Western Wayne High School Receives 2020 ExxonMobil Grant

The Western Wayne High School received a 500 dollar 2020 ExxonMobil Educational Alliance Grant for their math and science departments.  ExxonMobil and Onvo present these grants to various area schools each year.  The check was awarded to Western Wayne this November.  Western Wayne Administration and staff are excited to use these funds to better the educational experiences of their students. The District intends to use these funds to purchase upgraded calculators for use in their math and science departments. The following picture was taken during the 2019 school year. Due to COVID-19 circumstances, a picture from this year could not be taken.  From left: Mr. Matthew Barr, high school vice principal; David Stinson, district manager; and  Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal.

Western Wayne Student Places Second in 2020 National Chemistry Week Poem Contest

Kayla Peirce Poetry

By Jessica McLaughlin

Western Wayne student Kayla Peirce, won second place in the 9-12 grade category of the national 2020 National Chemistry Week (NCW) Illustrated Poem Contest pertaining to the theme, “Sticking with Chemistry.”

This is the first time in our section’s history that a student’s poem made it to the National level. Kayla is also the 2020 ACS Susquehanna Valley Section National Chemistry Week Poetry Contest 9th-12th Grade Winner. Kayla’s poem was judged as being the best out of all 9th-12th grade entries received by our Section.

 Kayla will be honored at the annual May banquet with her parents and teacher Mrs. Maria Masankay. In light of the COVID pandemic, the ACS Susquehanna Valley Section has not yet decided on a format for the banquet. If they are unable to hold the banquet in person this year, Kayla will receive a $50 check and a certificate via mail in May.

In addition, Kayla’s winning poem entry is featured on the campaign’s website at www.acs.org/ncw, which receives over 25,000 unique visitors annually. Her poem will also appear in an upcoming issue of the Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) magazine on December 21, which will be available to view  at cen.acs.org. Kayla will receive a cash prize, a certificate, and a letter of congratulations in the coming weeks.

Her winning poem is titled “A Gecko’s Grip.”  Kayla has always loved art almost as much as she enjoys creative writing.  This love of drawing influenced her to make a gecko the subject of her poem for the contest.

“I thought I could draw a gecko well,” Kayla explained.  “I did some research and then from there the poem just came to me.  I really enjoy writing.  I keep a journal where I practice my writing.”

Kayla’s favorite subject is English.  

“I really like the writing part,” Kayla, who wishes to study psychology in college, said.  “I like how you can do so much with words.  I also like looking back on my writing and thinking about how much fun I had making it.”  

Western Wayne Music Students Excel at Virtual District Auditions for Band and Chorus

Western Wayne music students auditioned virtually for District Band and District Chorus this year.  

The following students were accepted to District Band. They include:  Jenny Guadagno (Placed 5th and is 1st Alternate for District Orchestra), Madison Kammer, Ash Mangieri, Aidan Donnini (Placed 1st and qualified for District Orchestra), Hudson Malinowski (Placed 4th and qualified for District Orchestra), Alyssa Donnini, Madison Weinczyk (placed 2nd), Nicholas Valentin (2nd Alternate for District Orchestra), Maggie Nagle (1st Alternate for District Band), and Bridgette Flannery (1st Timpani Alternate for District Band).

These band students will be participating in the festival later this winter in a virtual format with nationally recognized clinicians and will have the opportunity to qualify for the All-State Festival.

Also, five chorus students auditioned for District Chorus and all five were accepted. They include: Rhonda Fenkner, Joanna Regalbuto, Rebecca Boots, Bridgette Flannery, and Alex Taylor.

The district is proud of the accomplishments of its music students and wish them the best at their respective upcoming festivals.

In photo:  Western Wayne seniors Alex Taylor and Rhonda Fenkner posing at a dress rehearsal for last year’s musical.

Western Wayne Holiday Concert Videos Available for Streaming

By Jenny Guadagno

The Western Wayne Music Department  is thrilled to announce the release of Christmas concert recordings for the community. 

The High School Band, High School Chorus, 7th/ 8th Grade Band, 8th Grade Chorus, and 7th Grade Chorus, all worked with their teachers to create concert recordings for the holiday season.

