The following Western Wayne students presented scientific research at the Virtual Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science. These students investigated a scientific question, carried out controlled scientific research and presented their findings to a panel of professionals in the scientific fields. The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) is a statewide organization of middle and high school students designed to stimulate and promote interest in science among its members through the development of research projects and investigations. Team advisors are Christine McClure and Maria Masankay.
From Western Wayne High School: Adrian Agnello (10th grade) received a second place award for his work in chemistry while researching “Does SPF Clothing Really Work?.” Alex Chapman (11th grade) received a third place for his work in Ecology while studying “The Effects of Winter Road Treatment on Plant Growth.” Kailey Tickner (11th grade) received a second place award for her work in Behavioral Science studying “The Effects of a Pandemic on Behavior.” Bridget Oppelt (12th grade) received a second place while studying Behavioral Science in the area of “The Effects of Color on Student Learning.” Kailey Tickner was awarded a scholarship to continue her education by taking courses through Lackawanna College in the fall during her senior year of high school.From Western Wayne Middle School: Madelyn McClure (7th grade) received a first place award and a perfect score for her research in Ecology studying “The Effects of Tree Species on Heat Production.” Annie Williams (7th grade) received a third place award for her research in chemistry studying “Does the density of a liquid affect it’s sinking rate?”. Audrey Agnello (8th grade) received a second place award for her research in biology while studying Extraction of DNA. Madelyn McClure will be presenting her research at the PJAS State Competition in May at Penn State