Western Wayne Musical Drama Club students had the opportunity to perform pieces from their 2020 musical Once Upon a Mattress at Western Wayne RDW’s Read Across America Night on Thursday, March 5. The Drama Club presentation was one of a variety of experiences available for the children that evening.
The students entertained children and their families with a few scenes. Senior Honour Shaffer served as Master of Ceremonies for the event and also plays lead role Prince Dauntless the Drab.
The musical Once Upon a Mattress is a retelling of the classic tale of the princess and the pea. However, in the musical version, there is much humor added to the tale revolving around how Queen Aggravain has set a decree in the kingdom that no one will wed until her son Prince Dauntless does.
The catch is that the Queen does not wish her son to marry and will stop at nothing to come up with impossible tests for each princess suing for his hand in marriage. However, throughout the course of the musical, the unique Princess Winnifred the Woebegone, played by senior Andie Solimine, proves she is more than ready to pass the Queen’s test.
At Read Across America Night, the cast first previewed the Prologue scene with the musical number “Many Moons Ago” sung by Cassia Sheehan, minstrel. In “Many Moons Ago,” the minstrel tells a beautiful rendition of the princess and the pea tale. Ava Compton, prologue queen; Haley Strocchia, prologue princess; and Gavin Toy, prologue prince, reenacted the minstrel’s song in a ballet for the audience.
Next, Alex Taylor, Sir Harry, and Rhonda Fenkner, Lady Larken, performed “In a Little While.” Harry and Larken dream of getting married and starting a family, but have to wait for Dauntless to find a bride first. Harry vows to Larken that he will help to find the perfect princess for Dauntless, so that then they may be married.
The crowd was then entertained by the song “The Minstrel, The Jester And I” performed by Cassia Sheehan, minstrel; Lily Visceglia, jester; and senior Joseph McNeill, the king. In the song, the group reflects on some fond memories they have had together getting into a variety of mischief. Their song is told in a unique way because only the Minstrel and Jester can speak. The King has lost his voice due to a curse, but he pantomimes his thoughts in this song and throughout the show in a very comical way.
The fourth number performed for the RDW audience, was “Sensitivity” by Senior Sydney Peet who plays Queen Aggravain and her trusty side-kick the Wizard played by Alex Fullone. In the song, the Queen comes up with the plan to test Princess Winnifred for sensitivity by placing a pea under twenty mattresses. Sydney and Alex bantered about their plan throughout the song to entertain the audience.
The audience was also treated to the musical number “Normandy.” In this piece, Larken, Minstrel, Jester, and King returned to the stage. Larken is trying to flee from the kingdom alone. Her friends the Minstrel, Jester, and King offer her assistance to get to Normandy where she can be safe and taken care of.
Finally, the cast performed “The Swamps of Home.” In this comical piece, Fred tells Dauntless and her ladies in waiting played by Julia Phillips, Amanda David, Haley Strocchia, Adriana Barcarola, Alyssa Donnini, Joanna Regalbuto, Karina Booths, and Ava Compton, about what it was like to grow up in a swamp kingdom. At first, the group is unsure of their opinions on Fred, but as the song continues the ladies, Dauntless, and the audience fall in love with Fred and her quirky ways.
The crowd enjoyed the musical preview at the Annual Read Across America Night, and the Western Wayne Drama Club is grateful to RDW for inviting them to perform at this annual event for the past several years.
The directors of the show are very proud of the entire cast, crew, and pit band of Once Upon A Mattress and especially wish to acknowledge the years served in drama club and future plans of senior members.
Senior Dakota Beavers, Senior Head Stage Crew/Lights, has been a member of drama club for three years. After graduation, Dakota is considering college, and would like to work in music or theater production.
Senior Brandon Davis, knight, has been in drama club for three years. Upon graduation, Brandon plans to attend Johnson College for carpentry.
Senior Victoria Davis, stage crew, has been on crew for one year but has also assisted in set production for other Western Wayne plays. After graduation, Victoria plans to become a dog trainer at Star Mark in Texas.
Senior Allison King, Senior Head Stage Crew, has been a five-year drama club, stage crew member. After graduation, Ally plans to begin her own photography business.
Senior Rebeccah King, ensemble, has been a five-year drama club member, serving as the club’s historian for three years. Upon graduation, Becca has plans to study massage therapy.
Senior Joseph McNeill, who plays the King, came to Western Wayne this year. This is Joseph’s second time playing The King in Once Upon a Mattress, having also played this role at his previous school. After graduation, Joseph would like to enter the Air Force and then plans to enter a law enforcement program to become a game warden.
Senior Abygaile Milewski, stage crew, is a two-year drama club member. After graduation, Abygaile will attend Wilkes University and study communications.
Senior Andrew Oudshoorn, pit band, trumpet, has been in the pit for two years among many other band accomplishments and positions. After high school, Andrew has been accepted to Penn State Scranton for their undergraduate pre-med program.
Senior Sydney Peet, the Queen, is in her third year in drama club, currently serving as the club’s president. After high school, Sydney plans to major in economics in college.
Senior Honour Shaffer, Dauntless the Drab, is in his fourth year in drama club. He serves as the vice president of the club. Upon graduation, Honour plans to join the United States Coast Guard Reserves.
Senior Andie Solimine, Winnifred, has been acting since the third grade. Andie came to Western Wayne as a sophomore and has been in drama club ever since. Andie is planning to pursue a degree in music education at Marywood University.
Senior Nathan Taggart, pit band, trumpet, has been in the pit band for four years among many other band accomplishments and positions. Upon graduation, Nathan will attend Penn State University Park for chemical engineering.
Senior Brad Wood, pit band, trumpet ¬, is a first year pit band member, although he has been in band throughout high school and has many music accomplishments. After graduation, Brad plans to attend Mansfield University to pursue a bachelors’ degree in history, with a goal of earning a Ph.D. in history.
The directors of the Western Wayne Musical Drama Club are proud of the performance done by cast members at RDW as well as the many accomplishments of all of their students, especially the seniors, and would like to thank the district and community for their continued and consistent support of performance arts.

Pictured is the cast of Western Wayne School District’s Once Upon a Mattress. From left, row one, seated: Angelina Tornillo, Brenna McGlone, Rebeccah King, Adriana Barcarola, Julia Phillps, Becca Boots, and Ava Compton. From left, row two, standing: Jenna Frable, Lilly Morcom, Gavin Toy, Brandon Davis, Nate Conway, Anthony Martin, Juliana Kurent, and Ashley Marsh. From left, third row, standing: Chanya Graham, Larissa Ellsworth, Joanna Regalbuto, Amanda David, Karina Booths, Haley Strocchia, Alyssa Donnini, and Mrs. Jessica McLaughlin, director. From fourth row, standing: Alex Fullone, Cassia Sheehan, Lily Visceglia, Andie Solimine, Honour Shaffer, Sydney Peet, Alex Taylor, and Rhonda Fenkner. Absent from photo: Joseph McNeill and Jacob Jones.