“We can’t hide that Wildcat Pride!” can be heard throughout the buildings of the Western Wayne School District this 2017-18 school year. Administrators, teachers, and students alike are enjoying showing their school spirit through a variety of avenues such as through academics, extra-curriculars, sports, and in other ways.
The new Western Wayne Administrative Team this year is excited that students and teachers are embracing their pride initiative for the school year. The administrative team has many members who are new to their positions and some who are new to the district.
Matthew Barrett, Ed.D., started his first official year as Superintendent. In addition, Ellen M. Faliskie started her first official year as Assistant Superintendent.
In the high school, Jennifer Bradley began her first official year as High School Assistant Principal. In addition, Jennifer DeNike began her first official year as Assistant Director of Special Education. Both Bradley and DeNike are new to the district and are excited to work with the proud students of Western Wayne on a daily basis.
In Western Wayne’s EverGreen Elementary School both Principal Justin Pidgeon and Assistant Principal Kerrie Fitzsimmons began their first official years in their respective positions. They feel honored to have the opportunity to help young Wildcats develop a strong sense of pride in their efforts both inside and outside of school which they hope will continue as they head to the Western Wayne middle and high schools.
To celebrate the beginning of the school year, the Western Wayne Administration invited the marching band to their first day of teacher in-service to build pride through playing a variety of selections with the school’s Alma Matter as the final and featured piece.
Band Director Elaine Ort led all present in the playing and singing of this song that best accompanies the feeling of Wildcat pride.
“It was wonderful to see administrators, teachers, and students join in singing the Alma Matter,” Ort said. “I think this will be a great year in which our Wildcats will do positive things both inside and outside of the classroom.”
In order to feature some of the ways both present students and alumni are continuing to show their Wildcat pride, Middle School Assistant Principal Elizabeth Watson complied a video in which she spoke to students at Western Wayne of all ages from elementary to high school.
The film also featured alumni discussing their accomplishments since graduating Western Wayne. Katie Shemanski, Psy. D. School Psychologist for both middle and high school was one of the proud graduates on the film.
Watson explained how she was grateful to have the opportunity to work with the administrative team to put together the pride video.
“I love to hear what Wildcat pride means to students of all ages,” Watson explained. “It was great to hear the accomplishments of the older students and to get the younger ones to practice their Wildcat roars.”
Watson proudly gives a Wildcat roar every morning on the middle school announcements to build morale and pride in her building and feels excited that school pride is a focus in every Western Wayne building and for every Western Wayne student.
Assistant Superintendent Ellen Faliskie explained how, with the recent release of the School Performance Profile, Western Wayne is taking pride in their academic successes.
She discussed how the Western Wayne Administrative Team goes into a different building in the district each week so they are visible to the faculty and students.
“We want to get to know staff and students across the district and celebrate their successes,” Faliskie explained.
The Administrative Team is also very grateful that teachers, students, and the community can now enjoy events that help our Wildcats show their pride in buildings across the district that are newly renovated both inside and outside.
The newly renovated Western Wayne Auditorium was just recently dedicated as the Western Wayne Veterans Memorial Auditorium. It has new seats, lights, sound system, curtains, and a new stage floor. The district is excited to host many school and community-wide events in this beautiful space.
In addition, the grounds at the buildings throughout the district have been newly landscaped along with signs across the district that now allow community members to more easily navigate Western Wayne’s campuses.
New electronic signs have also been installed at all of the district buildings to help the community to know about the many events and accomplishments of the students.
“The signs help the community become a part of the pride,” Faliskie explained. “We are reaching out to families not only in the school community but in the community at large.”
The Administrative Team is excited to continue working to build community relations and to promote all of the great things that Western Wayne students have to offer to the community.
Dr. Barrett is proud of all Western Wayne students and staff members and their many achievements and accomplishments both inside and outside of the classroom along with their successes in extra-curricular activities and sports.
“We are so thankful that the School Board supports all of our programming and contributes to the success and pride of the Western Wayne School District,” Dr. Barrett said. “We just can’t hide that Wildcat pride.”
Pictured are members of Western Wayne’s 2017-2018 Administrative Team.
From left, standing: Maria Liptak, Food Service Director; Rose E. Emmett, Business Manager/ Board Secretary; Elizabeth Watson, Middle School Assistant Principal; Kristin Johnson, School Psychologist (Elementary); Brian Seaman, Technology Director; Jennifer Bradley, High School Assistant Principal; Jennifer DeNike, Assistant Director of Special Education; Katie Shemanski, Psy. D., School Psychologist (Middle/ High); and Kerrie Fitzsimmons, Elementary Assistant Principal.
From left, sitting: Maria Miller, Robert D. Wilson Principal; Paul B. Gregorski, II, High School Principal; Matthew Barrett, Ed. D., Superintendent; Ellen M. Faliskie, Assistant Superintendent; Kristen Donohue, Middle School Principal; Cynthia A. LaRosa, Director of Special Education; and Justin Pidgeon, EverGreen Principal. Absent from photo: Elizabeth Gregory, Early Intervention Supervisor.