Pictured are veterans demonstrating the proper folding of the flag with 13 folds.
As a tradition for many years, Western Wayne
administration, faculty, staff, and students joined together on Wednesday,
November 13, to celebrate veterans in the community with a special in-school event
that featured music from the high school band and chorus, wise words from a
veteran guest speaker, and this year the event had the added component of a special
presentation of the meaning of the 13 folds in the American flag.
Many local veterans attended the presentation at Western Wayne. Some of which had special connections to Western Wayne students. Marty Reingold, Vietnam veteran, attended with his wife Marsha to spend the day honoring veterans with their grandson sophomore Matt Reingold.
Marty Reingold and his wife Marsha shared the Veterans Day assembly at Western Wayne High School with their grandson. From left: Marty Reingold, Vietnam veteran; Matt Reingold, sophomore at Western Wayne; and Marsha Reingold.
explained that they have taken part in the Veterans Day assembly at Western
Wayne for the past four years.
is very proud of his papa,” Marsha explained.
“We are so happy to be here with our grandson. It is very rewarding to see the school do
things for our service men and to witness the camaraderie.”
agreed with his grandmother.
best part about today is being able to honor the veterans,” Matt
explained. “Especially my grandfather.”
veteran that felt proud to be at the event with his grandchildren was Roger
O’Brien, a United States Navy veteran. O’Brien explained that it was his first
time at the Veterans Day event at Western Wayne. However, he had heard about it from his
granddaughter Rebeccah King, who is a senior this year, and performed with the
chorus and band at the event.
O’Brien also had a number of other grandchildren at the event who have attended Western Wayne. His grandchildren Johnathan Robbins, 7th grade, and Summer Schaal, granddaughter, were with O’Brien before the presentation to welcome him to the school.
Roger O’Brien shared the Veterans Day assembly at Western Wayne High School with his grandchildren. From left: Johnathan Robbins, 7th grader at Western Wayne; Roger O’Brien, United States Navy veteran; and Summer Schaal.
“I am a
very proud grandfather,” O’Brien said.
“I promised them I would come.”
traveled to Western Wayne from New Jersey for the event, and he was happy to
discuss his time in the service with his grandchildren.
practically traveled around the world as a gunner on a cargo ship,” O’Brien
explained. “I was in Russia twice. I was shipped to the West Coast and was
headed to Okinawa, Japan, but they surrendered before we got there. We saw plenty.”
discussed how he received many honors for his military service.
“I have
a number of medals and ribbons for my time in the service which I have shown to
my grandchildren,” O’Brien explained.
O’Brien, and many other veterans processed into the auditorium to begin the
Highlights of the event include some beautifully performed patriotic pieces by the Western Wayne High School chorus and band. The veterans also were treated to a breakfast and lunch prepared by students in Mrs. Stephanie Zoppi’s culinary classes. In addition, during the assembly, a group of local veterans demonstrated and explained the meaning of the 13 folds in an American Flag when it is presented to a loved one at a military funeral service.
Students in Western Wayne’s FCCLA Club helped to greet Veterans for the event. From left: Paige Bell, Zoey Goldman, Kennedy Mistishin, Jaquelyn Morris, and Jaden Gregory.
The symbolism of each of the folds was explained in a very moving presentation. They represent a variety of meaningful parts of military service, faith in God, and faith in America. For example, the second fold signifies a belief in eternal life; the seventh fold is a tribute to our armed forces; and the final fold, when the stars are uppermost, is a tribute to our national motto, “In God We Trust.”
Pictured are veterans demonstrating the proper folding of the flag with 13 folds.
As a
closing to the assembly, the students, veterans, and faculty in attendance
heard from guest speaker Officer Robert Robbins. Officer Robbins served in the United States
Army in the 101st Airborne Division as a Light Wheel Vehicle
Mechanic at Fort Campbell Kentucky for two years. He earned the Army Achievement Medal, Good
Conduct Medal, and the Air Assault Badge.
