The February edition of Scholarships & Career Opportunities is now available. All grades should read this document to get information on college, careers, important dates, SAT/ACT exams and of course…scholarships!
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The February edition of Scholarships & Career Opportunities is now available. All grades should read this document to get information on college, careers, important dates, SAT/ACT exams and of course…scholarships!
Click here:
The Western Wayne Middle School, Western Wayne High School, and Liberty Middle School Bands will join together on Tuesday, February 6, to participate in a one-of-a-kind clinic and exhibition concert sponsored by the KHS America Academic Alliance.
After working tirelessly on the festival music in their own schools, band students from the two districts will meet for the first time as a band early in the morning and spend the day getting to know one another through music. Under the baton of esteemed clinician Dr. Peter L. Boonshaft, the students will have the opportunity to collaborate and learn festival rehearsal techniques to take back to their schools.
Dr. Boonshaft, Director of Education for KHS America, is the author of the critically acclaimed best-selling books Teaching Music with Passion, Teaching Music with Purpose, and Teaching Music with Promise. He was honored by the National Association for Music Education and Music For All as the first recipient of the “George M. Parks Award for Leadership in Music Education.” Dr. Boonshaft was selected for the Center for Scholarly Research and Academic Excellence at Hofstra University in Hempsted, NY, where is Professor Emeritus of Music.
The culminating exhibition concert is free and open to the public. The concert begins at 4:00 pm at Western Wayne High School Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Doors open at 3:30 pm.
For more information on KHS America and the Academic Alliance, visit www.academicalliance.org
The Kindness Club at RDW recently performed a play for students in grades K-2. The play was called A Day in the Life of an RDW Student and included five different scenarios that a typical student might encounter. In each scene, one or more of the characters chose to demonstrate kindness in a challenging situation. The club members had questions for students to discuss between acts. At the conclusion of the play, Kindness Club members encouraged students to practice acts of kindness throughout their day and to consider joining the Kindness Club when they are in fifth grade.
Members, left to right from first photo: Ryan Nixon, Paxton Shiner-Lewis, Caden Reeger, Saga Bryden, Lillian Sorrentino, and Kelly Talarico
Guiding Good Choices for 4th-6th grade parents and caregivers. Attend this
FREE VIRTUAL five-session program to help your youth navigate the
pressures and expectations of life during their teen years to succeed and
achieve a brighter future.
Parents and caregivers can enhance their parenting skills by learning how to:
Youth attend session 4 with their parents and caregivers.
The program will be held on five Tuesdays: February 6, 13, 20, 27 and March 6
from 6 to 8 PM via Zoom.
For more information or to register, e-mail or call Karen Thomas at kat1@psu.edu
or 570-878-2385
On January 12th, Jay Amore from the Universal Technical Institute met with fourth and fifth grade students at RDW. Mr. Amore shared the different training programs that are offered at UTI and why many of these are in high-demand. He discussed the cost of technical school versus a traditional college and explained the difference between these two endeavors. He also shared his personal career journey to demonstrate the potential for success and happiness when pursuing a career in the trades.
Mr. Amore’s engaging presentation helped to expand students’ understanding of their post-secondary options, which is an important goal of the K-12 College and Career Readiness program here at Western Wayne.
Curriculum Night will be held Wednesday, January 24, 2024, from 6:00 to 7:30. Administration, Guidance and the Department Heads will go over the curriculum, graduation requirements and the scheduling process.
The Western Wayne High School CATS club visited Wayne Woodlands Manor in Waymart on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, to spread Christmas cheer. They visited with all the residents and gave out a gift to each person. The residents and the students had a wonderful time talking to each other, singing, and spreading holiday spirit. Bottom row: Lizzie Washine. Middle row, from left: Lillian Bronson, Grace Lidy, and MaKennah Holbert.
The January edition of Scholarships & Career Opportunities is now available. All grades should read this document to get information on college, careers, important dates, SAT/ACT exams and of course…scholarships!
Click here:
The PTA at EverGreen Elementary purchased ornaments for the 5th grade students so they can decorate the Christmas tree at EverGreen. Students had the opportunity to decorate the pawprint during their art classes. The fifth grade classes enjoyed the opportunity to display their artistic and creative abilities to kick off the holiday season while having their ornaments on display in the school. Fifth grade students are pictured with PTA Representatives around the decorated tree; from left to right: Bryleigh Sickler, Francine Harkins (PTA President), Isabella Conroy, Aubrianna Yannone, Erica Musgrave (PTA Treasurer), and Lyla Price.
“ Such a joyful time at the RDW Elementary School! Thank you to the RDW PTA for putting on a week long Santa shop and gifting books and the love of reading to all of our RDW students! We even had a very special visit from Santa and Mrs. Clause! “ All of the students LOVED the Christmas Fun and Spirit!”