Students Attend 2022 PA FBLA State Leadership Workshop

Many topics regarding how to succeed in the business world were covered at the 2022 PA State Leadership Workshop held in early November at Kalahari Resort Pocono. Many students from districts statewide attended along with students from Western Wayne High School.

Western Wayne High School Hosts Pep Rally

The Western Wayne Wildcats hosted a pep rally on the morning of Friday, Nov. 11, in the high school gym.  All fall sports teams were recognized.  The student body enjoyed performances by the varsity cheerleaders and marching band along with getting to play some games in the gym with their classmates. A good time was had by all.

EverGreen Fifth Graders Elects Class Representatives

Top row, from left: Matthew Carlson, Mayson Aleckna, and Gavin Chapman.
Bottom row, from left: Lilly Horton, Harlie Schneider, Machaela McGrady, and Keira Hauenstein.

Gavin Chapman, Lilly Horton, Mayson Aleckna, Harlie Schneider, Keira Hauenstein, Matthew Carlson and Machaela McGrady were elected class representatives for their 5th grade classrooms at EverGreen Elementary. These students were voted in based on their exemplary leadership skills, both academically and socially. EverGreen Elementary is thankful to have such wonderful Wildcats leading our pack!

Western Wayne Student Ambassadors Undergo Training

This year Western Wayne High School continues their Student Ambassador Program. On Monday, Nov. 7, the ambassadors went through a training with instructor Julie Bialkowski to prepare them for the upcoming year of being student leaders. Ambassadors greet visitors to the high school and escort them to their destination in the building while participating in other school events including the school’s Veterans Day program where the district hosted veterans from the community at an assembly held at the high school on Thursday, Nov. 10. Student ambassadors are from grades nine through twelve. Pictured are the members of Western Wayne’s Student Ambassador Program.
Row 1: Ciarra Kidder, Peyton Graboske, Skyler Murphy, Datanica Craven, Brooke Kellogg, Jaden Gregory, Grace Moser, and Zoe Albitz.
Row 2: Xenia Vivona, Colette Schmitt, Weston Nugent, Adrian Agnello, Nicholas Hrosovsky, Dustin Ferraro, and Jared Goldman.
Row 3: Kera Edwards, Emily Dickson, Hunter Smith, Jenna Kwiatkowski, Taylor Maiocco, Alex Chapman, Laynee Nugent, Alaina Maiocco, Cyrah Bihler, Brandon Lopez, Alex Enslin, and Lucius RIchner.
Row 4: Nate Conway, Justin Korea, Will Dwyer, Marshall Davis, Rhayni Carroll, Emily Romanowski, and Khloe Mistishin.

High School Students THINK ENERGY!

From left: Paul Gregorski, high school principal; Dr. Nebzydoski, Western Wayne science teacher; and Gene Shultz of PPL.

On November 8th Western Wayne High School Students in grade 9 experienced the THINK! ENERGY Innovation Program. This program is an interactive, hands-on presentation with a take home energy efficiency kit for each participating student and teacher. The program teaches the importance of energy, natural resources and environmental resources, and gives each participating student’s family energy-efficient technologies to install at home. Students and Staff in the high school received innovation kits on November 10th.  The kits included faucet aerators, pipe insulation, weather stripping, outlet gaskets, a furnace filter whistle, a water conserving shower head, outdoor light bulb as well an advanced smart energy power strip.  190 innovation kits were distributed overall.  This comes to 4,822 new LED bulbs distributed to the Western Wayne School District since the program’s launch in 2015.  This program will also result in a number of mini grants for the teachers in the high school as well.  The Think Energy Innovation Program has been brought to the schools by the National Energy Foundation, PPL Electric Utilities and the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  For more information or questions, please contact National Energy Foundation at 1-855-494-2942 or email

Alumni Gives Presentation to Middle Schoolers on his Career Path in the Navy and Beyond