Upon the conclusion of his active service, Officer Robbins joined the Pennsylvania National Guard and served in Alpha Co, 1st Battalion of the 109th Infantry Regiment. In this unit, he served as a Squad Leader, Vehicle Commander, was promoted to Sergeant and was awarded the General S. J. Stewart Medal for service and NCO Academy Graduate Ribbon.
Pictured is Guest Speaker Officer Robert Robbins. Officer Robbins serves as a School Resource Officer at Western Wayne since 2013.
In 1991, Officer Robbins
joined the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and served with the Security Police
Flight at Willow Grove Naval Air Station.
He was responsible for base security, Flight Operations Security, and
the protection of aircraft and missile weapons sites. He earned the Rank of Staff Sergeant.
He then attended the
Security Police Academy at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, in which he earned
the title of Honor Graduate and was awarded the Pennsylvania Commendation
Medal. Officer Robbins received an
Honorable Discharge from all three branches he served in.
Officer Robbins is a
retired Pennsylvania State Trooper, who served for 23 years and spent his
entire career in the Patrol Unit. He was
promoted to Corporal in 1999 and was responsible for nearly every facet of daily
operations in a State Police Troop. He
was stationed all over the State from Bucks County to Wayne County.
Today, Officer Robbins
serves as a School Resource Officer here at the Western Wayne School District
and has diligently done so since 2013. Robbins
is beloved by Western Wayne students and faculty alike. He has a very meaningful presence throughout
the school keeping it safe and helping to guide students.
Robbins also has the honor of being the newest
voice of the Western Wayne Wildcats at their football and basketball games
where he has taken over as announcer after the passing of Western Wayne’s beloved
veteran teacher Mr. Jim Rebar.
Robbins talked to the students, he discussed his upbringing in Honesdale where
he was one of seven children in what he described as an average family. Robbins went on to marry his high school
sweetheart and have three children. He
then explained his journey through the military. Next, Robbins told the students what the
military had done for him and how it shaped him as a person.
discovered that there were things I never thought I could be capable of doing
from my time in the military,” Robbins explained. “For example, I conquered my
fear of heights. I had to jump out of helicopters in my time in the service. My time in the military really shaped my
quoted “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and discussed how he feels it is very
meaningful to him as a veteran. He then
told the students how important it is for them to be thankful for veterans and,
if possible, for them to try to do service for the community to give back.
should live a life that we have earned from what was sacrificed for us,” he
said. “It important for us to say thank
you to veterans and to provide service to the community if we can.”
closing words were very meaningful and memorable.
bless you,” he told all in attendance.
“God bless America.”
From left are eighth graders Haley Walsh and Aurora Morris.
From left are sixth graders Magda Malcolm and Audrey Agnello.
From left are sixth graders Joey Tickner and Aedan Lampman.
From left are seventh graders Abigail Sadowski and Cedar Gilpin.
Western Wayne elementary, middle, and high school students all participated in a fall activity day at their respective buildings on Thursday, Oct. 31, as a reward for the students’ achievements and positive behavior in the first marking period as a part of the district’s PBIS initiative. Our PBIS initiative is successfully creating a positive school environment in which students are demonstrating their Wildcat PRIDE daily. From left are eighth graders Taylor Maiocco, Brooke Kellogg, and Olivia Cottell.
First quarter Western Wayne eighth grade family & consumer science students, after studying different cultures in their social studies class, voted to represent Mayan culture in a Cake-Off Competition held in late October. The Cake-Off Competition was made up of nine teams, competing against each other to be the ultimate Cake-Off winner. Mrs. Dawn Krautter is the Western Wayne Middle School family & consumer sciences teacher.
Pictured are the eighth grade winners of the Middle School Cake-Off Competition. From left: Cianna Tyler, Tyler Gottshall, Michaela Birnkrant, Emily Dickson, and Stephanie Soom.
Krautter explained that
each team created a cake that represented Mayan culture, civilization, or
contributions. In addition, the teams wrote
a descriptive paragraph explaining their representation. Cakes were judged on
eye appeal, creativity, accuracy of facts, descriptive paragraph writing, and
overall presentation.
