Freshmen Orientation Flyer 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
6:00p.m. – 7:30p.m.
Western Wayne High School
Veterans Memorial Auditorium
Freshmen Orientation Flyer 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
6:00p.m. – 7:30p.m.
Western Wayne High School
Veterans Memorial Auditorium
Directed by: Western Wayne Head Varsity Coach Joe Romanowski and Coaching Staff
Mon. July 16th – Wed. July 18th
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
For girls entering 3rd to 8th Grade
Held at the High School Softball Field
Download registration form listed in “Athletics Documents/Policies”
The Western Wayne Middle School hosted its annual Moving-Up Ceremony for their eighth grade students headed to high school next year this past Thursday, June 21.
Eighth grade students, their teachers, administrators, and family members all attended the ceremony in the middle school gym along with their fellow 6th and 7th grade classmates and teachers.
All 8th grade students received awards in various categories for excellence or improvement in all academic and unified arts classes. In addition, students received awards for good citizenship, excellent work habits, and for a variety of high academic achievements such as making the honor roll for 11 quarters in middle school from 6th through 8th grade.
It is also a Western Wayne Middle School tradition for many years that two outstanding students, one male and one female, are recognized for their patriotism and leadership among other qualities. The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the local American Legion present these awards.
Charlene Edgerton and Eloise Fasshauer presented the Daughters of the American Revolution Award to 8th grader Madison Kammer.
Madison received the good citizenship medal from the Daughters of the American Revolution for being an outstanding student in the 8th grade class who exhibits the qualities of honor and honesty, service, courage, leadership, and patriotism.
George Shaffer presented the American Legion Award to 8th grader Morgan Coccodrilli.
Morgan received this annual award for being an outstanding student in the 8th grade class who exhibits the qualities of honor, scholarship, Americanism, leadership, and courage.
Pictured are Madison and Morgan with their respective awards.
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To finish yet another successful school year, the Western Wayne Middle School hosted its annual student vs. faculty basketball game.
All students in grades 6 through 12 attended the fun-filled event during the afternoon of Monday, June 18. Eighth grade students played in the game against some of their favorite middle school faculty, including Middle School Principal Kristen Donohue.
Middle School Assistant Principal Elizabeth Watson served as announcer and D.J. for the game and guidance counselor Matthew Fitzsimmons worked as referee.
Fitzsimmons, who always enjoys participating in the event, felt especially excited because his son eighth-grader Ashton Fitzsimmons played on the student team this year.
“I just love being on the same court with my sons. Whether I am playing, coaching, or refereeing,” Fitzsimmons, who serves as the Western Wayne Junior High Boys Basketball Coach, said. “I have coached my son for many years now and it is just so nice to see how he has progressed and what the future holds for him in his athletics.”
Eighth grader Kathy Shepherd played with Ashton on the student team. Kathy played on the Western Wayne Middle School Basketball Team this year as a member of Team A.
She really enjoyed playing the game with her classmates especially the students she does not usually play with.
“I tried my best to tell them to think positively and do what they need to do on the court,” Kathy explained about working with the other students.
Kathy, who has already begun practicing for the Western Wayne High School Basketball Team, really thought she benefited from the challenge of playing against her teachers.
“It was fun but difficult because of the height difference,” Kathy explained. “I took on the challenge by playing like I always do by looking for openings to take a shot.”
One teacher Kathy was able to to play against this year was middle school chorus teacher Sarah Calabro.
Calabro, who played basketball at the Valley View School District from third through tenth grades, loves participating in the game each year.
“My favorite part of playing this game with the students is that so many kids and teachers are able to participate,” Calabro said. “You see a different side of the students on the court.”
An eighth grade team member who felt especially glad to show another side of himself when playing was Gavin Murphy. Gavin does not play on the school’s basketball team, so he really felt that he benefited from warming up with his fellow eighth grade students who showed him some new skills like proper technique for lay-ups and jump shots.
“I liked running back and forth on the court and playing as a team with the eighth grade the best,” Gavin said.
Fitzsimmons and all faculty and administrators involved were glad students like Gavin enjoyed the game so much.
“The games are always fun and the students bring a lot of energy,” Fitzsimmons, who played basketball as a high school student at Forest City Regional under legendary coach, Julius Prezelski, explained. “I have to say that this was the closest game that I can ever remember. Also, I love the school spirit that comes out at these games.”
The Elementary Track and Field meet scheduled for today has a time change due to the weather. It is still on for today only now registration will start at 10:.00 AM and events will begin at 11:00 AM.
Students who have satisfied all school obligations (including text books, cafeteria balances, etc.) can register for a course on June 27th (8:00 to 11:00) or June 28th (9:00 to 12:00) at WESTERN WAYNE HIGH SCHOOL. A GUIDANCE RECOMMENDATION is required since all summer school students must have an average in the 55-69 range for the subject they need to make up. Any student with a grade under a 55 will not be allowed to register for summer school. Guidance recommendations are located on the Failure Notice sent out by Guidance. The cost will be $150.00 per student/per course. Checks may be made payable to the Western Wayne School District. ALL financial obligations MUST be met!
Classes will be offered from 8:00 – 10:00 and 10:00 – 12:00.
The number of classes/sections will be based on student enrollment and instructor availability.
Wildcat Football Camp 2018
Mon-Fri August 6th-10th
9:00am-12pm at WWHS Stadium
Ages 7-14
About the Wildcat Camp
The football camp is a great opportunity for young players to learn basic skills and fundamentals that are necessary for playing football. It is a mixture of work and fun. We are fortunate that several present players will help and make this camp enjoyable for the kids who attend.
Randy Wolff enters his 3rd season as the head coach of the Western Wayne Wildcats. Wolff has over 19 years coaching experience between Delaware Valley HS and Western Wayne. In his first two years at Western Wayne, Wolff has lead the Wildcats to an Eastern Conference Championship (2016) and the school’s first District 2 playoff berth in 2017.
Spring Football will run Monday, JUNE 4th through Thursday June 14th
Sessions will be held MONDAY through THURSDAY from 3 to 5:30 PM on the Football Field.
All prospective Football Players CURRENTLY enrolled in grades 6 through 11 are encouraged to attend!
“Spring Ball is a great opportunity for students who are thinking of playing football in the Fall.” – HFC, Randy Wolff
PIAA Sports Physical is not required to participate in Spring Football Practice.
Dress for practice:
Shorts, T-shirt, Football Cleats (sneakers or turf shoes ok)
C.O.A.L Foundation presents Motivational Speaker and Former Penn State Star, Lee Rubin who will speak on Leadership in Athletics and Life and The Perils of Social Media. A discussion about how to use social media safely in today’s world, with Wayne County Assistant District Attorney Deobrah Rothenberg. Friday, June 1, 6:00 PM at Western Wayne High School in the Auditorium. For more information visit www.leerubinspeaks, and C.O.A.L Foundation: Creating Outstanding Athletic Leaders.
On May 24th, Western Wayne will host a Track and Field Tri Meet against Wallenpaupack and Wayne Highlands. This is our Unified Track and Field team. The meet starts at 4PM and volunteers are needed. If interested, please email Elizabeth Bellush-Moore at
Spectators are welcome to cheer on the athletes from the stands. Please come out and show that Wildcat PRIDE!
The Special Education Department, along with the district administrators are excited and proud to host this event. We thank Mrs. La Rosa, Ms. DeNike, and Kristin Johnson who have been volunteering, for all the efforts and extra time they have provided to our students; and we thank you in advance for all those we know will step up, as we host this event.