Western Wayne Select Chorus Performed at 30th Annual Generations Sing! Concert

Western Wayne’s Select Chorus, under the direction of Middle School Chorus Director Joyce Covaleski, performed at the 30th Annual Generations Sing! Concert in November. The concert opened the 75th Season for the Catholic Choral Society. This uniquely beautiful concert, featuring choirs ranging from elementary age to university students, was performed in the stunning Houlihan-McLean Center at the University of Scranton. The finale featured the five participating choirs singing moving renditions of “Bonse Aba” and “Why We Sing.”

Western Wayne Hosted Middle Grades 

In March, Middle School Band Director Maria Arneil and Middle School Chorus Director Joyce Covaleski hosted the annual Middle Grades Music and Art Festival here at Western Wayne. Middle School Chorus students who participated were (front row, L-R) Johnathon Maxwell, Sophia Johns, Hailey Bain, Jozlin Gonzalez, Kenna Steinmetz, Annalise Hapersberger, Makayla Franckowiak, Sophia Shehadi, and Haylee McCollum-Fitzpatrick. (Back row, L-R) Owen Rutkowski, Maria Shemanski, Haley Dougal, Jessalynn Carbone, Kenzie Gregory, Emilia Janusz, Rachel Erb, Gage Roberts, Nathan Peterson, and Gavin Zeiler.

Western Wayne Middle School Attends PMEA Chorus Fest

Western Wayne Middle School was represented well at the annual PMEA Chorus Fest hosted at Honesdale High School in March.

Music Department Recognized for Excellence

The Western Wayne Music Department has been recognized as a Best Community for Music Education for outstanding support of Music Education and for providing students with excellent performance opportunities.

Middle School Holds Annual 8th Grade Moving-Up Ceremony 

Sadie Booths, winner of The Daughters of the American Revolution Award, and  Kyle Matthews, winner of the American Legion Award.

At the annual 8th Grade Moving-Up Ceremony, held in the high school auditorium on Tuesday, June 4, Western Wayne Middle School Principal Mrs. Jennifer Bradley
reminded eighth grade students that the older you get the faster time passes. She encouraged students to do their best in every step they will take in high school.
“Your legacy is just as important at the beginning of an adventure as it is at the end,” Bradley said.
Mrs. Covaleski then led the 8th grade chorus in their part of the program which included them performing “Seize the Day” from the Broadway musical Newsies which further inspired the students on a day about preparing for their upcoming high school journey.
The featured event of the Moving-Up Ceremony was all 8th grade students receiving awards in various categories for excellence or improvement in all academic and unified arts classes. In addition, students received awards for good citizenship, excellent work habits, and for a variety of high academic achievements such as making the honor roll for 11 quarters in middle school from 6th through 8th grade.
It is also a Western Wayne Middle School tradition for many years that two outstanding students, one male and one female, are recognized for their patriotism and leadership among other qualities. The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the local American Legion present these awards.
The Daughters of the American Revolution Award was presented to 8th grader Sadie Booths.
Sadie received the good citizenship medal from the Daughters of the American Revolution for being an outstanding student in the 8th grade class who exhibits the qualities of honor and honesty, service, courage, leadership, and patriotism.
George Schaffer presented the American Legion Award to 8th grader Kyle Matthews.
Kyle received this annual award for being an outstanding student in the 8th grade class who exhibits the qualities of honor, scholarship, Americanism, leadership, and courage.
Both Sadie and Kyle felt extremely honored to receive their respective awards. They also both, at first, felt shocked to learn the Daughters of the American Revolution and the American Legion had chosen them for these high honors.
Sadie, an honor roll student, is a hard-working young woman who especially loves to study math and participates in track, basketball, and soccer at Western Wayne.
She aspires to be an Algebra teacher one day.
“It is my favorite subject, and I want to be like the math teachers I have had in school.”
Fellow classmate Kyle Matthews is also a hard-working individual and honor roll student. He enjoys studying math the most as well. Kyle is a member of the track team and aspires to be an engineer when he grows up.
“I am most looking forward to experiencing new classes and learning new things next year,” Kyle said.
To close the ceremony, students were treated to a beautiful slideshow of memories from their childhood, time in middle school, and special times spent with their families.
Western Wayne faculty, administration, and staff wish the class of 2028 the best on their new journey to the high school.

Western Wayne Hosts Annual Prom Night Festivities

Western Wayne High School’s Junior Class hosted this year’s Junior/Senior prom, “Casino Night,” on Saturday, May 18, at the Hotel Anthracite in Carbondale. Approximately 240 students, faculty, and security were in attendance. Principal Mr. Paul B. Gregorski II and Vice Principal Mr. Robert Black Jr. announced the Prom Court winners after students enjoyed a meal and dancing. Students nominated senior Carter Mistishin as Prom King and senior Taylor Maiocco as Prom Queen as well as juniors Lilly Maros and Raegan Palmer as the evening’s Junior Attendants and Izzy Azzato and Emily Lescinski as the Senior Attendants.

Here’s what’s buzzin in 1st grade

Here’s what’s buzzin in 1st grade…bees…literally bees!

We were visited by beekeeper Dr. James Tickner.  After doing our research and informational writing on bees this quarter, we learned a lot more and were also reminded that ANYONE can be a beekeeper!

High School Receives 2024 ExxonMobil Grant

The Western Wayne High School received a 500 dollar 2024 ExxonMobil Educational Alliance Grant to support STEM education. ExxonMobil and Onvo present these grants to various area schools each year. The check was awarded to Western Wayne recently. Western Wayne Administration and staff are excited to use these funds to better the educational experiences of their students. The District intends to use these funds to enhance students’ experiences in STEM related studies especially in their science and math departments.

Wellness Survey for Community Members

Western Wayne School District recognizes that student wellness and proper nutrition are related to students’ physical well-being, growth, development, and readiness to learn. We believe in a school environment that promotes student wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education and promotion, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning experience. Federal regulations require local education agencies (LEAs) participating in the National School Lunch Program to complete an assessment of their local school wellness policy at least once every three years and make the results available to the public. 

Community members are encouraged to complete a wellness survey at https://forms.gle/6pTYNrdTNQ9t2JeN6. The survey closes on June 30, 2024.

If a student or district employee did not receive the Wellness Survey link, please email Dr. Cynthia LaRosa at clarosa@westernwayne.org.

EverGreen PTA Reflections Awards

The PTA Reflections Ceremony was held May 24, 2024, at EverGreen for students. This year, the theme was “I am hopeful because…” Students were selected at the local (county) level and moves on to the regional level and then the state level.  


Ella Sepelyak

Visual Arts

Noah Courtright

Daisy Mae VanGorden

Alexis Freeman

Giavanna Leggio

Juliana DeCandis

Ella Sepelyak


Cole Schuman

Waylon Ronk

Mason Metschulat

Aiden Hartley

Madysen Pfister

Maddelyn Stanton

Molly Gifford

Award of Excellence in Literature

Jackson Effenberger

Avery Griffin

Raylynn Burns