Learning rhythms, beats, steps, and choreography isn’t just work for the Rockettes and Broadway stars, Western Wayne High School foreign language students have a yearly tradition of learning Spanish dancing as a part of their curriculum each fall.
Local dance instructor and studio owner Vince Brust works with the Western Wayne students to teach a variety of traditional Spanish dances such as tango, merengue, mambo, and salsa among others. Brust does this as a part of the Artist in Residence Program through NEIU-19.
The students have a few weeks of sessions with Mr. Brust in the fall leading up to a performance for the community this Thursday, November 9, in the Western Wayne High School Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Admission is FREE for everyone.
The high school students were thrilled to learn how to dance and get to meet and work more closely with their fellow classmates in the process.
Freshman Jennifer Stump said she had never danced before this fall, but that once she got started with the classes she really enjoyed them and realized how dance is directly connected to her color guard performances. Jennifer has been on color guard for two years being inspired to join by her aunt who was a part of a team in her youth.
“Once we started counting out the steps in the Spanish dance lessons, I realized that this is just like color guard,” Jennifer said. “I am always counting to be in time for my guard performances and the same skill helps me stay on time for all of the dances we are learning in class.”
Fellow freshman Kendall Murray said she is happy to expand her growing knowledge of dance through the classes offered through the school and taught by local professional dancer Mr. Brust.
“I really have been enjoying learning Spanish dance from an experienced teacher,” Kendall said. “I got to do a lot of different dance styles in our school’s musical last year and really think that my experience with Spanish dance is helping me to learn more styles and gain knowledge about a different culture at the same time.”
There will be about 30 students participating in the Spanish Dance Performance for the local community at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, in the High School Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Again, admission is FREE for all.
The students and staff involved hope to see you there for what will be about an hour of performance fun.