We are excited to announce the opening of the Western Wayne High School’s Wildcat Den, located in room 202. The Wildcat Den will be available to students in need of a safe space to de-escalate, de-stress, and re-set. Initially, the Wildcat Den will be open and staffed during the lunch periods. It is our hope teachers will reserve the space for their classes on occasion. In addition, any student wishing to utilize the space can talk to their School Counselor. The Wildcat Den offers multiple stations designated to calm the sensory system. There is a station for auditory, tactical, visual, olfactory, vestibular, and proprioceptive. Examples of some tools in the space include: a weighted lap pad, balance pods, comfortable seating, elliptical training machine, fidget tools, games, music, and many other wonderful resources.
Western Wayne’s College and Career Fair will be on October 6th during 1st through 4th periods. We are excited to announce we have partnered with Strive Scan. This is an easy and contactless way for students to share their information with the Colleges in attendance. There is no longer any need to complete the information cards at the tables. Following the fair, each student will receive an email with information about each college they connected with, through their individualized barcodes. All students should register at https://www.strivescan.com/visits/ . Select student registration and complete the personal and student information. The academic and demographic information is optional. Your individualized barcode will then be texted and emailed to you. If you do not have a cell phone, you can print out the barcode to be scanned during the fair.
The Western Wayne Hot Rod Club will host their 6th Annual Car Show from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 3. Spectators enter for free. Registration cost for vehicles is ten dollars. Cars will be directed to park in the lots near the football stadium for the show. The Drama Club will sell concessions at the stadium for spectators. In addition, there will be music, basket raffles, and, of course, prizes for car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, and best in show. All proceeds benefit both the Hot Rod and Drama Clubs. Please come out and support our students for this event to end Homecoming weekend.
National Substitute Appreciation Week is September 6-10. Western Wayne is grateful for our substitute and guest teachers. Thank you for stepping in to work with students when we need you the most!
If you are interested in joining the Western Wayne team, contact the District Office at 1-800-321-9973 Option 5.
Lenny’s hometown is Lake Ariel, PA. His parents are Christa and Len Maiocco. His activities in school are FBLA, NHS, Student Council, Spanish Club, Youth Advisory Committee, and tennis. In addition, he was named one of the Scranton Times Superstar Scholars. In FBLA, he was the State Parliamentarian for the 2020-2021 school year. In addition, he placed 1st at States in FBLA for Parliamentary Procedure, and in tennis he has won the District 2 Class 2A Boys Single Championships three years in a row and placed 3rd as a sophomore at States and 4th as a senior. His plans for the future are to attend the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.
Salutatorian, Celeste Orchard
Celeste’s hometown is Lake Ariel, PA. Her parents are Jeffrey and Magdalena Orchard. Her activities in school are National Honor Society, dual-enrollment, and Tomorrow’s Leaders Today. Her freshman year, she participated in girl’s JV soccer and art club. Also, she was a member of the Varsity Track team her freshman through junior years. In addition, she participated in Student Council and SAAD for her freshman through junior years. She also is a student ambassador for Western Wayne. In addition, she won second runner up in the American Chemical Society’s exam for first year high school chemistry. In her junior year in FBLA, she placed third in the Accounting I event. For her future plans, Celeste committed to Marywood University to study Pre-Professional Biology. She also completed her first year of college via dual enrollment from Penn State Scranton and Lackawanna College. In addition, she was named one of the Scranton Times Superstar Scholars. She maintained her class rank although she took on college coursework and completed her college courses with A’s. She took courses during winter break and intends to continue with a summer course. Upon completion of her bachelor’s degree, she plans to pursue graduate school to become an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Picture One: From left, seniors Maggie Millon, Rachel Wertman, and Keyly-Shaye Robinson compare the unique caps they made for graduation. Millon will take a gap year and hopes to pursue a career that possibly involves fashion design. She was the only four-year fashion design student in the Western Wayne graduating class of 2021. Wertman plans to attend Iowa State University to major in science. Robinson plans to attend Nova Southeastern University in Florida to study Marine Biology.
