In an effort to minimize travel for families, we will no longer serve meals five days per week. However, families will still receive meals for all five days. Starting Monday April 6, breakfast and lunch meals will be provided at RDW and Evergreen Elementary Schools from 11:00 am -12:30 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
Multiple meals will be distributed on Tuesdays and Thursdays to cover the next day.
We encourage families to continue to be proactive in reducing the risk of Coronavirus by not congregating at the pickup site once meals have been distributed. Please continue to wash your hands often and stay home if you are sick.

Western Wayne Students Learning Through STEAM

Designing balloons worthy for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and constructing a house that could withstand the big bad wolf’s huffing and puffing are just  two applications of STEAM that Western Wayne teachers tested out in their classrooms this year.

          Elizabeth Watson, Western Wayne principal of STEAM, explained how STEAM is working at the district this year.  Watson was recently selected STEAM Ambassador for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

          “I have been working in the classrooms with teachers and designing lessons to help them come up with other ideas on their own,” Watson said.  “It all boils down to project-based learning.”

          Western Wayne fifth grade teacher Joanne Connolly did a STEAM project with her students at Evergreen Elementary that was a week-long problem-solving activity called “Balloons Over Broadway.”

          Connolly described the event.  “Due to a helium shortage, the students were then tasked with engineering a new way to keep the balloons afloat without helium,” she said.  “We incorporated science by learning about the properties of helium and its importance in many applications other than balloons.  Students learned that helium is used in the cooling process for the magnets in an MRI machine, for example.”

          Connolly gave more information about the week-long event.  “Students then worked in small groups to engineer a design to keep their balloon afloat,” she said.  “Next, a parade was held, and students then voted for the most creative balloon and the most functional design.”

          Connolly and her students were both very excited about the results of their STEAM project.

          “As a teacher it is exciting to watch the students problem-solve and work collaboratively for a common goal,” she explained.  “The incorporation of STEAM into our classrooms has sparked a new excitement for learning, tremendous conversations, and more students getting to share their unique talents.”

          Watson agrees that the STEAM lessons this year are really engaging the students.

          “Kids are loving the things we are doing,” Watson explained.  “It is good motivation for them to work hard in class.”

          Another Western Wayne elementary school teacher Sarah Wood, from Robert D. Wilson Elementary, has also been incorporating STEAM in her classroom.

          Wood explained how the students did a The Three Little Pigs unit and used STEAM.  “We start each unit reading the book, then identifying a problem or science element,” she explained.  “After The Three Little Pigs, we talked about wind and what made the different materials in the book hardier to the wolf’s attempts at knocking them down.”

          Wood further explained the students’ STEAM work.  “The students then experimented with hay, sticks, and bricks  to see which were more easily blown away by their breath.  Their final project was to build a house that could stay standing when blown with a hair dryer.”

          Wood’s students also completed another STEAM project.

          “The second unit was the Gruffalo.  Students programmed robot mice to make their way through a maze and past the characters that wanted to hunt it down,” she explained.  “We started the programming with paper arrows, then gradually introduced punching code into the mice.”

          In addition, Wood described another STEAM project in her class.

          “Another unit was on the Gruffalo’s Child.  In this unit, we looked at shadows,” she explained.  “We experimented with making shadows on the wall and then built a shadow box theater from cereal boxes and wax paper to retell the story to the parents.”

          Wood truly believes that her students benefit from STEAM.

          “I believe that STEAM can give different students a chance to shine,” Wood explained.  “I did a coding lesson with first grade this year as part of the Pennsylvania CS grant initiative, and it was fun to see students who struggle with reading or math discover that part of learning that comes naturally to them.  They became the experts to their friends and were able to be the ones who shared knowledge instead of being the receiver.”

          Watson is thrilled that students in Wood’s classes and so many others in the Western Wayne School District are benefiting from learning through STEAM.  She explained that thinking through STEAM lessons can be helpful to students in today’s day and age.

          “Today’s students understand what ‘debugging’ means,” Watson explained.  “Through STEAM students learn that stumbling blocks are part of the process of learning.  They essentially learn about revision and how sometimes the only way to fix or improve something is by toiling and persevering through it.  Creating inventions in the real world is a process that takes years, and students can learn this concept through STEAM.”

          Watson feels excited that so many Western Wayne students are being exposed to lessons and projects associated with skills needed for possible careers in STEAM areas that they may want to pursue.