“How do you eat an elephant?” was one of former Western Wayne Graduate Garrett Enslin’s questions that he posed to eighth grade students at an assembly held in the school gym on Thursday, November 3.
Lieutenant Enslin, who graduated from Western Wayne in 2012, achieved many outstanding accomplishments in the United States Navy.
Enslin was asked by Western Wayne Administration to give a presentation to all eighth grade students to get them thinking about future career paths in the Navy, in engineering, etc.
One of Enslin’s overall points made clear by the elephant question was that no problem is too difficult to solve or no step is too difficult to handle on the road to success.
“In order to eat the ‘elephant’, you have to break it into small pieces,” Enslin explained to the students. “You eat it one bite at a time. This relates to engineering because no matter how complicated the problem is you break it down into small pieces until you are able to solve it.”
Enslin has been working on his problem-solving skills among many others since graduating from Western Wayne High School in 2012.
In 2016, Enslin graduated from the United States Naval Academy where he earned a degree in mechanical engineering. After graduation, Enslin was stationed on a ship in Everett, Washington, for about two and a half years. He worked as a gunnery ordnance officer where he led twenty sailors in maintenance work. This type of work included working with the guns on the ship, logistics projects, management of the ammunition itself, getting missiles on board, coordinating teams, etc.
Once his first tour was completed, Enslin received a Navy Achievement Medal for his work as Gunnery and Ordnance Officer onboard the U.S.S. Momsen.
Enslin went on to Nuclear Power School, a technical school operated by the U.S. Navy in Goose Creek, South Carolina, to train enlisted sailors, officers, KAPL civilians and Bettis civilians for shipboard nuclear power plant operation and maintenance of surface ships and submarines in the U.S. nuclear navy. There he learned theory about how nuclear reactors work among many other aspects of this field. He graduated second in his class from Nuclear Power School. Then Enslin applied the theory he learned at Nuclear Power School in prototype school, which is a Nuclear Power Training Unit.
Enslin explained that at the training unit there are essentially two nuclear power submarines that were decommissioned from naval service and refitted for the specific purpose of training nuclear operators now. Enslin graduated first in his class from prototype.
He discussed with the students how his training was a progression because first he learned the theory in Nuclear Power School, then he applied that theory in his prototype training, and next he began applying all of this acquired knowledge from school and training on a ship that has two actual nuclear reactors, the U.S.S. Nimitz.
Enslin started on the Nimitz on November 4, 2019. He served as a surface warfare officer (nuclear). He ended up being a part of the longest deployment carrier in United States history since Vietnam because he was on the ship during COVID times which made his time onboard about three years.
“I was able to see the world off the coast of Iran and Africa,” Enslin explained. “I also won the Navy’s award for Propulsion Plant Watch Officer for 2020.”
Enslin told the students stories about his time in the military.
“The science is all around you,” he explained when it came to his time in the Navy.
As Enslin explained his job. The Western Wayne Principal of STEAM Elizabeth Watson guided the discussion for the students explaining about how Enslin, for example, used precision and accuracy for certain tasks in the Navy just as the students are learning about those concepts in their science classes at the middle school.
In 2021, Enslin came back stateside and worked to get further qualifications in nuclear engineering. After getting out of the Navy this past June, Enslin has gone on to become a mechanical design engineer for Holtec International, Camden, New Jersey. He gets to design what makes up nuclear reactors at his job.
One student asked Enslin the best part of his career.
“Overall, I get to go in and do something that is important,” Enslin explained. “Every single day I get to learn.”
Another student asked if Enslin always knew what he wanted to do for his path after high school.
“I wanted to be an inventor,” Enslin said. “It’s about working hard enough that you can take advantage of the opportunities that are in front of you.”
Both staff and students had the chance to speak with Enslin during the question and answer session after his presentation.
Enslin’s former teachers remember his strengths when he was in school and are proud of his accomplishments.
“As your middle school librarian, we are proud of you,” Michele Forbes said. “You have done well, and thank you for your service.”
Enslin told the students that he hopes they find inspiration to have their own success stories from his presentation whether it be in the Navy, college, another military branch, the engineering field, etc.
“Don’t ever let someone tell you how hard something is going to be and let that influence you not to try it,” Enslin explained. “If you want to do something, you decide how hard it is while you are doing it.”
Western Wayne administration, faculty, and staff are very proud of Enslin’s many great accomplishments and wish him the very best in all of his future endeavors.

Middle School Students Collaborate on Monster Project with Kindergarteners for Halloween

This fall semester Western Wayne 8th grade Family Consumer Science students worked on a sewing project called a  “Monster Project” to be collaboratively created in a fun and creative way with Western Wayne students in Kindergarten classes at Evergreen Elementary School.

The Kindergarten students actually drew designs of a “monster” they wanted to see come to life, and the middle school students in Mrs. Jessica Gregorski’s Family Consumer Science classes recreated these designs in the form of a soft sculpture (stuffed animal).  

Through this process, the middle school students learned how to do a running stitch, backstitch, overstitch, and blanket stitch to create a 3-D model of the elementary students’ monster questionnaire responses along with their own creativity and decorative elements such as favorite foods, colors, and facial features!  Each monster even had a unique name, some of which included: Sparkle, Scary Larry, Shimmer, Happy Bestie, Snowflake, Kitty Monster, and Twinkle, among many others.

On Friday, Oct. 28, the middle schoolers presented their finished products to their kindergartners to keep and enjoy!

“We were so excited to create these special projects for elementary students,” Mrs. Gregorski said.  “We hope the children and families enjoyed this collaborative project.”