Picture Two: From left, seniors Irene Sheehan, Thomas Gogolski,and Noelle Cruz chat about their friendship before the graduation ceremony. Sheehan plans to take a gap year and then do an internship in Kentucky in interior design. Gogolski will attend the University of South Florida and study finance. Cruz will attend the Pennsylvania College of Technology and study dental hygiene.
Picture Three: From left, band seniors head up from a final rehearsal to join their classmates in line for graduation Abigail Lopez, Stephanie Knecht, and Cheyenne Haney.
Picture Four: From left, band seniors head up from a final rehearsal to join their classmates in line for graduation Hailey Robbins, Julia Lamberton, and Alex Taylor.
Picture Five: Senior Rhonda Fenkner, one of this year’s drum majors, heads up to meet her classmates in line for graduation. Rhonda will attend Marywood in the fall and double-major in music therapy and music education. Picture Six: Band Director Elaine Ort directs the Western Wayne Band as they play the processional music for graduation. Junior class president Morgan Coccodrilli looks on as the band plays (second row, end seat on left).
Picture Seven: Valedictorian Lenny Maiocco leads a line down to the field for graduation. Picture Eight: Senior Hayley Kovaleski twirls around in the rain on the way down to the field to graduation. From left: Jordan Koch, Hayley Kovaleski, Michael Kromko, Miranda Kubilus, and Maggy Langendoerfer.
Picture Nine: Senior class president Madison McGlone passes the mantle on to junior class president Morgan Coccodrilli.
Picture Ten: Senior Gabby Velez receives her diploma. Velez plans to move to Illinois to be near family. After first joining the workforce, she hopes to attend college for art animation.
Picture Eleven: Salutatorian Celeste Orchard shakes hands with Western Wayne High School Principal Paul Gregorski after the graduation ceremony is over.
Picture Twelve: From left seniors Natasha Orehek and Maggie Millon embrace after receiving their diplomas. Orehek will attend Penn State Worthington in the fall with an undecided major.
True to the everchanging unique time the 2020-2021 school year was tonight’s graduation had a surprise rain shower as students processed onto the field in their caps and gowns. Many say that rain is a sign of good luck or a blessing when it falls on an important day, and this graduation day for a class that had their senior year during a global pandemic was truly blessed with the love of all of the families of the graduates in attendance who cheered them on through rain and shine from the stands. Students each had a limited amount of tickets to give to family members for tonight’s event to lessen the crowd.
Senior Madison McGlone, president of the Class of 2021, gave the Welcome Address.
“Once a Wildcat always a Wildcat,” she told her fellow classmates about how she knows they will always feel welcome back at the district in the future when they stop for a visit.
McGlone then presented the Class Mantle to Morgan Coccodrilli, junior class president.
Senior Celeste Orchard was then named salutatorian with a GPA of 101. Celeste gave a speech on the importance of words.“Words have power over us,” she said. “Seldom do people celebrate themselves and it is important to celebrate our own value. I have nothing but pride for myself and for my class.”
Next senior Leonard Maiocco III was announced as valedictorian with a GPA of 101.5.
“It is an honor and a privilege to give the final farewell to the class of 2021,” Maiocco said.
He discussed the unique school year had by all. “We have faced challenges that no other class has ever had to face,” Lenny continued. “We persisted and we are here tonight with our family members in the stands.”
The Honesdale National Bank presented the Western Wayne Education Association with a check for 1,600 this past spring. The money is given through EITC, Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program. The money then funds enrichment at the district for needs of students outside of the traditional curriculum such as field trips, equipment, etc. Most recently the money was used to fund a ninth grade science camp field trip and a photography project done by high school students. The Western Wayne School District is extremely grateful for the generosity of HNB. From left: Tim McClure, high school social studies teacher; Robert Ferraro, a branch manager from HNB; Maria Masankay, high school science teacher; and Paul Gregorski, high school principal.