          “There are so many jobs that are available in technology fields, engineering fields, etc.,” Watson said.  “The sooner they get a feel for what they like then we can tie it in other places and set them on a career path early on.”

K-9 units for educational purposes at EverGreen Elementary

On Wednesday, January 15, 2020, third grade at EverGreen Elementary had the opportunity to continue their learning about K-9 units for educational purposes and a career connection. Their current English-Language Arts story is about K-9 units and their partners. Axel, an 18 month old Giant Schnauzer, is an officer for the Carbondale Police Department. He was accompanied by Carbondale Police Officer Robert Williams (handler) and Officer Brittany Mang. The presentation included learning about the extensive training Axel has gone through such as tracking suspects, searching for narcotics, and helping to protect other officers. Students were shown how Axel can do each job. Officer Williams spoke with the students about these jobs and listened to students as they were able to compare Axel to the dog they read about in their story. Two of the most interesting parts for students was to see that Axel isn’t one of the common breeds of dogs to become a K-9 officer which is usually a Labrador Retriever or German Shepard. Axel can also take commands from multiple languages (English, German, and Italian) as each means a different task for Axel such as work or play time. The EverGreen third grade thanks Officer Williams, Officer Mang, and Axel for their time!

EverGreen Student Council adds Wildcat colors to Christmas Tree

The EverGreen Student Council (Maria Gadous, Justin Jimenez, Cameron Press, Leighna Narvaez, President Skyla McGuire, and Isabella Kolp) added some Wildcat colors to the tree at EverGreen. Jason Vass and Sophia Floros are absent from the photograph.

EverGreen Students thank PTA for Pride

The EverGreen Elementary Student Council and student body would like to say “thank you” to the PTA for this year’s holiday gift so students can show their pride!

Western Wayne Celebrates Veterans Day

Pictured are veterans demonstrating the proper folding of the flag with 13 folds.

As a tradition for many years, Western Wayne administration, faculty, staff, and students joined together on Wednesday, November 13, to celebrate veterans in the community with a special in-school event that featured music from the high school band and chorus, wise words from a veteran guest speaker, and this year the event had the added component of a special presentation of the meaning of the 13 folds in the American flag.

          Many local veterans attended the presentation at Western Wayne. Some of which had special connections to Western Wayne students.  Marty Reingold, Vietnam veteran, attended with his wife Marsha to spend the day honoring veterans with their grandson sophomore Matt Reingold.

Marty Reingold and his wife Marsha shared the Veterans Day assembly at Western Wayne High School with their grandson. From left: Marty Reingold, Vietnam veteran; Matt Reingold, sophomore at Western Wayne; and Marsha Reingold.

          Marsha explained that they have taken part in the Veterans Day assembly at Western Wayne for the past four years.

          “Matt is very proud of his papa,” Marsha explained.  “We are so happy to be here with our grandson.  It is very rewarding to see the school do things for our service men and to witness the camaraderie.”

          Matt agreed with his grandmother.

          “The best part about today is being able to honor the veterans,” Matt explained.  “Especially my grandfather.”

          Another veteran that felt proud to be at the event with his grandchildren was Roger O’Brien, a United States Navy veteran. O’Brien explained that it was his first time at the Veterans Day event at Western Wayne.  However, he had heard about it from his granddaughter Rebeccah King, who is a senior this year, and performed with the chorus and band at the event.

          O’Brien also had a number of other grandchildren at the event who have attended Western Wayne.  His grandchildren Johnathan Robbins, 7th grade, and Summer Schaal, granddaughter, were with O’Brien before the presentation to welcome him to the school.

Roger O’Brien shared the Veterans Day assembly at Western Wayne High School with his grandchildren. From left: Johnathan Robbins, 7th grader at Western Wayne; Roger O’Brien, United States Navy veteran; and Summer Schaal.

          “I am a very proud grandfather,” O’Brien said.  “I promised them I would come.”

          O’Brien traveled to Western Wayne from New Jersey for the event, and he was happy to discuss his time in the service with his grandchildren.

          “I practically traveled around the world as a gunner on a cargo ship,” O’Brien explained.  “I was in Russia twice.  I was shipped to the West Coast and was headed to Okinawa, Japan, but they surrendered before we got there.  We saw plenty.”

          O’Brien discussed how he received many honors for his military service.

          “I have a number of medals and ribbons for my time in the service which I have shown to my grandchildren,” O’Brien explained.

          Reingold, O’Brien, and many other veterans processed into the auditorium to begin the event.

