The following students were recognized by the Student Council as students of the month for October. Their teachers and administrators weighed in on the decisions. All of the students chosen hold a high standard of academic and personal excellence. They are true examples of the P.R.I.D.E. standards for PBIS at our school.
First, Eronique White is our selected freshman. Eronique greatly enjoys her creative writing class focussing on poetry and some short stories as favorite genres. Her work has a focus on mental health related issues.
“Writing with a focus on this theme, helps me to get out my feelings on paper,” Eronique explained. For the future, Eronique plans to study psychology in college and become a therapist.
“I see myself focussing my work to help older people and teenagers,” Eronique said. “I’ve been helped by therapists and want to help others in return.”
Next, Grady Farley is our chosen sophomore this month. Grady is an avid skier who first took the slopes with his family at about the age of five. He enjoys everything about this activity including skiing, the most challenging of courses.
In school, he is a part of Envirothon and is an honor roll student. His favorite class this year is chemistry. He aspires to have a career in dentistry.
“I enjoy my chemistry lab work most, because it is an activity that you have to teach yourself through,” he explained.
In addition, Aiden Matthews is this month’s featured junior. He is a member of the National Honor Society, FBLA, Envirothon, and Robotics Club. Also, he is highly involved in track doing both indoor and outdoor for the past four years. He competes in many events including running, jumping, and his main focus– the pole vault.
Like his classmate, Aiden also likes his chemistry class best this year.
“I like using one thing to get to another to find something final in our labs,” he explained. He is undecided on his future path but has considered pursuing a science-related field.
Finally, Lia Hartman is our senior spotlight this month. Lia is a highly involved student who is the president of the Science Club. She, also, is in Envirothon, National Honor Society, and is president of the Band. In addition, she served as a drum major for the past two years playing the flute and piccolo.
“I have learned a lot about leadership in my time at Western Wayne,” she said. “I’ve come to embrace the fact that everyone I work with is unique and to have success leading them I have to adjust to their needs. I have become a more understanding and open-minded person through being a drum major.”
Hartman will take the leadership skills she learned at Western Wayne to college next year. Her first choice school is Penn State. She wishes to study pathology and is considering concentrating in either anatomical pathology or neuropathology.
“The human body is really interesting,” she said. “I want to contribute to people’s health, and I enjoy lab work best, so pathology embodies what I see for my future.”
The Western Wayne School District congratulates these October students of the month and wishes them the best in their future endeavors. From left: Grady Farley, Aiden Matthews, Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal; Lia Hartman, and Eronique White.