Western Wayne Celebrates Veterans Day 

As a tradition for many years, Western Wayne administration, faculty, staff, and students joined together on Friday, Nov. 8, to celebrate veterans in the community with a special in-school event that featured music from the high school band and chorus, a presentation by a keynote speaker, and a question and answer session with the veterans.

Many local veterans attended the presentation at Western Wayne, some of which had special connections to district faculty and students. 

One such veteran at the assembly who has a connection to the district is Western Wayne coach Josh Harrison, Army.  Harrison served ten years in the army, nine of which were active duty.  He served in Afghanistan and one year in the Army National Guard.  He is a Western Wayne graduate who left the service in 2021.  Currently he works at Signode for his day job and, in addition, coaches a variety of athletics at Western Wayne including:  head junior varsity football coach for grades 7 through 9 as well as helping with varsity football; head wrestling coach for boys varsity, girls varsity, and junior high girls.  

Harrison graduated from Mansfield University where he played football.  When Harrison was younger he never imagined himself being in the military or coaching, but now that he has been on this path he truly believes that it is a life course that was meant for him.

“Coming back to Western Wayne and coaching now feels really great,” Harrison said.  “My first time at the Western Wayne Veterans Day assembly was last year.  I didn’t realize how many students didn’t know I was a veteran and was glad I could make an even further connection with some of them through their new knowledge about my background.  I feel that I use my military background in coaching to teach the kids discipline and organization, but I also want to make sure that they are having fun.  I love coaching,” Harrison said.

Fellow school employee and Navy veteran John VanLeuven also enjoys attending the Veterans Day assembly to show the students that people which they see everyday made sacrifices for their country.  VanLeuven fondly remembers his experiences in the service as a time when as a young man he had dreamed of leaving his hometown to do something more with his life.

“I grew up on a dairy farm, and I just wanted to see the world,” he said, recalling that during three and a half years in the service he went to 17 countries and 21 cities.

“I think Norway was a favorite place in my military travels,” he explained.  “I remember volunteering to give a ladies auxiliary a tour in that country with a number of other soldiers.  We learned a lot about the history of the country and had a lot of fun.”

Another veteran in attendance at this assembly who originated the Veterans Day Program at Western Wayne in 1982 is Mr. John Gaudenzi, Sergeant First Class Army and 39 year educator of the Western Wayne School District.  Gaudenzi originated the Veterans Day festivities at Western Wayne with fellow teacher Marie Casper.  

Gaudenzi knows many veterans throughout the local community and says that many of them tell him that the quality of the Western Wayne Veterans Day Program is one of the best they have ever attended.  

Gaudenzi was hired in 1974 to teach at the district and recalls vividly being asked in his interview if he would move to the district he teaches in.

Now for many years not only does Gaudenzi and his wife live in the district but they also get the pleasure of watching so many students Gaudenzi taught grow up and continue to shine as adults.

“We live in the district and have seen former students grow up to be great parents, teachers, and people,” Gaudenzi said.  “We are proud of them all, and I’m most proud of having been a Western Wayne teacher.”

The keynote speaker of the assembly this year was Melissa McWilliams, Army Sergeant and bronze star medal recipient from Lake Wallenpaupack, who served five years as a paratrooper.  Before she joined the military and spent time in Afghanistan, McWilliams started her nursing degree at Old Dominion University and then would go on to finish it after she served at Texas A&M University being the first person in her family to earn a college degree.

She decided to join the service because her family life was challenging growing up, and she was looking for a sense of purpose in a close knit community.

McWilliams worked in nursing in Texas after her time in the service being the first person in her family to earn a college degree.  She later in 2017 started working for Wayne County Drug and Alcohol and has spent the past six years working with students in the Western Wayne School District offering services in prevention education.  In addition, she coaches cheerleading at Wallenpaupack School District.

“I like to make an impact on others,” she said.  “Even the smallest impact matters.”

McWilliams is grateful for her time in the service and how it shaped both her as a person and the course of her life, and she challenged the students in attendance to think about considering the military as an option for their futures.

“Your future is yours,” she said.  “It doesn’t matter where you came from.  You can make your future what you want it to be. The military gave me a family for the first time.  My experience there was the most powerful change in my life.”

