Western Wayne’s Girls on the Run coaches are excited to announce that our program is expanding to serve more students. Girls on the Run combines life skills lessons, games and discussions with physical activity. The focus is on having fun while moving and learning.
Firstly, there will be a GOTR summer camp for our Elementary students at the EverGreen campus this June! This will be followed by a Fall season of Girls on the Run for grades 3 – 5 (location TBA) and at the Middle School for grades 6 – 8. The Fall season starts in September and runs for 10 weeks. It ends with a celebratory (non-competitive) 5k at Keystone College in November.
Summer Camp will be held at EverGreen Elementary school from Monday, June 17, to Friday, June 21, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Registration opens May 6. Flyers will be sent home with students on that date with sign-up info! For more information email rfitzmorris@westernwayne.org.
The coaches would like to thank our principals, Mr. Pidgeon, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Bradley for their support for this program which has such a positive influence on our students!