On October 10th Western Wayne High School Students in grade 9 experienced the THINK! ENERGY Innovation Program. This program is an interactive, hands-on presentation with a take home energy efficiency kit for each participating student and teacher. The program teaches the importance of energy, natural resources and environmental resources, and gives each participating student’s family energy-efficient technologies to install at home. Students and Staff in the high school received innovation kits on October 10th. The kits included faucet aerators, , a furnace filter whistle, a water conserving shower head, three LED light bulbs as well an advanced smart energy power strip. 136 innovation kits were distributed overall. This comes to 5230 new LED bulbs distributed to the Western Wayne School District since the program’s launch in 2015.
This program will also result in a number of mini grants for the teachers in the high school as well. The Western Wayne High School teachers who will receive grants this year include: Dr. Mark Nebzydoski, Sara Brzycki, Christine McClure, Maria Phillips, and Helene Tscheschlog. The Think Energy Innovation Program has been brought to the schools by the National Energy Foundation, PPL Electric Utilities and the Pennsylvania Department of Education. For more information or questions, please contact National Energy Foundation at 1-855-494-2942 or email amy.lamielle@nef1.org