate Team are extremely dedicated to their training and teammates.  Western Wayne Ultimate Captain Tyler Keill, senior, loves working to see his teammates develop into stronger players.

“I like watching my team grow,” Tyler who has played Ultimate for Western Wayne for four years explained, “It’s not about correcting them when they are wrong but working with them to help them grow.”

          Tyler has nine years of experience with Ultimate in general having first become interested in the sports through Western Wayne alumni Mike Koch.

          Through working with the Western Wayne team Tyler feels like he is a part of the strong legacy of Western Wayne Ultimate built by Zoppi, Marchena, and other past team members.

          “Overall everyone is there to help each other and that’s what I like,” Tyler, who aspires to one day join the military, said.

          Fellow Captain junior Matt Romanowski agrees with Tyler and feels excited to continue working with underclassmen in his senior year to ensure that the enthusiasm for the sport will continue long into the future.

          Zoppi is grateful to work with students as dedicated as Tyler and Matt.  He knows it is their efforts that will keep the program alive in years to come.

          At the end of this season, Zoppi will turn the program over completely to Marchena after having coached for the past decade.

          Zoppi has a multitude of favorite memories with the team including their recent Spirit trophy win and a variety of wins the Western Wayne team has had over the years where they came in as underdogs and came out on top at different events.

          A special memory of Zoppi’s involves an experience he had with the team some years ago at a Wilkes University tournament held at a field in Kirby Park.  He recalls it being half time when one of his players took action.

          “One of my players notices a homeless woman sleeping on a park bench.  Instead of talking strategy or trying to figure out what offense or defense we want to run in the second half of the game, my team decided to not only give the women our whole food bag [each team in the tournament was given one], but go to other teams and collect more,” Zoppi fondly remembers.  “I don’t think I have ever been more proud of the team.”

          Zoppi, also, in reflecting on his many years coaching, feels proud of all of the students he has seen go through the Western Wayne Ultimate Team including Marchena.  He knows he is leaving the team in good hands and is glad to be ending his final coaching season this year on a high note.

          Marchena, who went to Lackawanna College for culinary arts and works as a chef in Hawley, has been a volunteer coach with the team in the past and feels honored to now be the coach for next year’s season.

          “I was both excited and honored to be asked [by Zoppi] to take over the coaching position,” Marchena explained.  “I’m truly happy that the sport that Zoppi put so much time and energy into building at Western Wayne is going to live on even as he is done coaching, and I’m sure he would say the same thing.”