The Western Wayne Marching Band waits in their parade block before stepping off for the Pride & Patriotism Parade
From left, newly elected Western Wayne Band student leaders for the 2021-22 school year, standing: Joanna Regalbuto, Isabella O’Donnell, Madison Weinczyk, Evan Peirce, B. Flannery, Hudson Malinowski, Bridget Oppelt, and Aidan Donnini. From left, kneeling: Emily Brophy, Maggie Nagle, Madison Kammer, and Jenny Guadagno
From left Western Wayne Color Guard members: Joanna Regalbuto, Emily Brophy, Jamie Newman, Amanda David, Amy Newman, Isabella O’Donnell, and Rebekah Palko
For the first time in over a year the Western Wayne Marching Band was able to participate in a parade performance. The band marched in the annual Waymart Pride & Patriotism Parade on Saturday, June 12. The group was met with much applause from a very supportive community who missed seeing a lot of the pride of Western Wayne this year due to COVID-19. The students were thrilled to be out playing for the public again. “It was an awesome way to end my senior year as a drum major,” Rhonda Fenkner, who will attend Marywood University in the fall, said. “When I was first announced to be one of the drum majors at our live meet band banquet [on the internet] last spring, I had no idea what our performance season would actually look like. I am so grateful to have been given the opportunities I had this year to perform for a live audience safely. This final parade was an excellent experience I wasn’t sure I would even be able to have.”
Students Attend World Language Day at The University of ScrantonMarch 7, 2025On Tuesday, March 4th, The University of Scranton held their second World Language Day in which they hosted over 100 high school students to experience lessons in Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, German, and Arabic. Some Western Wayne High School students were in attendance and loved their experience.
“It was very interesting to be immersed in so many different languages,” Kallie Wehrmann, Western Wayne senior, said. “I really loved making new friends and learning about different cultures. I am so excited to go to college next year and feel this experience makes me even more prepared for the future.”
From left: Mrs. Sara Orloski, Jack Sepelyak, Lance Hauenstein, Kaitlin Wargo, Leah Reeger, Julia Wehrmann, Katie Skirpan, Lily Kieva, Kallie Wehrmann, Chloe Gilpin, Maria Gadoua, and Mrs. Sandrowicz. [...]
High School February Students of the MonthMarch 5, 2025The following students were recognized by the Student Council as students of the month for February. Their teachers and administrators weighed in on the decisions. All of the students chosen hold a high standard of academic and personal excellence. They are true examples of the P.R.I.D.E. standards for PBIS at our school.
First, Leah Reeger is our selected freshman. Leah is an all-around excellent student who has a passion for art. In addition, she is involved in Envirothon, Student Council, and Ultimate Frisbee. One of her favorite classes is her Honors English class. She feels as though her writing is growing in strength this year, especially her poetry and literary analysis work.
She also is greatly enjoying her Introduction to Ceramics class this year.
“We are learning how to make basic items like bowls,” Leah explained. “I really like coming up with new items to create and then making them a reality through my art.”
Leah aspires to own a coffee shop with an art theme that focuses on nature.
Next, Eric McGrath is our chosen sophomore this month. Eric is an enthusiastic student who gives his best effort in all he does. His sports and activities include soccer, track, and Envirothon. His favorite class this year is English.
“I like writing best, especially fiction analysis,” he said. Eric plans to attend college after graduation with an undecided major at the moment.
In addition, Loucynthia Allen is this month’s featured junior. She is another very dedicated student who enjoys art. Her clubs and activities include Spanish Club, National Art Honor Society, and Envirothon.
Her favorite class this year is ceramics.
“I really like being in my own world when I create art,” she said.
She aspires to become a dentist or dental hygienist for her future career.
Finally, David Elias is our senior spotlight this month. David is an exceptional academic student and talented student athlete. His sports and activities include basketball, track and FBLA.
His favorite class is calculus.
“I enjoy problem solving and working with numbers,” he said.
David plans to attend a four-year university upon graduation with an undecided major.
The Western Wayne School District congratulates these February students of the month and wishes them the best in their future endeavors.
