Junior Information Night

Attention Juniors!!

We are hosting Junior Information Night on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:00p.m. in the high school auditorium.  School Counselors will present information to parents and students on: Choosing a College/ Training Program, College Cost, College Admissions Process, SATs/ACTs Registration and Deadlines, General Financial Aid Information, and other important information.  All juniors and their parents should plan to attend. 

Western Wayne Students Place at NEPA Girls STEM Competition

Western Wayne elementary students placed well in their respective competitions at the 2023 Girls STEM Competition held at Valley View High School on Saturday, April 15. RDW 5th graders, Maria Shemanski (5), Skylar Horst (5), Hailey McCollum-Fitzpatrick (5):  placed 3rdoverall in the 4-6th grade age group. In addition, for our RDW students,  Rachel Enslin (4) and Makayla Franckowiak (5):  placed 5th overall in the 4-6th grade age group. Also, Evergreen Elementary 4th graders, Mia Padula (4), Taylor Brown (4), and Molly Gifford (4):  placed 1st overall in the 4-6th grade age group in the Computer Programming  event.

The fourth grade students competed in four total events:  Programming using Scratch; Mathematics solving problems and puzzle;, Science where they made their own lip-gloss with a Makeup Chemist; and engineering where they had to design, build, and test a vehicle, device and ramp to achieve a common goal.  There were 1st place prizes in each of the four categories awarded, and there were overall places 1st through 5th for combined scores from all four events.

Finally, WWMS current 6th grader Reyna Weaver has been selected to attend the Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge this summer before her 7th grade year.  She participated in this event when she was in fifth grade and really enjoyed applying her knowledge of science.

Established in 1990, the Appalachian STEM Academy at Oak Ridge is a residential, hands-on learning experience for Appalachia’s middle and high school students, as well as high school teachers in STEM-related fields. Hosted by Oak Ridge Associated Universities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, this program is a gateway to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in the Appalachian Region. 

All participants work with award-winning scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, one of the largest U.S. Department of Energy research facilities in the United States. High school and middle school students conduct guided group science, math, and computer science technology research projects, while high school teachers work with science practitioners to develop STEM-related curriculum. The program culminates in a graduation ceremony where participants showcase their work.

Western Wayne Middle Schooler Reyna Weaver is very excited to be offered the opportunity to participate in this experience.

“I really enjoy working on STEM related projects and am excited to be offered the chance to participate in this event,” Reyna said.

Western Wayne Scholastic Team Excels

The Western Wayne  Scholastic Team performed very well this school year.  They  defeated Valley View at a Scholastic Scrimmage hosted by WVIA by a score of 245-110.   Team members are: Kylie Merring, Evan Peirce, Alex Chapman, Emily Brophy, and Bernie Roedel.  From left, in both photos:  Emily Brophy, Kylie Merring, Alex Chapman, and Evan Peirce.

Gifted program at Robert D. Wilson Elementary studied volcanoes!

Students in the Gifted program at Robert D. Wilson Elementary studied volcanoes! Avrianna O’Malley and Brinley Jenkins studied the various parts of volcanoes, how volcanoes are formed and how they erupt. They learned about the distinctions between active, dormant and extinct volcanoes, and between lava and magma. The girls then applied this knowledge to building their own functional model volcanoes. They each prepared a presentation to share their research with their respective regular education classroom. Their classmates enjoyed learning about volcanoes, and they especially enjoyed the volcanic eruptions!

Calling All WWHS Alumni Artists

In celebrating Western Wayne High School’s 50th anniversary, the Art Department is excited to invite WWHS alumni to join us in exhibiting their artwork at our Annual Art Exhibit on Saturday, May 13, 2023, from 1-3 p.m. We welcome WWHS graduates to drop off one piece of artwork to the high school office by May 1, 2023. Your favorite piece may have been created while you were a student at WW or after graduation! Please include the following: Your name (first, maiden, last), your year of graduation from WWHS, artwork title, and medium. The entry form is included with this information for your convenience. Also, a phone number for contact purposes is required. Please have artwork matted and we prefer no framed pieces with glass. If you have any questions, please contact Justin Hayden at jhayden2@joneser-admin

Fill out this form and please attach to your artwork when you deliver it to the high school.

Calling All Artists

Lafayette College, DeSales University, & Moravian University Trip

On April 13, 2023, Western Wayne sophomores and juniors took a trip to the Lehigh Valley to tour colleges. Students were able to see Lafayette College, DeSales University, and Moravian University. Topics included admissions, financial aid, housing, athletics, activities and tours of the facilities.