If you have not already, please view the report GRADING OUR SCHOOLS from the Scranton Times. We are Western Wayne Proud of the district’s performance. In the High and Low section our Third Grade were recognized on the PSSA test in both ELA and Math as second in the region for performance, and WW High School was one of 13 districts meeting SAT performance. Our Middle School met or exceeded the State Average in ELA and Science, as did the Elementary in Grades 4 and 5. The High School met or exceeded all areas of performance in Algebra, Biology and Literature on the Keystone Exam. If you are interested in the complete report, see the Scranton Times.
Dr. Barrett and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Board of Education, our administration, teachers, staff, students and parents for the continued hard work, tough decisions, and support to ensure Western Wayne is successful, not only academically, but in preparing students to meet the challenges of a global society.