K-12 students in all Wayne County schools are invited to bring their artistic talents and enter the Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Prevention “Red Ribbon Week” contest. Wayne County has declared October 23-31 2023 “Red Ribbon Week”, which is a national campaign to raiseawareness and prevent drug use/abuse and violence among youth and adults. We are asking students to design a picture around this year’s theme, “Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.”
The student’s submissions will be posted anonymously on social media and voted for by the public. We will have two 1st place winners, one in grades K-5 and one in grades 6-12 whose designs will be placed on a billboard in Wayne County generously donated by Lamar Advertising. The 2nd and 3rd place winners from each age group will receive a prize as well.
Contest submissions will be accepted through November 3rd, voting will take place from November 6-10 and the winner will be announced November 13th 2023. For more information or questions please contact Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Commission at (570) 253-6022.
SUBMIT ENTRIES TO: MMcwilliams@waynecountypa.gov and DOwens@waynecountypa.gov