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Wayne County Responds to Presumptive COVID-19 Infection
Maintenance staff have stepped up disinfecting routines at county buildings.
HONESDALE (March 6, 2020) – The Wayne County Commissioners have issued the following statement on COVID-19:
As you may have heard the governor announced today a presumptive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) has been reported in relationship to an individual Wayne County resident who we are told has travelled to multiple European nations recently.
The individual is being isolated in their home and is being visited multiple times a day by Department of Health officials who are also contacting others who may have come in contact with this individual.
It should be noted that this case has not been positively confirmed by the CDC at this point in time.
Please be aware that county maintenance staff are continually cleaning and disinfecting county facilities.
County officials have been in regular contact with the local school districts, the hospital, state and federal health and emergency management organizations and are continually being updated by those organizations and following their lead and guidance in implementing recommendations and protocols. We will continue to be updated by all involved agencies. There are no planned changes to county operations at this time.
As a reminder, the CDC recommends the following:
• Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with your elbow to avoid touching your face;
• Wash your hands often with soap and warm/hot water for at least 20 seconds;
• Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available;
• Clean surfaces frequently, including countertops, light switches, cell phones, remotes, and other frequently touched items;
• Avoid shaking hands and maintain a six foot distance if possible;
• If you are feeling sick, stay home. Rest, take care of yourself and don’t spread the germs.
Call your healthcare professional if you develop symptoms, which include cough, fever and respiratory issues or if you have recently travelled from an area with widespread or ongoing community spread of COVID-19. As with any medical situation, call 911 if you or the patient is in distress and it is an emergency.
If a resident tests positive for COVID-19, the County will follow the CDC and the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s recommendations. Stay informed with updates and resources from the Centers for Disease Control and PA Department of Health.