Second row left to right: Alexis Basile 7th grade 2nd place; Tim Roberts 7th grade 1st place; Turkey (Ezra Tetreault, senior); Vincent Tomasetti 8th grade 1st place; and Lexi DeSiato 8th grade 2nd place.
Third row left to right: Aliya Fiorella 7th grade 1st place; Hayden Romanaskas 7th grade 2nd place; Frankie Leyshon 8th grade 2nd place; and Emily Romanowski 8th grade 1st place.
Western Wayne Middle School held a Turkey Trot for students on the morning of November 26 as a part of their PBIS initiative which involves successfully creating a proactive positive school environment in which students are demonstrating their Wildcat PRIDE daily.
PBIS is an ongoing effort of the Western Wayne School District to guide students in behaving and interacting with others in such a way as to promote an effective learning community.
The Western Wayne Cross Country Team hosted the 130 students who completed the course. Middle School students paid Cat Cash to attend the Turkey Trot. Students earn Cat Cash in the areas of being prepared, respectful, having integrity, being dedicated, and being extraordinary in school.
Students earning Cat Cash and being able to participate in activities like the Turkey Trot is a part of PBIS at Western Wayne.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone to create the kinds of schools where all students are successful.
PBIS is a commitment to addressing student behavior through systems change. When it is implemented well, students achieve improved social and academic outcomes, schools experience reduced exclusionary discipline practices, and school personnel feel more effective.
The Middle School students who participated in the Turkey Trot did many fun activities including: a wellness talk, warm-up, one mile run, raffles, music, refreshments, and cool down.
All of the students who attend had a great time at the event. Eighth grader Frankie Leyshon came in second place for the eighth grade boys. Frankie plays football, basketball, and baseball for Western Wayne.
“I really liked how organized the run was,” Frankie said. “I wasn’t out of breath because of the work I do in all of my other sports. It was fun to get to run with kids who do different sports than me like members of the wrestling team.”
Sixth graders Mia Gifford and Khloe Mistishin also really liked the event because they got to spend time outside of the classroom together with each other. The girls explained how they have been best friends for a long time and do not have many classes together during the school day. Therefore, they were excited to spend the Turkey Trot together.
“I was excited to get to spend time with Mia,” Khloe said. “I also really like the PBIS events because they give us a break from school work but we get to learn in a different way. I learned how to pace myself when running.”
Classmate Peter Race, sixth grade, agreed.
“I thought the Turkey Trot was great because it helps kids who want to be athletic do what they like,” Peter explained. “It was also really excited about the first prize.”
Peter, who won first place for the sixth grade boys, explained that all of the first place winners got a frozen turkey.
Mia won first place for the sixth grade girls and felt the same as Peter.
“My mom was shocked when I brought home the turkey,” Mia said. “We are looking forward to having it at Christmas time.”
Khloe who came in second place explained that one of her other favorite parts of the Turkey Trot was getting to interact with the members of the high school cross country team who hosted the event.
“It was really fun when all of the middle school students stood on the football field and danced to songs like the chicken dance and the cupid shuffle,” Khloe explained. “We got to follow along with the Cross Country team as they did the dances in front of us.”
Khloe also mentioned how the turkey did the dances. High school senior Ezra Tetreault dressed up in a turkey costume for the event and entertained the kids and took pictures with them.
The students all had a lot of fun at the event and look forward to other PBIS activities such as this where they can show their Wildcat Pride as the school year continues.