The third place cake winner with a total of 216 points was made by Justin Eldred, Leah Fedorchak, Cayden Rose, Isis Christian, and Karina Booths. The second place cake winner with a total of 217 points was made by Taylor Maiocco, Laila Filkovsky, Eddie Belavitz, William Parry, Darrell Schramm and Adrianna Scarpati. Finally, the first place champions with a total of 229 points for their cake included Stephanie Soom, Michaela Birnkrant, Emily Dickson, Tyler Gottshall, and Cianna Tyler.
The third place cake
winners explained that astrology played a key role in the design of their cake
that has purple and blue icing and looks like the night sky in a galaxy.
“The Mayans enjoyed
studying astrology, so we decided to make that part of our cake design,” eighth
grader Karina Booths explained.
Fellow group member Isis
Christian discussed the challenges the group faced that later paid off in their
third place win.
“Leveling the cake was challenging,” Isis explained. “We also had to learn how to be cooperative with each other and be able to work with the supplies we had to make the cake.”
Pictured are the second place winners of the Western Wayne Middle School Cake-Off Competition. From left: Eddie Belavitz, Taylor Maiocco, Darrell Schramm, Adrianna Scarpati, Laila Filkovsky, and William Parry.Pictured are the third place winners of the Western Wayne Middle School Cake-Off Competition. From left: Cayden Rose, Isis Christian, Justin Eldred, Leah Fedorchak, and Karina Booths.
The second place cake
winners agree that they learned a lot about working together from their
experience in the Cake-Off Competition.
“In order to get
everything done in time, we had to learn how to do separate jobs within the
group at the same time,” eighth grader Taylor Maiocco explained.
This second place group
worked together to create a cake that looked like a temple where Mayans would
worship the Gods and bring food and other sacrifices to it to please them.
The winning Cake-Off
Competition group included a variety of different aspects of the Mayan culture
into their cake design. They had a small
temple on it made of Rice Krispie treats, a river on it with Goldfish crackers
in it to represent how the Mayans got some of their foods, and the sides of the
cake were a grayish blue color to represent the Mayan’s love of astrology.
“We wanted to
incorporate as much as we could about the Mayan lifestyle in our cake design,”
eighth grader Michaela Birnkrant explained.
All of the eighth grade students
involved in the Western Wayne Middle School Cake-Off Competition were excited
to take on this challenge and display their work for the school community. Western Wayne Middle School administration,
faculty, and staff are proud of the accomplishments of these students.
Western Wayne Middle School Administration has recognized Peyton Fox and Timmy Roberts as outstanding seventh grade students for the month of October.
Peyton loves her math class and is excited to be learning pre-algebra this year. She also enjoys her English language arts class because of the happiness she finds in reading.
“I love reading and learning new things about writing and figurative language,” Peyton explained.
When Peyton isn’t hitting the books, she can be found working on her gymnastics skills. Peyton participates in gymnastics at United Sports Academy in Dunmore. She began the sport when she was one and half years old.
“I like to practice gymnastics with my friends,” Peyton said. “My floor routine is my favorite, because I get to tumble and dance. I practice six days a week.”
Peyton’s classmate Timmy Roberts is also very dedicated to his academic studies and extra-curricular activities.
Timmy’s favorite class is English language arts.
“I like reading,” Timmy explained. “We are reading the novel Holes in class right now, and I find it very interesting.”
Timmy also enjoys working with his hands. He is looking forward to taking his industrial arts course later this school year. Last year, he really liked creating rockets in his sixth grade industrial arts class.
In addition, Timmy is a member of the Western Wayne Middle School soccer team where he plays the position of striker.
“It is nice to be around friends while playing a sport,” Timmy said. “The biggest challenge I have is shooting around defenders on the field.”
Western Wayne faculty, administration, and staff are proud of both Peyton and Timmy’s accomplishments and wish them the best with their continued efforts for success.
The National Honor
Society is conducting our annual food and toy drive for the upcoming holiday
season. Food and toy collection boxes are now in the various offices and
classrooms. Please drop off donations. Food donations go to the
Wayne County food pantry and the Ronald McDonald House. All toy donations
go to the Wayne County Christmas Bureau.
