Girls Lead Club Members Raise Awareness for Women’s Rights at Western Wayne High School


It is statistically shown that women make about 76 cents per every dollar that a man makes.  This fact was one of the many statistics, about the struggles women face in society, that members of the Girls Lead club at Western Wayne High School shared with fellow students during a recent event at school.

Marianne Morgan, English teacher, decided to start the club last year as a result of discussions she had with her college-age daughter about a class her daughter was taking on women and economics.  This inspired Morgan to help young women at Western Wayne raise awareness about women’s rights.

She began by sharing the idea with students she thought would want to join the cause and the organization grew from there.  In the club’s two year history, one male student has joined.  Morgan and the other members feel very open to any Western Wayne student taking part in the organization.

This year the group consists of ten members.  Officers are Mallory Jablon, president; Julianna Cruz, vice president, Jenae Martinkovitch, treasurer; Sam Pritzlaff, public relations; Gabby McFey, art director; and members, Ty Alpaugh, Zoe Dilatush, Amanda Herald, Lauren Loscig, and Kayla Fitzpatrick.

An event the members did in the first half of the year involved them spreading awareness about the importance of feminism.  The club had a table outside of the cafeteria where interested students would come over and read a handout with some facts about why feminism is important.  Then if they wanted to participate further they wrote their own reasons for why feminism is important on an index card.  The club members then made a display of the index cards.  Students who participated received a free tote bag.  Each contained a Girls Lead pencil, a flyer about some women with notable accomplishments, and a card stamped with an empowering message such as “She believed she could, so she did!” with a Lifesaver attached and the handwritten message, “You can be your own lifesaver!”.

Pictured are members of the Girls Lead club in front of the display about feminism which was created at their tote bag give away event.  From left: Amanda Herald; Mallory Jablon, president; Sam Pritzlaff, public relations; Ty Alpaugh; Jenae Martinkovitch, treasurer; and Zoe Dilatush.


Western Wayne High School Students Participate in PMEA District 9 Band Festival


Western Wayne High School students recently participated in the PMEA District 9 Band Festival. From left: Elaine Ort, Western Wayne Band director; John Kear, Ellie Motichka, Korianna Burgerhoff, and Molly Nagle.  Pictured behind row one:  Amanda Herald, Mason Coccodrilli, Keith Franc, Seth Lamberton, Samantha Davis, and Katherine Moore, all Western Wayne students who  participated in the event.  The following Western Wayne students will move on to Region Band which will be held this year at Central Columbia High School from March 23-25 with a concert open to the public on Saturday, March 25 at 1 p.m. at Central Columbia.  The students who placed include:  Katherine Moore, first place on Oboe 2; John Kear, third place on Clarinet 2; Korianna Burgerhoff fifth place on Clarinet 3; Molly Nagle second place on Trombone 2; and Mason Coccodrilli, second place on Percussion.  Ellie Motichka, Seth Lamberton, Amanda Herold, and Samantha Davis are all alternates.

WW Middle School Students of the Month


From Left:  Ms. Elizabeth Watson, Assistant Principal, Anna Mangieri, Grade 6, Richie Reed, Grade 7, Maggie Millon, Grade 8, Mrs. Kristen Donohue, Principal.

Western Wayne High School Fashion Design and Technology Team Places Fifth at TSA Region 9 Leadership Conference

Western Wayne Middle and High School students participated in the Technology Student Association Region 9 Leadership Conference that was held on Saturday, February 4, at Stroudsburg High School. Pictured are the four seniors who made up Western Wayne’s Fashion Design and Technology team.   From left:  Gina Infante, Rachel Roberts, Emily Shaffer, and Madison Kornutiak.The team faced the task of creating clothes made of recyclable materials that would fit a person comfortably.  The girls made a top out of a Victoria’s Secret Bag, a skirt out of newspaper, and a dress from the shiny silver side of chip bags.


“It was a lot of trial and error,” Gina said.  “It was one of the hardest things we have ever done.”

Her and Rachel explained how the girls had to sometimes sew in a zig-zag pattern to work with their recycled materials.  They also described how they used electrical tape as a seam for their chip bag dress.

The girls said the process was tedious and many times they had to collaborate to produce new ideas to make their nonconventional materials fit together.

“We learned how to voice our ideas without putting down someone else’s,” Rachel explained.

The girls in the group are used to sharing ideas because they also worked together last year in the same event and went on to the national competition for their creation of garments that could be worn for the opening ceremony of an Olympic Games.

The young designers feel proud of all of the work they have done involving fashion design at Western Wayne.  They believe their hard work in developing garments for TSA competitions will benefit them in their future career paths.

Rachel explained how it will help her as a future nurse practitioner.

“I think a lot of it has to do with last-minute thinking in the moment,” she said.  “I’m much more calm in high-pressure situations now.  I can think of things without panicking.”


Pictured are the garments the Western Wayne High School Fashion Design and Technology Team created for the TSA Region 9 Leadership Conference. They created a dress made of the shiny silver side of chip bags, a top from a Victoria’s Secret bag, and a skirt from newspaper.



Western High School students participated in the Technology Student Association Region 9 Leadership Conference

Western Wayne Middle and High School students participated in the Technology Student Association Region 9 Leadership Conference that was held on Saturday, February 4, at Stroudsburg High School.