McWilliams continued imparting more strong advice to the entire middle and high school student bodies, “ You have the opportunity in front of you to choose what path you want to take, and I challenge you to listen to the stories of veterans.  A life in military service can push you to do things you never thought you were capable of doing before,” she said. “ I’m grateful for all of the values the military instilled in me.  That is why I am the person who I am today.”

McWilliams is currently pursuing her second degree through the military to follow a further path to work in the field of psychology/ psychiatry and help others facing many challenges in their lives just as she faced challenges in her young life.

One of the final parts of the assembly after the beautiful music provided by the Western Wayne Band and Chorus was the annual Veterans Question and Answer Session.

A variety of veterans including McWilliams continued to impart their wisdom and past experiences to the students in attendance.  A new addition to both the panel and the Western Wayne School District this year is our new Middle School principal Casey Newcomer, Army National Guard.

He encouraged the students to pursue whatever mission in life personally calls to them whether it is to military service or another path.

“Be humble,” Newcomer told the students.  “The room is always smaller than the individual.  It is important to lean on your team and trust the people around you.  Keep the mission first.”

Picture One:  Back row, from left:  Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal; Jared Goldman, Madison Trapanese, Makenzie Chearney, Sofia Ochlan, Mr. John Gaudenzi, Sergeant First Class Army; Aiden Van Orden, Cameron Press, Danika Duffy, Audrey McHugh, and Major Shane Grodack, USMC retired.  First row:  Madison Forgione, Bryn Vinton, and keynote speaker Melissa McWilliams, Army sergeant. All students pictured are part of Western Wayne’s Student Ambassador Program and helped at the Veterans Day event.

Picture Two:  Mr. Taber Starnes, high school chorus teacher, conducts his singers at the Veterans Day assembly.

Picture Three:  Mrs. Elaine Ort, high school band director, conducts her band at the Veterans Day assembly.

Picture Four:  Senior Lilly Maros plays “Taps” to close out the assembly with senior Kaleb Franko, not pictured.

High School October Students of the Month

The following students were recognized by the Student Council as students of the month for October. Their teachers and administrators weighed in on the decisions.  All of the students chosen hold a high standard of academic and personal excellence. They are true examples of the P.R.I.D.E. standards for PBIS at our school. 

 First, Eronique White is our selected freshman.  Eronique greatly enjoys her creative writing class focussing on poetry and some short stories as favorite genres.  Her work has a focus on mental health related issues.  

“Writing with a focus on this theme, helps me to get out my feelings on paper,” Eronique explained.  For the future, Eronique plans to study psychology in college and become a therapist.  

“I see myself focussing my work to help older people and teenagers,” Eronique said.  “I’ve been helped by therapists and want to help others in return.”

 Next, Grady Farley is our chosen sophomore this month.  Grady is an avid skier who first took the slopes with his family at about the age of five.  He enjoys everything about this activity including skiing, the most challenging of courses.

In school, he is a part of Envirothon and is an honor roll student.  His favorite class this year is chemistry.  He aspires to have a career in dentistry.

“I enjoy my chemistry lab work most, because it is an activity that you have to teach yourself through,” he explained.

 In addition, Aiden Matthews is this month’s featured junior.  He is a member of the National Honor Society, FBLA, Envirothon, and Robotics Club.  Also, he is highly involved in track doing both indoor and outdoor for the past four years.  He competes in many events including running, jumping, and his main focus– the pole vault.

Like his classmate, Aiden also likes his chemistry class best this year. 

“I like using one thing to get to another to find something final in our labs,” he explained.  He is undecided on his future path but has considered pursuing a science-related field. 

 Finally,  Lia Hartman is our senior spotlight this month.  Lia is a highly involved student who is the president of the Science Club. She, also, is in Envirothon, National Honor Society, and is president of the Band.  In addition, she served as a drum major for the past two years playing the flute and piccolo.

“I have learned a lot about leadership in my time at Western Wayne,” she said.  “I’ve come to embrace the fact that everyone I work with is unique and to have success leading them I have to adjust to their needs.  I have become a more understanding and open-minded person through being a drum major.”

Hartman will take the leadership skills she learned at Western Wayne to college next year.  Her first choice school is Penn State.  She wishes to study pathology and is considering concentrating in either anatomical pathology or neuropathology.

“The human body is really interesting,” she said.  “I want to contribute to people’s health, and I enjoy lab work best, so pathology embodies what I see for my future.”

