Recently, five members of the Western Wayne chapter of Future Business Leaders of America were recognized during the FBLA National Leadership Experience. The team of Lenny Maiocco, Sydney Peet, Darlene Black, Kate Mattern, and Lena Piccolino captured a third-place award in the Parliamentary Procedure event.
This year’s National Leadership Conference was originally scheduled for Salt Lake City, Utah in late June. However, the COVID-19 virus put an end to all travel as well as school. FBLA-PBL, Inc. decided to provide its members with an opportunity to compete in its National Awards Program and chose to host a national conference virtually.
First, the above members took their objective tests individually and online. Once they advanced to the final round (top 15 teams in the country), the students were given the parliamentary problem and used the Zoom app to record the performance part of the event, which consisted of a role play of a chapter meeting.
Also participating in this virtual leadership experience were Western Wayne’s Rachel Hoch, Kaeli Romanowski, and Abby Kapschull—Intro to FBLA; Gabby Tetreault, Ashton Fitzsimmons, and Rachel Tuman—Intro to Parliamentary Procedure; Lacey Falloon and Celeste Orchard, Accounting I; and Landon Firmstone, Julia Lamberton, and Collin Murray, Entrepreneurship.
For the fortieth consecutive year, the Western Wayne chapter received the Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit, the highest award a chapter can receive on the national level.
Theresa Lubash is the local chapter adviser.