Pictured is featured Western Wayne senior artist Kat Moore. Pictured is featured Western Wayne senior artist Dayla Jones. Pictured is featured Western Wayne senior artist Melody Gershey. Pictured is Western Wayne featured senior artist Rachel Butler.
A trip around the world, a mystical forest, an animal kingdom, and the 60s era are just a few of the adventures you can take through the senior art displays at Western Wayne’s Annual Art Exhibit starting at 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 18, at the high school gym. The event is open to the public free of charge along with a free concert performed by the high school chorus and band at 3 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Auditorium.
The entire gym will be transformed into an art gallery featuring 13 senior art portfolios among many other pieces created by students in the high school program. The portfolios will be judged and winners will be posted along with awards given for best overall displays.
One senior excited to have her portfolio displayed at the exhibit is Rachel Butler. Her portfolio has the theme of traveling around the world.
“My fascination with nature and cultures around the world has been my inspiration for my senior art display,” Rachel, who plans to study engineering at Penn State University next year, explained. “I want to convey the feelings I get observing animals all over the world, along with each unique place. For my senior display, I incorporated the places I have visited and the many destinations I hope to experience.”
Her family has greatly influenced Rachel’s journey as an artist.
“As I was growing up, my mother was always using her photographic and artistic skills around me. This is where my inspiration to create arts had stemmed from,” Rachel explained. “Over the years, I’ve realized I can use my creative side to bring happiness and joy to brighten someone’s day just by doing something I love. My grandfather is one of my main supports of my art, he is always wondering what I’m working on and asking when the next art exhibition is so he can attend.”
Rachel’s family members will be sure to enjoy her display along with that of many other talented seniors including Dayla Jones whose display features animals.
“From domesticated to exotic, I have chosen a range of different animals for my portfolio. My love for animals does not just stop at your average pet,” Dayla, who plans to study conservation and wildlife management and minor in zoology at Delaware Valley College next year, explained. “I wanted to bring my dream of becoming a wildlife rehabilitator and conservationist into each one of my pieces. Whether it be a regular, smelly skunk or the endangered snow leopard, all animals deserve the same compassion and care. I put this compassion and care into each of my works of art.”
Dayla’s classmate, fellow senior, Kat Moore also puts a lot of passion into her love for the arts at Western Wayne. She is an accomplished musician who served as one of this year’s Wildcat Marching Band drum majors and has won many awards for her music along with playing in music groups at Marywood University.
Kat explained that she likes to incorporate music into all of her artwork in some way or another.
“It can be a song title, an instrument, or a musician,” Kat explained. “My senior display revolves around music focused on the 60s era which I really enjoy.”
Kat furthered described her inspirations for her artwork.
“I wish to live a very colorful life, traveling and experiencing as much as I can. This is reflected in my art as I enjoy incorporating lots of vibrant colors into my pieces and/or focus on using a dominant color,” Kat, who plans to study music education at Ithaca College in the fall, said. “When deciding the theme of my display, I immediately thought of the heavy impact music has in my life. Music and art have the ability to convey a wide range of ideas and bring out a variety of emotions in everyone. This realization has forced me to continue to create art as it has the capability to bring out the best in me.”
Another featured senior who believes that art has brought out the best of her in her life is Melody Gershey. Melody’s senior display can be described as a mystical forest. Her mural which the display features is a mystical waterfall with a unicorn by it.
“Ever since I was little, I have had a mystical view of the world. I have always wanted to believe that anything is possible, but as I grew older reality hit me, along with lots of working and bills,” Melody, who plans to study cosmetology at Empire Beauty School next year, explained. “With art, I am able to keep my childish beliefs alive because with art, anything is possible. My portfolio consists of landscapes from summer, fall, and winter, then split into daytime and nighttime pieces. My daytime pieces are realistic. These pieces represent people who have drifted away from their imagination or artists who have lost their inspiration. Through my nighttime pieces, I explore surrealism. These pieces are for those few who still believe that anything is possible and haven’t been sucked into the drab of reality.”
The entire Western Wayne community cordially invites the community to their annual Art Exhibit and Spring Concert. It’s the perfect place to take your mind off reality for a bit and enjoy the work of these talented student artists starting at 1 p.m. in the high school gym along with enjoying music sung and played by our excellent chorus and band with a concert starting at 3 p.m. in the Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Both events are free of charge.