The Western Wayne School District will host a cavalcade of bands on the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 27, at our football stadium. A total of eight schools will participate including: Abington Heights, GNA, Carbondale Area, Delaware Valley, North Pocono, North-West Area, Honesdale, and, of course, Western Wayne will close out the show.
“It is exciting to perform for a home cavalcade crowd,” senior, drum major Caden Wilson said. “I hope everyone comes out to enjoy our show!”
The public may start arriving at the stadium as early as 5:45 p.m. Abington Heights will be the first school to perform starting at 6:30 p.m. with the National Anthem being played shortly beforehand.
Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for children under 12 and senior citizens, a portion of this cost will be donated to a local charity.
In addition, concessions will be sold with all proceeds benefiting Western Wayne band and color guard students.
Western Wayne’s field show this season is a Spy-Themed Show with the selections of “Men in Black,” “Soul Bossa Nova,” “Skyfall,” and “Mission Impossible,” Come out and enjoy the hard work of all of the local school bands participating in this event.