Eighth grader MaKenzie Chearney really enjoyed making her monster called Spot for her kindergartner.  Spot is half red and half black. Its eyes and tongue are pink.  The mouth is black. The shape of the monster is a rectangle with arms, legs, and little ears on top.  

“I used the back stitch for the red in the front and the eyes,” MaKenzie explained.  “I then did the running stitch for the mouth and tongue.  Lastly, I used the blanket stitch for the mouth and tongue.  I changed the eyes and tongue to pink because it is my monster’s favorite color.”

MaKenzie was so happy to make a project to brighten the day of a younger student.

“When I look at my completed monster it makes me smile, when I know that I made a Kindergartner’s monster drawing into a stuffed animal that they get to have.”

Fellow eighth grade classmate Raegan Fox also had an enjoyable experience with this project.

“When I look at my completed monster, I am happy when I see it, because I didn’t expect for it to turn out better than expected.”

Raegan’s monster named Dinosaur is light blue and has bright neon orange pants, a red necklace, and four red eyes. 

“His teeth remind me of a vampire, because they are sharp and red,” Raegan explained.  

Raegan’s monster and the ones created by her middle school classmates were the perfect treat for the elementary students for the Halloween season.

A wonderful time was had by all involved when the middle schoolers and elementary students met and got to experience their collaborative projects together for the first time.  

Picture One: Mrs. Tickner’s Kindergarten class

Front Row from Left to Right:

Celia Cawley, Skylar Davis, Emma Dennis, Lillian Dougherty, Case Carlson, Dennis Smith, Lincoln Salak, Anabella Rodas

Second Row from Left to Right:

Emma DeNunzio, Makenzie Chearney, Molly French, Wyatt Weist, Khale Black, Eleri Strocchia.

Third Row from Left to Right:

Matthew Patuto, Calista Gregorski, Dominick Esposito, Piper Fontana, Nolan Rock, Liana Proppe, Zara Levano, Arabella Propes, Amelia Kolodzieski

Back Row from Left to Right:

Aliyah Gregory, Mia Bentler, Lauren Geisheimer, Aubrey Bersch, Raegan Fox, Abby Bell

Picture Two: Mrs. Yedinak’s Kindergarten class

 Front Row from Left to Right:

Rayanne Worzel, Alexis Freeman, Quinn Robeson, Gage Puckett, Brady Bozym, Dane Clowers, Kylie Hardwick, Daisy VanGorden, Mia Mahnke.

Middle / 2nd Row from Left to Right:

Owen Ackerman, Teagan Kraszewski, Thomas Cappozi, Kendall Natskakula, Madison Dalessandro, Katie Hertzog, Harley Pifcho.

Back Row from Left to Right:

Michael Kaminsky, Noah Hennessy, Michael Barna, Damian Glackin, Elisa Gallinot, Carl McCane, Corey Deitz, Jordyn Goebel

RDW Kindness Club Starts New Year

The Kindness Club is up and running at R.D. Wilson. After interviewing with Mrs. Germani (club advisor), six students were chosen to serve the Kindness Club for the fall season. These students got right to work planning a project that incorporated the nice weather. They wrote kind and encouraging messages on the sidewalk leading out to the recess area. For three days, students at RDW got to read things like “There’s only one you in the world” and “Spread kindness like confetti” as they walked out to recess. The group is excited to plan their next project to encourage kindness in our school.

Band Celebrates Halloween with Young and Old

The Western Wayne High School Marching Band took their show on the road for Halloween festivities on Monday, Oct. 31.

 First, the students gave a performance to elementary students in the district at the R.D. Wilson School and on the same day, they performed in the community at the Wayne Woodlands and Julia Ribaudo Nursing Homes. They also included in their day a performance for the Western Wayne Middle School and Evergreen Elementary School as well.

The band students were thrilled to be able to perform live for these very special audiences this year after two years of performing via video for Halloween due to COVID.  All of the students and nursing home residents who got to see the performances felt a lot of joy on the holiday.

One such resident was Jean at Julia Ribaudo Nursing Home.  Jean was a member of The Rockettes years ago, and absolutely loved listening to the band play a wide variety of songs.  She also danced along in her chair while the color guard danced in front of her and with her.

“I am so grateful to be able to go out and perform in the community again,” one of the color guard captains, senior Emily Brophy said.  “It adds another layer to our performances, and we get to have such fun experiences with new audiences.”

Fellow color guard captain senior Izzy O’Donnell agreed.

“It was so wonderful to be able to go back out into the community for our Halloween performances this year,” Izzy said.  “I was able to perform live for this type of event in my 8th grade year, and I am so glad to get this experience again in my senior year.  I love to make people smile.”