The school districts in NEIU 19 have been working under the legal guidance to consider the current 10 day closure of schools as days off similar to snow/weather emergency days. The expectation is that the days will be made up in June, or other times if built in to a district’s calendar, so that the 180 day requirement may be met and continuity of educational services may be fulfilled. Typically, school work is not required during these days, although we are awaiting clarification from PDE on to what extent we may provide instructional and educational resources to our students. We will continue to operate under these conditions unless further guidance or mandates are provided from federal and/or state authorities. We also continue to maintain communication with NEIU 19 districts, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Department of Health, and other agencies to ensure we are following all recommendations and legal requirements. Should we receive information that dictates otherwise, we will inform you as soon as possible and implement the necessary requirements for the betterment of our students and staff.
Please see the following information that was distributed today by the Department of Education and the Department of Labor:
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time of uncertainty. Please stay healthy and safe.
Matthew Barrett, Ed.D.