Five Western Wayne High School students have been recognized nationally for their PSAT scores this year. They include: Mia Arcadipane, Lillian Bronson, David Elias, Antonio Fisichella, and Hailey Wasman.
The students feel honored for this recognition and look forward to attending college to study a variety of subjects to further their future careers.
First, Mia Arcadipane, junior, is involved in the following school activities: cross county, track, wrestling, FBLA, NHS, Cats Club, and Student Ambassador Program. Mia is excited to study veterinary medicine after graduation.
“I have always loved science and biology and am excited to learn about these subjects,” she said.
Another nationally recognized student is Lillian Bronson, senior.
She participates in the following activities: Envirothon, soccer, NHS, and Cats Club, where she serves as treasurer.
Lillian plans to pursue a career path involving conservation and wants to study related areas in college.
“I grew up constantly being outside and hunting,” she explained. “I like our environment and want to protect it.”
Next, David Elias, senior, participates in basketball, track, FBLA, and PBIS committee.
He wishes to study mathematics further after graduation through a major in mechanical engineering.
“My favorite subjects are calculus and physics, and they go hand in hand in the field I wish to pursue,” David said.
Another high-achieving PSAT student is Antonio Fisichella, junior. Anotonio is involved in a variety of sports and activities including: Envirothon, Science Olympiad, political science club, outdoor and indoor track, cross country, and student council. In addition, he has been highly involved in the school’s band for the past four years playing percussion in the marching and concert band and participating in both the pit and pep bands.
Antonio greatly values his faith and looks forward to pursuing the study of neurology in college.
“God is good,” he said when reflecting on his recognition for his test score and his future plans.
Finally, Hailey Wasman, junior, is an accomplished member of her local 4H club. She has been showing animals since she was four years old. Some animals she has shown include: goats, lamb, dairy, beef, etc. In addition, she is a member of the Wayne County Livestock Judging Team and is a member of NHS at school.
Her path in 4-H and her strong achievements in academics have led her to pursue a career as a large animal veterinarian with a speciality in reproduction. She wants to study this particular field in college.
“This field of study will help me and others to build strength in our animals,” she explained. “I will learn how to do this by studying different aspects of genealogy in my future coursework.”
The Western Wayne School District wishes these nationally recognized students the best in their future studies at Western Wayne and their respective colleges upon graduation.
From left: Antonio Fisichella, Hailey Wasman, Lillian Bronson, Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal; David Elias, and Mia Arcadipane.