Despite the pandemic, students in Future Business Leaders of America across the state of Pennsylvania continue to join and participate in this organization in the safest ways they possibly can.
Western Wayne Senior Lenny Maiocco was appointed FBLA State Parliamentarian at the Virtual FBLA State Leadership Conference held this past May. Subsequently, the first PA FBLA Executive Committee meeting was held this past August at the Kalahari Resort. Lenny achieved his position of Parliamentarian by attaining the highest score on the FBLA State Parliamentary Procedure Test. Lenny explained that the test covered tasks like how to run a meeting effectively by making motions, speaking at certain times, etc. At the PA FBLA Executive Committee meeting, he received his state officer medal.
Lenny feels excited to be able to work with state level FBLA officers and advisers. At the meeting in August, the state officer team formed their plans of action for this year.
“Our main goals right now are recruitment, maintaining membership, fundraising, and community service,” Lenny explained. “Our top goal is maintaining membership, and we are doing this by having a social media presence, having give-aways, and creating a membership video.”
No matter the format that Lenny participates in FBLA events, whether in-person or virtual, he most enjoys his interactions with other students.
“My favorite part of my FBLA experiences is meeting new people, working with new people, and seeing their ideas and what they bring to the table,” Lenny, who aspires to major in business and minor in Spanish in college, said.
“My experiences in FBLA have taught me more responsibility, how to balance school and sports, and how to prioritize PA FBLA ahead of my needs,” Lenny, who was ranked third in the state for tennis his sophomore year, explained. “I have learned a lot about time management, collaboration, and being places on time.”
Lenny believes he will put these skills to use in college and law school in the future. He is also a member of National Honor Society, the Western Wayne Student Ambassador Program, and served as vice president of Western Wayne’s FBLA last year. He also hopes to run for student council in his senior year.
One of Lenny’s main priorities is his commitment to PA FBLA. He encourages students across the state of Pennsylvania to join or maintain their membership in FBLA.
“Students can search PA FBLA on social media to find more information about membership in the program this challenging year,” Lenny explained. He noted that the organization’s presence is on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.