Sophomores & Juniors:
Please see the email that was sent to your school email regarding two wonderful opportunities.
Sophomores: Tomorrow’s Leaders Today (TLT)
Juniors: Leadership U
Applications are available on www.LeadershipLackawanna.com.
We have been sending students to TLT for years (Leadership U is a new program) and everyone involved always says what a great experience it is. Please look to apply and let your school counselor know if you have any questions.
Leadership Lackawanna is extremely sensitive to the current situation of our country, however, we would like to proceed forward with accepting applications for our youth initiatives – Tomorrow’s Leaders Today and Leadership U. Both have an application deadline of May 15th. These programs are not scheduled to begin until July and mid-October, however, we do have the technology in place should we need to teach remotely.
Tomorrow’s Leaders Today program develops the leadership, interpersonal and managerial skills of high school juniors and provides real-world experiences in the areas of philanthropy, non-profit organizations and community service. Sessions are held one full weekday each month. Leadership Lackawanna’s Tomorrow’s Leaders Today Program accepts applications from sophomores who attend high school in Lackawanna County or in the Lackawanna Trail and Western Wayne school districts.
Leadership Lackawanna and Penn State Scranton are proud to offer a new, collegiate-level initiative called Leadership U. Participants will gain leadership and community engagement skills in the areas of public speaking, S.T.E.A.M., historical awareness, financial literacy and career exploration. Leadership U will be held July 1 through August 12, 2020. Sessions are held each afternoon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. There is no class July 6. This Program accepts applications from juniors, with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, who attend school in Lackawanna County or in the Lackawanna Trail or Western Wayne school districts. If selected, the student must be a senior to participate. Upon successful completion, participants will receive three college credits to Penn State. The credits are for a general education, 100 level class and are transferable to most institutions.