From left: Leah Reeger, Eric McGrath, Mr. Robert Black, high school assistant principal; Loucynthia Allen, and David Elias. [...]
PA State Grant UpdateMarch 5, 2025PA State Grant Information:
PHEAA has informed us that they will be not be using GrantUS to process the PA State Grant. They will be using their legacy system and expect to have initial emails to students to apply for the 2025-26 PA State Grant in April. Please be on the lookout for an email from PHEAA if you filled out your FAFSA regarding the state grant [...]
Students Win Big With Energy Efficiency!March 4, 2025A group of ninth grade students at Western Wayne High School received the Honorable Mention award in a special PPL contest.
Aidyn Graci and Mitchell Ferraro General Science, students from the high school were the Honorable Mention winners in the PPL Electric THINK! ENERGY Innovation Challenge. The contest required students to develop an interactive and hands-on presentation on energy, natural resources and environmental issues.
Science teacher Dr. Mark Nebzydoski led the challenge for Western Wayne by registering all Western Wayne High School students for free energy conservation kits, which consisted of three compact fluorescent light bulbs, a smart energy power strip, a shower timer, a faucet aerator and water-saving shower head. Each student was then asked to take the kits home, install the energy-saving equipment and survey how much energy was saved due to the use of the equipment.
“The students projects submitted were very creative and entertaining.” Nebzydoski said. “Seeing students learning about energy efficiency and applying it to the real world is the perfect model of how education should work.” “High school students are tomorrow’s homeowners, so reinforcing energy efficiency messages is important.”
The winning students’ project included a video on energy efficiency. They can be found from a link on the Western Wayne Website. https://youtu.be/EDmCGFHw4Lk Winning students each received Beats wireless earbuds. Dr. Nebzydoski received $250 for classroom supplies.
“I am proud of the student’s hard work and achievement,” Dr. Nebzydoski said.
The students really had a lot of fun making the video with the ongoing theme of “Come on, Mr. Nebz!” Throughout the clip, they kept telling their favorite teacher to be more careful about energy usage in his classroom.
Mitchell Ferraro, who of the winning students who aspires to be a social studies teacher, really liked how fun it was to make the video and tell Mr. Nebz what to do throughout it.
Fellow video creator Aidyn Graci, who aspires to study business one day be very successful, was relieved when they finished the project. “I was glad to get to the end and see our hard work pay off,” he said.
PPL Electric Utilities, in conjunction with National Energy Foundation (NEF) and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), is proud to sponsor the THINK! ENERGY with E-power educational program. There are three program offerings for various grade levels and each is designed to provide teachers and students with energy education. All program offerings are free and are correlated to Pennsylvania learning standards.
Please see contest link https://thinkenergy.org/ppl-innovation/teachers/
From left: Dr. Mark Nebzydoski, Mitchell Ferraro, and Aidyn Graci. [...]
PPL Awards Gift Certificate to Western Wayne SophomoreMarch 4, 2025PPL awarded Western Wayne sophomore student Liam O’Brien an amazon gift card as a prize for completing a survey about his usage of tools in the Innovation Kit that all Western Wayne 9th grade high school students got as a part of the PPL Think! Energy program this past fall. The students were challenged to use the items in the kit such as a smart power strip, LED bulbs, and a special shower head for water conservation, among other items. Liam, who aspires to study culinary arts or sports broadcasting in the future, and many other Western Wayne students used these items and then filled in a survey about their experiences. Liam was the lucky winner drawn at random for the Western Wayne School District. Liam said he got the most use out of the power strip from the PPL kit. He likes his science class and prioritizes helping the environment. “I think it is important to be environmentally conscientious so that plants in nature can thrive and people in general have better health,” Liam said.From left: Dr. Mark Nebzydoski and Liam O’Brien. [...]
Safe2Say Something is a youth violence prevention
program run by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General.
The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize
warning signs and signals, especially within social media,
from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others
and to “say something” BEFORE it is too late.