On Wednesday, January 15, 2020, third grade at EverGreen Elementary had the opportunity to continue their learning about K-9 units for educational purposes and a career connection. Their current English-Language Arts story is about K-9 units and their partners. Axel, an 18 month old Giant Schnauzer, is an officer for the Carbondale Police Department. He was accompanied by Carbondale Police Officer Robert Williams (handler) and Officer Brittany Mang. The presentation included learning about the extensive training Axel has gone through such as tracking suspects, searching for narcotics, and helping to protect other officers. Students were shown how Axel can do each job. Officer Williams spoke with the students about these jobs and listened to students as they were able to compare Axel to the dog they read about in their story. Two of the most interesting parts for students was to see that Axel isn’t one of the common breeds of dogs to become a K-9 officer which is usually a Labrador Retriever or German Shepard. Axel can also take commands from multiple languages (English, German, and Italian) as each means a different task for Axel such as work or play time. The EverGreen third grade thanks Officer Williams, Officer Mang, and Axel for their time!