Safe2Say Anonymous Reporting System

Please review the information regarding the Safe2Say anonymous reporting system that the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General released earlier this week.  This program is mandated under PA state law / Act 44; and teaches students, teachers, and administrators how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and “Say Something” to a trusted adult, or use its anonymous reporting system. You can access the website at; or you can access the information on our website under the School Safety tab (  Also, students and staff in grades 6 through 12 will receive training on the program within the next several weeks.  As always, please contact us with any questions.

Federal Employee – Free or Reduced Price Meal Info


Dear Western Wayne Families,

Please be aware that your student is eligible to receive temporary free or reduced price meals if you are a federal employee affected by the government shutdown.

A meal application can be completed and submitted to the food service department online at or complete the attached application. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact me at 1-800-321-WWSD option 1 or email



Maria Liptak

Food Service Director

Registered Dietician

SAT Prep Class for 11th Graders – FREE @WWHS


Starting on February 6th, Western Wayne High School, along with Educational Opportunities Centers (EOC), will be offering a FREE SAT Prep class.  The four sessions will run from 3:00 to 5:00 in the LGI.  This prep class will prepare students for the March SAT exam.  Fee Waivers will be available for the SAT exam by signing up.  Seating is limited and must be done in the Guidance Department by January 28th.  Please see Mr. Fitzsimmons with any questions or email him at  (See Attachment)

SAT Preparation Classes.westernwayne.2019

Western Wayne Art Students Recognized as Artists of the Month

Creative pieces in charcoal, colored pencil, pen and ink and many other mediums can be admired in art galleries across the globe or in nearby art classrooms at Western Wayne High School.

Many Western Wayne High School artists have been recognized as 2019 Artists of the Month by the Scranton Times.  The Times chooses students for this honor from artwork entries of students across Northeast PA.

One such student who is being honored as the January artist of the month is senior Maya Black.

She created a colored pencil, pen and ink, and water color piece called “Luna Moths”.

For Maya’s senior portfolio she is focusing on transitioning pen and ink to colored pencil.

“I like how I feel when a pieces comes out really nice,” Maya explained of her artwork.  “I like to inspire people through my artwork.

Maya will graduate this year and feels she has learned patience through her art classes at Western Wayne.  She wishes to study broadcast journalism in college.

In addition, fellow senior Miriam Sheehan is being honored for the month of February.

She named her charcoal picture entitled “Merry Old Soul” as one of the pieces she most enjoys.  Miriam explained how she used multiple reference pictures for it.

“I like working in charcoal because it goes quickly and comes out how I like it,” she discussed.

Along with studio art, Miriam also enjoys writing.  She has decided to combine both of her talents for her senior project.  All Western Wayne seniors have to complete a project that causes them to work in the community in some way before graduation.

For her project, Miriam is painting portraits of residents at Wayne Woodlands in acrylic.  Along with doing the artwork, she is interviewing them and planning to write about their lives in creative ways as an additional part of her project.

“I am really enjoying my time working on this project and can’t wait to see the final outcome,” Miriam said.

Another senior Melody Gershey is proud of the work her friend and classmate is doing in the community with her art.  Melody aspires to attend Marywood University in the future and work to find ways to share her art more in the local community in the future.

Melody was recognized as the artist for September.

She is especially fond of an oil painting she created called “Southward Bound.”  Melody says she was inspired by artist Bob Ross to make it.

“This was my first time creating an oil painting,” Melody explained.  “It is a messy medium to work in and it takes time for some parts to dry and the colors to blend.  In the end, I was happy with it.”

Melody enjoyed the challenge of working with oil, but is concentrating on creating a senior portfolio for Western Wayne’s Spring Art Show that is done using acrylic.

Junior art student Kaitlyn McDonald, who was recognized for the month of August, also likes a challenge when working with her art.  She described how in creating her piece “Lilac” that she pushed herself to create contrast.

“I have learned patience the most from my art classes at Western Wayne,” Kaitlyn said.  “I know now that I shouldn’t put myself down because my artwork will turn out good in the end.”

Fellow junior art student Shailyn Pugh, who is being recognized for the month of May, also likes to make complex pieces.  She especially enjoyed her piece titled “Johnny Depp”.  Shailyn chose to represent one of her favorite actors in her art in the medium of pen and ink.  She described the rigor of the time it took for her to create so many shadows in it.

“Making art is relaxing and makes me feel good when I finish something I have been working on,” Shailyn said.  “I like to challenge myself to make any portrait I create as realistic as possible.”

Western Wayne Administration and staff are very proud of the many talented artists in the high school who have been recognized as Artists of the Month. The school community and community at large are all invited to see the student artists’ efforts in this year’s Spring art show this May at the Western Wayne High School gym.



JANUARY 11, 2019
7PM – 9PM


Come support Western Wayne Drama by attending a marvelous show full of talent – singing, dancing, acting, poetry, and more!
Western Wayne’s Newly Renovated
Veterans Memorial Auditorium at Western Wayne High School!

Western Wayne Students Excel at FBLA Regional Leadership Conference

Western Wayne FBLA once again had a great showing at the FBLA Regional Leadership Conference with 59 members placing in the top five.  Of those members placing in the top five, 46 are eligible to attend the State Leadership Conference in Hershey this April.  Also, WW FBLA took 1st place in Outstanding Chapter in Region 22. In addition, Ezra Tetreault was elected 2019-2020 Region 22 President.  From left, Western Wayne students, Austin Boguski, Sydney Peet, and Ezra Tetreault.