Fourteen Western Wayne High School students competed in a variety of events.  Of those who participated, seven qualified for the state competition which will be held from April 19 through April 22 at the Seven Springs Resort in Seven Springs, PA.  Pictured are members of the Scientific Visualization team that placed third at regionals. From left: Rachel Butler, R. J. Clemens, Journey Sosa, Vaeda Pontosky, and Maya Black.  Students who will also move on to states are Spencer Smith, who placed sixth in the Technology Bowl, and Olivia Troiano, who placed seventh in the Extemporaneous Speech competition.


Western Wayne Middle School Students Participate in Student Technology Association Region 9 Conference

Students from Western Wayne Middle and High Schools competed in the Technology Student Association Region 9 Leadership Conference on Saturday, February 4, at Stroudsburg High School. Pictured are the middle school students who participated. First row, from left: Haley Estus, Julia Lamberton, Caydence Faatz, Paige Moore, Justin Olson, and Aidan Donnini. Second row, from left: Courtney Petrilak, Lena Piccolino, Emma Pontosky, Brett Schane, and Ivan Knecht.


Third row, from left: Alexandra Butler, Rachel Tuman, Alexandria Bien-Aime, Morgan Coccodrilli, and Ryan Vinton. Fourth row, from left, Ava Compton, Jenna Eldred, Adelaide Treibley, and Jaden Gregory.  Nineteen of the middle schoolers who participated will move on to the state competition which will be held from April 19 through April 22 at the Seven Springs Resort in Seven Springs, PA.. The results are as follows: Haley Estus, first place for Forensic Technology; Adelaide Treibley, fourth place for Career Prep; Rachel Tuman, second place for Career Prep; Adelaide Treibley and Ava Compton second place for Environmental Engineering; Alexandria Bien-Aime first place for PA Snapshot; Ryan Vinton, Morgan Coccodrilli, and Brett Schane, third place for Inventions & Innovations; Ivan Knecht, Aidan Donnini, Jaden Gregory, and Justin Olson, fifth place for Junior Solar Spring; Rachel Tuman, fourth place for Technology Bowl; Haley Estus, Julia Lamberton, and Caydence Faatz, fourth place for Leadership Strategies; Paige Moore and Emma Pontosky, third place for Children’s Story; Ava Compton and Jenna Eldred, fourth place for Medical Technology; Lena Piccolino, Julia Lamberton, and Courtney Petrilak, second place for Medical Technology.

RDW Kindness Club are busy spreading kindness!

Students in the RDW Kindness Club are busy spreading kindness! A new group of students recently joined (Sean Bosshard, Emily Dickson, Carter Mistishin, Allie Pauler, and Cianna Tyler) and got right to work with a new project. They wrote inspirational messages on post-it notes and secretly put them on the lockers of fourth grade students while they were away at recess. They left a note for fourth grade encouraging them to do something kind for third grade, who in turn will do something kind for second grade and so on. Carter Mistishin noted: “We want this to reach all students and make the younger students feel like there is someone encouraging them.”

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Western Wayne High School Band Students Participate in PMEA District 9 Orchestra Festival



This past Thursday, January 26, through Saturday, January 28, two Western Wayne High School Band students participated in PMEA’s District 9 Orchestra Festival held at Elk Lake High School.  Mason Coccodrilli, junior, auditioned on drums but will not move on to Region Orchestra. Katherine Moore, sophomore, auditioned on the oboe and placed second of four other students auditioning from local schools. She will be one of two from this competition moving on to Region Orchestra which will be held at Bangor Area High School. The event will take place from Wednesday, March 8, through Saturday, March 11, at Bangor Area High School with a concert held the evening of Saturday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m. at the M. Craig Paine Performing Arts Theater at Bangor Area High School which is open to the public. From left: Mason Coccodrilli; Mrs. Elaine Ort, Western Wayne Band Director; and Katherine Moore.

WW High School’s Early Childhood Education course have unique opportunity!

Students involved in Western Wayne High School’s Early Childhood Education course have the unique opportunity of observing elementary classrooms at the district’s Evergreen elementary school throughout the school year on a monthly basis. Students must take two prerequisite courses before Early Childhood Education which include: Family Living and Child Development. The Early Childhood Education course has been in existence at Western Wayne for the past five years.  Students receive a participation grade for each observation after they discuss their classroom experiences with their peers and teacher.  Along with doing other projects and lesson plans throughout the year, the students for a culminating end of year project use the knowledge they gain from their work at Evergreen to create, organize, and manage a two-day daycare for three to five-year-olds that is held at Western Wayne High School.  Here students are pictured with a child development theorist mural they created as a part of the course that is on display in the Western Wayne High School.  From left: Mr. Jim Kobeski, family & consumer science teacher; Mariah Lombardi, senior; Margaret  Johannes, senior; Sarah Johnson, junior; Rebecca Tomczyk, junior; and Breanna Fenwick, junior.


PMEA District Chorus Festival – WWHS Students!

Western Wayne High School Music students participated in the PMEA District Chorus Festival held on Thursday, Jan. 12 and Friday, Jan. 13 at Marywood University. Of the six Western Wayne students who competed, four will move on to Region Chrous which will be held from Wednesday, Feb. 22 through Friday, Feb. 24 at Hughesville Area High School. The students moving on include: Dominic Corma, second place, vocal part, tenor 1; Julianna Cruz, 4th place, vocal part, soprano 2; Samantha Pritzlaff, 6th place, vocal part, soprano 2; and Brady McElheny, 6th place, vocal part, bass 1. Ellie Motichka placed 11th in the vocal part, alto 1, and will serve as the first alternate. R.J. Clemens placed 14th in the vocal part for Bass 1. From left: Cruz, McElheny, Pritzlaff, Corma, Motichka, and Clemens.