          Highlights of the event include some beautifully performed patriotic pieces by the Western Wayne High School chorus and band.  The veterans also were treated to a breakfast and lunch prepared by students in Mrs. Stephanie Zoppi’s culinary classes. In addition, during the assembly, a group of local veterans demonstrated and explained the meaning of the 13 folds in an American Flag when it is presented to a loved one at a military funeral service. 

Students in Western Wayne’s FCCLA Club helped to greet Veterans for the event. From left: Paige Bell, Zoey Goldman, Kennedy Mistishin, Jaquelyn Morris, and Jaden Gregory.

The symbolism of each of the folds was explained in a very moving presentation.  They represent a variety of meaningful parts of military service, faith in God, and faith in America.  For example, the second fold signifies a belief in eternal life; the seventh fold is a tribute to our armed forces; and the final fold, when the stars are uppermost, is a tribute to our national motto, “In God We Trust.”

Pictured are veterans demonstrating the proper folding of the flag with 13 folds.

          As a closing to the assembly, the students, veterans, and faculty in attendance heard from guest speaker Officer Robert Robbins.  Officer Robbins served in the United States Army in the 101st Airborne Division as a Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic at Fort Campbell Kentucky for two years.  He earned the Army Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal, and the Air Assault Badge. 

Upon the conclusion of his active service, Officer Robbins joined the Pennsylvania National Guard and served in Alpha Co, 1st Battalion of the 109th Infantry Regiment.  In this unit, he served as a Squad Leader, Vehicle Commander, was promoted to Sergeant and was awarded the General S. J. Stewart Medal for service and NCO Academy Graduate Ribbon.

Pictured is Guest Speaker Officer Robert Robbins. Officer Robbins serves as a School Resource Officer at Western Wayne since 2013.

In 1991, Officer Robbins joined the Pennsylvania Air National Guard and served with the Security Police Flight at Willow Grove Naval Air Station.  He was responsible for base security, Flight Operations Security, and the protection of aircraft and missile weapons sites.  He earned the Rank of Staff Sergeant. 

He then attended the Security Police Academy at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, in which he earned the title of Honor Graduate and was awarded the Pennsylvania Commendation Medal.  Officer Robbins received an Honorable Discharge from all three branches he served in.

Officer Robbins is a retired Pennsylvania State Trooper, who served for 23 years and spent his entire career in the Patrol Unit.  He was promoted to Corporal in 1999 and was responsible for nearly every facet of daily operations in a State Police Troop.  He was stationed all over the State from Bucks County to Wayne County.   

Today, Officer Robbins serves as a School Resource Officer here at the Western Wayne School District and has diligently done so since 2013.  Robbins is beloved by Western Wayne students and faculty alike.  He has a very meaningful presence throughout the school keeping it safe and helping to guide students.

 Robbins also has the honor of being the newest voice of the Western Wayne Wildcats at their football and basketball games where he has taken over as announcer after the passing of Western Wayne’s beloved veteran teacher Mr. Jim Rebar.

          As Robbins talked to the students, he discussed his upbringing in Honesdale where he was one of seven children in what he described as an average family.  Robbins went on to marry his high school sweetheart and have three children.  He then explained his journey through the military.  Next, Robbins told the students what the military had done for him and how it shaped him as a person.

          “I discovered that there were things I never thought I could be capable of doing from my time in the military,” Robbins explained. “For example, I conquered my fear of heights. I had to jump out of helicopters in my time in the service.  My time in the military really shaped my life.”

          Robbins quoted “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” and discussed how he feels it is very meaningful to him as a veteran.  He then told the students how important it is for them to be thankful for veterans and, if possible, for them to try to do service for the community to give back.

          “We should live a life that we have earned from what was sacrificed for us,” he said.  “It important for us to say thank you to veterans and to provide service to the community if we can.”

          His closing words were very meaningful and memorable.

          “God bless you,” he told all in attendance.  “God bless America.”

EverGreen Elementary Apple Crunch Day

EverGreen Elementary celebrated healthy snack options with apples on Apple Crunch Day! Klim’s Orchard donated yummy apples to help our students get a taste of the different varieties. The lessons did not stop at snacking. Teachers incorporated math, science and language arts into the day by creating experiments, graphs and writing descriptive words to describe the texture, color and taste of the apples. During lunch, students had Apple Crisp and apple slices to enjoy as well. Apple Crunch Day is a great way to encourage healthy eating habits and a great way to extend our learning.