Back Row: Kennedy Mistishin, Kael Heflin, Thomas Chernasky, Kaeli Romanowski (Virtual Student) Caden Brungard, Zoey Goldman and Jaiden DeRosa.
Western Wayne FCCLA students wrote letters to residents at the Julia Ribaudo Extended Care Center for Valentine’s Day. The students were paired with a resident earlier this school year, and, for their first correspondence, the club decided to send their letter with mugs and sweet treats for their new pen pals.
FCCLA Vice President Amelia Bosshard explained how she introduced herself in the letter and talked about how much she loves to read since her new pen pal also enjoys this activity.
“I like knowing that they will get a smile from what we have sent,” Amelia explained.
FCCLA President Caitlyn Burdick also tried to make a personal connection with her resident through her letter.
“My pen pal is a woman who likes music, so I told her about how I used to play ‘Sweet Caroline’ in the Western Wayne Marching Band,” Caitlyn explained.
Both Amelia and Caitlyn plan to work with children in their future careers. Amelia aspires to be an elementary school teacher.
“A lot of what we do in the club is helping others, and I think in education I will be teaching kids compassion and teamwork,” Amelia explained.
Caitlyn will study early childhood education and psychology after graduation.
“As president of the club, I have worked to plan many events. This will relate to working in a classroom because I will have to plan lessons, activities, and projects.”
FCCLA plans to send more correspondence to the nursing home residents as the year continues.