The following Western Wayne students participated in the recent FBLA Regional Leadership Conference in the Intro to Parliamentary Procedure event.  From left:  Lena Piccolino (second place), Rachel Hoch (third place), and Kaeli Romanowski (first place).

The following Western Wayne students participated in the recent FBLA Regional Leadership Conference in the Management Decision Making Team event.  Pictured is the first place team consisting of Ed Sledzinski and Parker Howell.

The following Western Wayne students participated in the recent FBLA Regional Leadership Conference in the Parliamentary Procedure Event.  From left are members of the first place team: Sydney Peet, Jillian Dudley, Allison Mattern, and Abby Gogolski.


FBLA Regional Leadership Conference Results
Accounting I First Place Madison Kapschull*
Adverting Fourth Place Annie Skirpin*
Agribusiness Third Place Gavin Lamberton*
Banking and Financial Systems Fifth Place Lou Azzato

Alex Iovacchini

Matthew Reingold

Broadcast Journalism First Place Jamie Bryan*

Sydney Hutchinson*

Courtney Petrilak*

Business Communications Fourth Place Megan Herlihy*
Computer Applications Second Place Emily Barone*
Emerging Business Issues First Place Evan Coons*

Ezra Tetreault*

Entrepreneurship First Place Austin Boguski*

Brandon Garnett*

Derek Mason*

  Second Place Landon Firmstone*

Jack McAllister*

Global Business Fourth Place Miriam Sheehan*

Cosette Talarico*

  Fifth Place Zane Janiszewski

Carson Rush

Timmy Smith

Health Care Administration Fifth Place Lucas Scott
Intro to Business Fifth Place Brett Schane
Intro to Business Communication Fourth Place Audrey Lawlor*
Intro to Business Presentation First Place Matt Leslie*

Lenny Maiocco*

Madison McGlone*

Intro to Business Procedures Third Place Hannah Elbert*
  Fourth Place Maggie Millon*
Intro to Public Speaking Third Place Morgan Cocodrilli
Introduction to FBLA Third Place Gabby Tetreault*
  Fourth Place Ashton Fitsimmons*
  Fifth Place Rachel Tuman
Intro to Financial Math Fourth Place Caleb Hoch*
Intro to Parliamentary Procedure First Place Kaeli Romanowski*
  Second Place Lena Piccolino*
  Third Place Rachel Hoch*
Job Interview First Place Grace Hollister*
Management Decision Making First Place Parker Howell*

Edward Sledzinski*

Marketing Third Place Abby Black*

Desiree Mecca*

Angelia Reggie*

Parliamentary Procedure First Place Darlene Black*

Jill Dudley*

Abby Gogolski*

Allison Mattern*

Sydney Peet*

Personal Finance Third Place Jake Kunz*
Public Speaking First Place Gabe Pieros*
  Second Place Kate Mattern*
Sales Presentation First Place Lily Visceglia*
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Fifth Place Tommy Gogolski

Kiel Rizzi

Caden Slifko

Word Processing First Place Jessica Madden*
  Third Place Jake Brodowski*
Outstanding Chapter First Place
2019-2020 Region 22 President Ezra Teterault

*Eligible to compete at the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Hershey.

Western Wayne Hosts Blood Drive in Honor of Beloved Teacher

“Wildcats first down!” was announced for many years at Western Wayne home football games by the late Mr. James Rebar, beloved English teacher in the high school, who also served as the announcer for Wildcat football games.  Rebar lost a battle with cancer this past summer and his students decided to honor him with a blood drive on Friday, November 30 hosted at the high school.

Senior Taylor Smith ran this event as her senior project.  Western Wayne seniors complete service-based projects as a step towards their graduation.  Taylor, who is interested in studying nursing next year, says she chose to dedicate the drive to Rebar after learning about event planning for these types of drives at a training hosted by the American Red Cross.

Taylor said she knew Rebar had lost blood due to his illness and thought his family would be pleased that her and other Western Wayne students would like to help others fight illnesses like Rebar did.  Many of Rebar’s students admired and respected him.

“He was just awesome,” Taylor said.  “He made everyone laugh all of the time, but he could also be strict.  Mr. Rebar made sure all of his students were prepared for adulthood.”

Taylor explained how she would go to Rebar for extra help for one of the honors courses she was taking.  She explained how welcoming he was to her and how much he wanted to help her succeed.  In turn, Taylor, who is president of the Western Wayne CATS Club, a service project based group, is so glad that her blood drive for Rebar was successful.

“We had about thirty students and teachers donate,” Taylor explained.  “It’s awesome that we got to give back like that.”

Fellow senior Amber Antidormi agrees.  Amber plans to major in psychology next year.

“I always love helping people,” Amber explained.  “And this event gave me the opportunity to do just that.”

Another CATS club member sophomore Keyly Robinson also used this event as a chance to honor Rebar, help others, and get experience for her future career.

“I like events like this because I plan on going into the medical field to be a surgeon,” Keyly explained.

Rebar’s mother Pat Rebar and his sister Suzanne Rebar both attended the drive and felt glad that students like Keyly could use this event in Mr. Rebar’s honor to help them gain experience for future careers in helping others.

“I was surprised to see that the event had such a good outcome,” Pat said.  “It was so nice to see the kids working together in Jim’s honor and gaining a good experience in the process.”