After a year away from the stage, these music groups have returned in full swing to spread some holiday cheer via video performances. 

Although the virtual nature of the concerts are certainly different from previous years, the band and chorus is growing accustomed to it, especially the high school band. Having already published a Halloween recording during the High School band’s marching season, they came prepared to make a video in the concert season.

Students in all Western Wayne musical groups were  spaced out and utilized personal protective equipment based on their instrument, ranging from face shields and instrument bags to bell covers, special player’s masks, and face masks for chorus students.  

Equipped with this gear and decked out in festive sweaters, the band and chorus students performed a variety of fun holiday songs for all to enjoy.

In a truly wild year, it is reassuring to have a holiday concert remain constant. As low brass section leader Madison Weinczyk of the High School Band puts it, “It’s definitely a different experience, but I’m glad to still have this opportunity”. 

The concerts can be found at the following links:

High School Band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vS8GbhT-aQ&t=10s

High School Chorus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xa6rHfhYhtg

7th/8th Grade Band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyIwzkirX2w

8th Grade Chorus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXTiT0XF0V0&feature=youtu.be

7th Grade Chorus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-yU7J6BaPA&feature=youtu.be

The Western Wayne Music Department in both the high school and middle school hope all enjoy this holiday treat!

In photo:  Senior Drum Major Alyssa Donnini directs the high school band at their community day held this past fall.

Western Wayne FCCLA Presents Check to The Wayne County Children’s Christmas Bureau

Western Wayne FCCLA presented a check to The Wayne County Children’s Christmas Bureau in the amount of $455.09.  The money was raised at the recent FCCLA Drive Through Breakfast with Santa which was planned by students Kennedy Mistishin and Zoey Goldman as part of FCCLA’s STAR EVENT participation (Student’s Taking Action for Recognition).  Kennedy and Zoey will be presenting on the topic of Community Service at the virtual FCCLA State Leadership Conference this spring.

From left: Western Wayne high school principal Paul Gregorski; Western Wayne FCCLA Members and event Co- Chairs Zoey Goldman, Kennedy Mistishin; and a representative from the Wayne County Children’s Christmas Bureau Mr. John Carmody.

Western Wayne Band Virtually Entertains Community for Halloween

By: Jenny Guadagno

In a typical school year, the Western Wayne Marching Band would don their costumes and travel to three different nursing homes to perform several songs and spread Halloween cheer. Steampunk flute players, superhero horn players, and banana-suit trumpet players would march through the hallways of Julia Ribaudo, Ellen Memorial, and Wayne Woodlands. But in the age of COVID-19, this annual trip is not a possibility. 

Instead, the Wildcat Band found a new way to share their music and spooky spirits: Members of the band showed up after school to dress in their costumes and make a video recording some spectacular tunes in October prior to Halloween. Featured were songs from this year’s “Hot and Cold” field show, including the Ice Castles theme and “Hot Hot Hot”, as well as old favorites and Halloween classics like “Thriller” and “When I’m Sixty-Four”. Once the songs were recorded, the clips were compiled and shipped off to local nursing homes as well as to eager teachers, parents, and community members throughout the district. 

While video viewers may not quite experience the magic of a live performance, this medium came with the potential for added flair. Prerecording outside meant players had space to march and show off fun visuals, from doing a dainty step-touch to letting loose and jamming out to their sound.

“It was fun to put together, and I think the video turned out good,” says sophomore Ash Mangieri, a flute player and former Color Guard member who is in their third year with the marching band. “I’m happy we were able to do this for the community.”

The video is accessible by the public and can be found on Youtube under the title “Western Wayne Wildcat Marching Band Halloween 2020.” The band is already anticipating the release of more recordings for future events and looks forward to further exploring alternate performance mediums like this. The conclusion? No matter the circumstances, the band will continue to find ways to do what it does best… perform. 

ASVAB Testing – November 6th

Attention 11th and 12th Grade Students,

Western Wayne will host the ASVAB on November 6th during Periods 1-4. If you are interested in the Military you should take the ASVAB. Also students undecided about their career plans may want to take this exam.

Sign up by filling out this form… https://forms.gle/FcrpcgXjw2xz9Zqw8