The Harlem Wizards will host an event in the Western Wayne High School gym on Tuesday, April 30 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. They will wow the crowd with their basketball tricks on the court along with playing a team of Western Wayne faculty and staff. Proceeds from the event will support the Western Wayne football program. Advance ticket sales: $10 for students; $15 general admission; $25 court-side plus (online only). Court-side plus includes: meet and greet, free photo, reserve seat and $10 off a jersey—Only 60 court-side seats available. At the door: $12 students; $17 general admission. Tickets are available in all Western Wayne School offices or online at www. Harlemwizards.com
Recently Western Wayne students at Robert D. Wilson Elementary, Evergreen Elementary and the Middle and High Schools were treated to a visit from David Paul of the Harlem Wizards. He gave them a preview of the event along with teaching basketball moves to student volunteers and talking to students about showing respect for elders. All Western Wayne students, faculty, and staff from Kindergarten through 12th grade are excited for this unique event happening at their district and invite the public to come and join them for an evening of fun.