Western Wayne senior Alyssa Iovacchini has been honored for her exemplary volunteer service with a President’s Volunteer Service Award.
The award, which recognizes Americans of all ages who have volunteered significant amounts of time to service their communities and their country, was granted by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program. Western Wayne nominated Alyssa for national honors this fall in recognition of her volunteer service.
Throughout Alyssa’s four years in high school she volunteered at Arrowhead Bible Camp in Brackney, PA. She found out about this opportunity through her pastor at the Waymart Church where she is an active member.
Alyssa described the service work she does each summer at the James Project held at Arrowhead Bible Camp. The James Project, named after the Book of James in the Bible, is a summer camp for mentally disabled adults. Alyssa and other volunteers work to clean the camp, so that the camp counselors can more focus their time on working with the campers.
In addition, Alyssa works at the camp in the winter doing the same jobs when youth groups and church retreats are at Arrowhead.
“I really enjoy this type of volunteer work because I am putting others before myself and making sure they have the most enjoyable time they can at the camp whether they be adults or other campers,” Alyssa explained.
She also participates in other various service activities in Waymart with her church throughout the school year.
“The faculty, staff, and administration at Western Wayne feel very proud of Alyssa’s accomplishments,” Western Wayne High School Principal Paul Gregorski said. “We hope our other students look up to her as a role model.”
In its 25th year, The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, sponsored by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), recognizes middle level and high school students across America for outstanding volunteer service.
“Across the United States, young volunteers are doing remarkable things to contribute to the well-being of the people and communities around them,” said Prudential Chairman CEO Charles Lowrey. “Prudential is honored to celebrate the contributions of these students, and we hope their stories inspire others to volunteer too.”
“Demonstrating civic responsibility through volunteerism is an important part of life,” said NASSP Executive Director JoAnn Bartoletti. “These honorees practice a lesson we hope all young people, as well as adults, will emulate.”
Prudential Spirit of Community Award application details were distributed nationwide last September through middle level and high schools, Girl Scout Councils, County 4-H organizations, American Red Cross chapters, YMCAs and Points of Light Global Network members. These schools and officially-designated local organizations nominated Local Honorees, whose applications were advanced for state-level judging. In addition to granting President’s Volunteer Service Awards, The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards selected State Honorees, Distinguished Finalists and Certificate of Excellence recipients. Volunteer activities were judged on criteria including initiative, effort, impact, and personal growth.
Alyssa feels honors to have been given this service award and to be able to represent the Western Wayne School District’s commitment to excellence through this honor. Along with her service activities, Alyssa also is involved in other activities at Western Wayne which include the National Honor Society, Spanish Club, and FBLA. After graduation, Alyssa aspires to attend a four-year college to pursue her teaching certificate in secondary education English.
“I think that my service work is preparing me for when I will one day work with students in my own classroom,” Alyssa said.