Western Wayne Middle School Administration has recognized Samantha Duval and Luckus Balmer as outstanding sixth grade students for the month of October.
Samantha enjoys her library and science classes best this year. She loves to read especially mystery and romance books. In her science class, she likes reading and learning about the earth. When she grows up, Samantha would like to be a veterinarian, and, therefore, she knows she will need to know a lot about science.
In addition, when Samantha isn’t reading. She can be found practicing her flute. “I’ve always loved music and love to play the flute,” Samantha said.
In her spare time, Samantha does more reading. Two of her current favorite books are A Dog’s Purpose and Wonder.
As a hobby Samantha likes to make rubber band jewelry for her family and friends. “It makes me happy that I’m making other people happy,” Samantha explained.
Luckus also likes to make others happy in school by showing them respect. He said he is working hard this year to participate in his classes especially his math class.
When Luckus isn’t answering discussion questions in his classes, he can be found practicing his trombone in band class.
“I like to play in band where I get to work on my music with a lot of kids who are really good at their instruments,” Luckus said.
In addition to band class, Luckus also enjoys his technology education class. He explained how they are working on a windmill project made of Legos. Luckus likes to do hands-on work.
In Luckus’ spare time he continues to work on his music skills.
“I practice my trombone in my spare time, because that way I will get better at it,” Luckus explained.
Western Wayne faculty, administration, and staff are proud of both Samantha and Luckus’ accomplishments and wish them the best with their continued efforts for success.