Wayne County students from Honesdale High School and Western Wayne High School participated in the annual county-wide Envirothon competition during the last two weeks in April. The highest scoring team, Bonkers for Honkers of Western Wayne High School, will represent Wayne County in the state-wide Pennsylvania Envirothon event in May. While Wayne County station testing was administered in person at each school this year, PA Envirothon’s state competition will be a hybrid event consisting of a virtual oral component held between May 17th and 20th and field testing held in person at Camp Mount Luther on May 25th.
Envirothon is an educational competition designed to test the knowledge, skills, and problem solving capabilities of high school students regarding our earth’s natural resources. Each year, five-member teams work together to demonstrate their proficiency in subject areas including aquatic ecology, forestry, soils and land use, wildlife, and a current issue, which was “Waste to Resources” this year.
Each year, the Wayne Conservation District seeks financial contributions from local businesses and organizations to support this highly successful youth conservation program. Donations support the purchase of Envirothon T-shirts, educational materials and awards, lunch and snacks, and the registration fee for the winning team to attend the state competition. This year’s event would not be possible without the support of the following sponsors: PA Envirothon, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Camp Umpy’s Bagels and Stuff, Dirlam Brothers Lumber Company, Dyberry Sand and Gravel, Elegante’s Restaurant and Pizzeria, Himalayan Institute, Honesdale Agway, Jeff George Design and Salvage Company, New Wave Woodworking Inc., Northern Tier Hardwood Association, PA Trappers Association, Professional Forest Industry Association, the Hideout, Wayne Memorial Hospital, and the Wayne Conservation District.
For more information about PA Envirothon visit www.envirothonpa.org or contact your county conservation district.