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  • Around the Schools / Featured News / High SchoolFebruary 14, 2025
    High School Receives 2025 ExxonMobil GrantThe Western Wayne High School received a 500 dollar 2025 ExxonMobil Educational Alliance Grant to support STEM education.  ExxonMobil and Onvo present these grants to various area schools each year.  The check was awarded to Western Wayne recently.  Western Wayne Administration and staff are excited to use these funds to better the educational experiences of their students. The District intends to use these funds to enhance students’ experiences in STEM related studies.   From left:  Mr. Paul B. Gregorski, high school principal; and Mike Kizis, Onvo District Manager. Like this:Like Loading... [...] .
  • Evergreen Elementary School / Featured News / High School / Middle School / RDW ElementaryFebruary 14, 2025
    Internet Safety Matters: Empower Yourself to Protect Your Child OnlineJesse Weinberger, former programmer, nationally recognized speaker and author of The Boogeyman Exists: And He’s in Your Child’s Back Pocket, 2nd ed., will be presenting to Parents/Guardians Only on March 26th from 6-8 PM at the Wallenpaupack Area High School Auditorium! Like this:Like Loading... [...] .
  • High School / Middle SchoolFebruary 10, 2025
    High School Student Chosen as a Winner of VIP Art ContestHigh School Picture 1 Middle School Picture 2 Winner Picture 3 Victims’ Intervention Program of Wayne & Pike Counties held their annual February Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) art contest recently and Western Wayne sophomore Elizabeth St. Louis was one of four winners who will have their art work displayed on billboards in the local community to raise awareness for this cause.  Elizabeth was the only winner from Western Wayne with other winners coming from neighboring schools of Wayne Highlands and Lehman Intermediate.  The winners also received Amazon gift cards and other prizes. Debbie Cosentino, Children’s Program Manager, Victims’ Intervention Program of Wayne & Pike Counties, explained that the artwork for the contest fit the theme of “What does respect look like in a relationship?” “The contest is allowing them to have a voice and an opportunity as a young adult to express how they experience and understand these relationships by knowing red flags early,” Cosentino explained. She also discussed how the Victims’ Intervention Program hosts a yearly program at some local high schools including Western Wayne in which they meet with students in groups to discuss healthy relationships. Cosentino was thrilled to be able to meet all of the Western Wayne students in the high school and middle school who entered the teen dating violence art contest. One such student, freshman Layla Persaud explained that her entry which had puzzle pieces on it had a symbolic meaning for teen dating awareness month. “It is about putting a relationship together on an emotional level,” she explained.  “All of the pieces come together and have a role and meaning.” Western Wayne winner of the contest Elizabeth St. Louis agrees that there are many pieces to a healthy relationship and that communication is key when putting it all together which is what she revealed in her winning art submission. “When a couple talks, they should take the communication to heart instead of letting it go in one ear and out of the other,” Elizabeth, honor roll student and wrestling team member, explained.  “Instead my picture shows how what is said should go straight to a person’s heart, because everything said in a relationship has great value.” Elizabeth, who wishes to pursue elementary education in college, was surprised and honored to receive this recognition.  She was inspired to pursue art from a young age by her mom.  She especially enjoys painting, sketching, and water color with a focus on landscapes and nature overall.   “I hope that the billboard of my artwork inspires others my age to listen in their relationships.” High School Pic One: Back row from left: Mrs. Jessica Gregorski, Family Consumer Science teacher; Khloe Mistishin, Phoebe Schmitt, Sophia Franchak, Ellyana Armstrong, Abigail Brown, Liliana Hayes, Holly Kellogg, and Mr. Paul B. Gregorski, High School Principal. Front row, from left: Morgan Malloy, Emaan Tanveer, MaKennah Holbert, Debbie Cosentino, Children’s Program Manager, VIP; Julia Hart, Lily Kieva, and Layla Persaud.  Middle School Pic Two: From left: Cayden Clever, Mrs. Devon Farley, middle school art teacher; Mackenzie Hoke, and Aubrey Hendricks. Not pictured, middle school participant:  Trinity Leonard. Winner Pic Three: From left: Debbie Cosentino, VIP; Elizabeth St. Louis, High school winner; and Mrs. Jessica Gregorski. Like this:Like Loading... [...] .
  • Around the Schools / District / Featured NewsFebruary 5, 2025
    SPECIAL NOTICE regarding the CAT PACK games.The District is aware of concerns and potential misinformation regarding CAT Pack games. To clarify, Western Wayne School District is excited that our student-athletes will once again participate in Special Olympics at Delaware Valley; an opportunity that has not happened since COVID. We acknowledge the excitement around CAT Pack games, and to increase opportunities for peer engagement, the district plans to incorporate CAT Pack activities into building-level events, such as monthly PBIS, spirit games, and field day. Funds acquired through a local grant will be used to create a memorable experience for those students who may not meet Special Olympic criteria. Additionally, the district continues to collaborate with Special Olympics to offer extracurricular activities, such as unified track and field and more recently, bocce ball. We will continue to celebrate all students in district activities throughout the year. Please contact the District Office with any questions. 1-800-321-9973 Option 5. Like this:Like Loading... [...] .
  • High School / Middle SchoolFebruary 3, 2025
    District Receives Donation from Jersey Mike’sJersey Mike’s recently made a donation to the Western Wayne School District. They held a fundraiser during their grand opening which resulted in a donation of over $3,600 to the district.  The district is very grateful to the restaurant chain for their generous donation in support of our school community. Pictured left to right: Casey Newcomer – WWMS Principal; Mike Tirko – Jersey Mike’s Regional Director; and Paul B. Gregorski II – WWHS Principal. Like this:Like Loading... [...] .


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The Cisco Networking Academy is a comprehensive curriculum, developed by Cisco Systems, which provides students with Internet and information and communication technology (ICT) skills essential in a global economy. The Cisco Academy courses deliver content and assessment, student performance tracking, hands-on labs and activities to prepare students for industry-standard certifications. Please reach out to our guidance department for more information on how your child can be part of this great program.