PSAT – Tuesday, October 22nd

10th and 11th Graders Taking the PSAT:

We will host the PSAT tomorrow from 8:15 to 11:30. Students who registered for the test should arrive to their assigned testing room with a fully-charged laptop, a charger, and a calculator.

Best of luck to those test takers!

RDW’s Kindness Club creates “Kind Westie”

RDW’s Kindness Club students came up with a neat project to end the year. A spin-off of “Flat Stanley,” students created a character called “Kind Westie” who has been traveling to different classrooms. When he arrives, students read a letter from Westie which explains that he is watching to see if they do kind things for one another. When they do, they are allowed to take a picture with Westie. Since launching the project last week, the Kindness Club has received numerous pictures of Westie with kind students. They can’t wait to see how many more photos they get and are excited about the impact that his project is having.
Kindness Club members, left to right: Aaedyn Hillemann, Rachel Enslin, Jasmine Piacentino, Cami French, Aubrey Hendricks, and Jakob Vinton

Junior Information Night – May 15th – 6-7:30

On Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. the Guidance Department will be conducting Junior
Information Night in the LGI. The purpose of this evening is to inform parents/guardians about:
selecting a college/training program, college cost, the college admissions process, registration and
deadlines for the SAT/ACT, general financial aid information, Maialearning, SmartFutures, military and
job opportunities and other important information.
This time in your student’s academic career is extremely significant to their life after high school. We
strongly encourage you and your student to attend together.
If you have any questions prior to the Junior Information Night, please contact 1-800-321-9973 and ask
to speak to your student’s school counselor.