Wayne Middle School Administration has recognized Samantha Duval and Luckus
Balmer as outstanding sixth grade students for the month of October.
Samantha enjoys her library and
science classes best this year. She
loves to read especially mystery and romance books. In her science class, she likes reading and
learning about the earth. When she grows
up, Samantha would like to be a veterinarian, and, therefore, she knows she
will need to know a lot about science.
In addition, when Samantha isn’t
reading. She can be found practicing her
flute. “I’ve always loved music and love
to play the flute,” Samantha said.
In her spare time, Samantha does more
reading. Two of her current favorite
books are A Dog’s Purpose and Wonder.
As a hobby Samantha likes to make
rubber band jewelry for her family and friends.
“It makes me happy that I’m making other people happy,” Samantha
Luckus also likes to make others happy
in school by showing them respect. He
said he is working hard this year to participate in his classes especially his
math class.
When Luckus isn’t answering discussion
questions in his classes, he can be found practicing his trombone in band
“I like to play in band where I get to
work on my music with a lot of kids who are really good at their instruments,”
Luckus said.
In addition to band class, Luckus also
enjoys his technology education class.
He explained how they are working on a windmill project made of Legos. Luckus likes to do hands-on work.
In Luckus’ spare time he continues to
work on his music skills.
“I practice my trombone in my spare
time, because that way I will get better at it,” Luckus explained.
Western Wayne faculty, administration,
and staff are proud of both Samantha and Luckus’ accomplishments and wish them
the best with their continued efforts for success.
Students Attend World Language Day at The University of ScrantonMarch 7, 2025On Tuesday, March 4th, The University of Scranton held their second World Language Day in which they hosted over 100 high school students to experience lessons in Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, German, and Arabic. Some Western Wayne High School students were in attendance and loved their experience.
“It was very interesting to be immersed in so many different languages,” Kallie Wehrmann, Western Wayne senior, said. “I really loved making new friends and learning about different cultures. I am so excited to go to college next year and feel this experience makes me even more prepared for the future.”
From left: Mrs. Sara Orloski, Jack Sepelyak, Lance Hauenstein, Kaitlin Wargo, Leah Reeger, Loucy Allen, Julia Wehrmann, Katie Skirpan, Lily Kieva, Kallie Wehrmann, Chloe Gilpin, Maria Gadoua, and Mrs. Sandrowicz. [...]
High School February Students of the MonthMarch 5, 2025The following students were recognized by the Student Council as students of the month for February. Their teachers and administrators weighed in on the decisions. All of the students chosen hold a high standard of academic and personal excellence. They are true examples of the P.R.I.D.E. standards for PBIS at our school.
First, Leah Reeger is our selected freshman. Leah is an all-around excellent student who has a passion for art. In addition, she is involved in Envirothon, Student Council, and Ultimate Frisbee. One of her favorite classes is her Honors English class. She feels as though her writing is growing in strength this year, especially her poetry and literary analysis work.
She also is greatly enjoying her Introduction to Ceramics class this year.
“We are learning how to make basic items like bowls,” Leah explained. “I really like coming up with new items to create and then making them a reality through my art.”
Leah aspires to own a coffee shop with an art theme that focuses on nature.
Next, Eric McGrath is our chosen sophomore this month. Eric is an enthusiastic student who gives his best effort in all he does. His sports and activities include soccer, track, and Envirothon. His favorite class this year is English.
“I like writing best, especially fiction analysis,” he said. Eric plans to attend college after graduation with an undecided major at the moment.
In addition, Loucynthia Allen is this month’s featured junior. She is another very dedicated student who enjoys art. Her clubs and activities include Spanish Club, National Art Honor Society, and Envirothon.
Her favorite class this year is ceramics.
“I really like being in my own world when I create art,” she said.
She aspires to become a dentist or dental hygienist for her future career.
Finally, David Elias is our senior spotlight this month. David is an exceptional academic student and talented student athlete. His sports and activities include basketball, track and FBLA.
His favorite class is calculus.
“I enjoy problem solving and working with numbers,” he said.
David plans to attend a four-year university upon graduation with an undecided major.
The Western Wayne School District congratulates these February students of the month and wishes them the best in their future endeavors.
From left: Leah Reeger, Eric McGrath, Mr. Robert Black, high school assistant principal; Loucynthia Allen, and David Elias. [...]
PA State Grant UpdateMarch 5, 2025PA State Grant Information:
PHEAA has informed us that they will be not be using GrantUS to process the PA State Grant. They will be using their legacy system and expect to have initial emails to students to apply for the 2025-26 PA State Grant in April. Please be on the lookout for an email from PHEAA if you filled out your FAFSA regarding the state grant [...]
Students Win Big With Energy Efficiency!March 4, 2025A group of ninth grade students at Western Wayne High School received the Honorable Mention award in a special PPL contest.
Aidyn Graci and Mitchell Ferraro General Science, students from the high school were the Honorable Mention winners in the PPL Electric THINK! ENERGY Innovation Challenge. The contest required students to develop an interactive and hands-on presentation on energy, natural resources and environmental issues.
Science teacher Dr. Mark Nebzydoski led the challenge for Western Wayne by registering all Western Wayne High School students for free energy conservation kits, which consisted of three compact fluorescent light bulbs, a smart energy power strip, a shower timer, a faucet aerator and water-saving shower head. Each student was then asked to take the kits home, install the energy-saving equipment and survey how much energy was saved due to the use of the equipment.
“The students projects submitted were very creative and entertaining.” Nebzydoski said. “Seeing students learning about energy efficiency and applying it to the real world is the perfect model of how education should work.” “High school students are tomorrow’s homeowners, so reinforcing energy efficiency messages is important.”
The winning students’ project included a video on energy efficiency. They can be found from a link on the Western Wayne Website. https://youtu.be/EDmCGFHw4Lk Winning students each received Beats wireless earbuds. Dr. Nebzydoski received $250 for classroom supplies.
“I am proud of the student’s hard work and achievement,” Dr. Nebzydoski said.
The students really had a lot of fun making the video with the ongoing theme of “Come on, Mr. Nebz!” Throughout the clip, they kept telling their favorite teacher to be more careful about energy usage in his classroom.
Mitchell Ferraro, who of the winning students who aspires to be a social studies teacher, really liked how fun it was to make the video and tell Mr. Nebz what to do throughout it.
Fellow video creator Aidyn Graci, who aspires to study business one day be very successful, was relieved when they finished the project. “I was glad to get to the end and see our hard work pay off,” he said.
PPL Electric Utilities, in conjunction with National Energy Foundation (NEF) and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), is proud to sponsor the THINK! ENERGY with E-power educational program. There are three program offerings for various grade levels and each is designed to provide teachers and students with energy education. All program offerings are free and are correlated to Pennsylvania learning standards.
Please see contest link https://thinkenergy.org/ppl-innovation/teachers/
From left: Dr. Mark Nebzydoski, Mitchell Ferraro, and Aidyn Graci. [...]
PPL Awards Gift Certificate to Western Wayne SophomoreMarch 4, 2025PPL awarded Western Wayne sophomore student Liam O’Brien an amazon gift card as a prize for completing a survey about his usage of tools in the Innovation Kit that all Western Wayne 9th grade high school students got as a part of the PPL Think! Energy program this past fall. The students were challenged to use the items in the kit such as a smart power strip, LED bulbs, and a special shower head for water conservation, among other items. Liam, who aspires to study culinary arts or sports broadcasting in the future, and many other Western Wayne students used these items and then filled in a survey about their experiences. Liam was the lucky winner drawn at random for the Western Wayne School District. Liam said he got the most use out of the power strip from the PPL kit. He likes his science class and prioritizes helping the environment. “I think it is important to be environmentally conscientious so that plants in nature can thrive and people in general have better health,” Liam said.From left: Dr. Mark Nebzydoski and Liam O’Brien. [...]
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention
program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General.
The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize
warning signs and signals, especially within social media,
from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others
and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late.