The Western Wayne School District congratulates these October students of the month and wishes them the best in their future endeavors.  From left: Grady Farley, Aiden Matthews, Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal; Lia Hartman, and Eronique White.

Student Council Homecoming Food Drive

Western Wayne High School Student Council recently delivered donations to the food pantry volunteers in Waymart as run by the Calvary United Methodist Church.

During Homecoming week, the Western Wayne High School Student Council collected nonperishable food items from the school and community to help stock local food pantries, including items donated as admission into the Varsity football game.

The donations were made to the food pantries at Calvary United Methodist Church in Waymart and St. Thomas More Food Pantry in Lake Ariel.

If interested in these resources or to make donations, please contact the United Methodist Church in Waymart via Donna LaBar at 570-470-3763 and the Thomas More Food Pantry via Jen Cruciani at office@stthomas-stmary.com

From left: Becky Leljedal, Mrs. Jenkins, and Donna LaBar.

Creative Writing Students Compete in “Fright Club” Contest

During October’s spooky season, WWHS students in the Creative Writing elective competed to give senior class readers the biggest “fright” by composing a 100-word or less mini saga. Students could opt to submit their sagas to a national level competition via the Young Writers 2024 “Fright Club” contest.

Runners up were senior Anthony Donnini’s “Monster,” junior Makayla Fullone’s “Performance is a Promise to be Kept ,” and senior Vallita Belinova’s “Rite Aid.”

Senior Lillian Maros took the first place “boo-basket” prize for her chilling poetic saga, “Black Sheep.”

Winners (left to right):
Anthony Donnini , Lillian Maros, Makayla Fullone, and Vallita Belinova (not pictured).

Students Recognized Nationally for PSAT Scores

Five Western Wayne High School students have been recognized nationally for their PSAT scores this year.  They include: Mia Arcadipane, Lillian Bronson, David Elias, Antonio Fisichella, and Hailey Wasman.

The students feel honored for this recognition and look forward to attending college to study a variety of subjects to further their future careers.

First, Mia Arcadipane, junior, is involved in the following school activities:  cross county, track, wrestling, FBLA, NHS, Cats Club, and Student Ambassador Program.  Mia is excited to study veterinary medicine after graduation.  

“I have always loved science and biology and am excited to learn about these subjects,” she said. 

Another nationally recognized student is Lillian Bronson, senior. 

She participates in the following activities:  Envirothon, soccer, NHS, and Cats Club, where she serves as treasurer.

Lillian plans to pursue a career path involving conservation and wants to study related areas in college.

“I grew up constantly being outside and hunting,” she explained.  “I like our environment and want to protect it.”

Next, David Elias, senior, participates in basketball, track, FBLA, and PBIS committee.  

He wishes to study mathematics further after graduation through a major in mechanical engineering.

“My favorite subjects are calculus and physics, and they go hand in hand in the field I wish to pursue,” David said.

Another high-achieving PSAT student is Antonio Fisichella, junior.  Anotonio is involved in a variety of sports and activities including:  Envirothon, Science Olympiad, political science club, outdoor and indoor track, cross country, and student council.  In addition, he has been highly involved in the school’s band for the past four years playing percussion in the marching and concert band and participating in both the pit and pep bands.

Antonio greatly values his faith and looks forward to pursuing the study of neurology in college.

“God is good,” he said when reflecting on his recognition for his test score and his future plans.

Finally, Hailey Wasman, junior, is an accomplished member of her local 4H club.  She has been showing animals since she was four years old.  Some animals she has shown include:  goats, lamb, dairy, beef, etc. In addition, she is a member of the Wayne County Livestock Judging Team and is a member of NHS at school.

Her path in 4-H and her strong achievements in academics have led her to pursue a career as a large animal veterinarian with a speciality in reproduction.  She wants to study this particular field in college.

“This field of study will help me and others to build strength in our animals,” she explained.  “I will learn how to do this by studying different aspects of genealogy in my future coursework.”

The Western Wayne School District wishes these nationally recognized students the best in their future studies at Western Wayne and their respective colleges upon graduation.

From left:  Antonio Fisichella, Hailey Wasman, Lillian Bronson, Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal; David Elias, and Mia Arcadipane.

Drama Club to Host Holiday Murder Mystery Dinner on Dec. 6

The Western Wayne Drama Club is now accepting reservations for our HOLIDAY MURDER MYSTERY DINNER on Friday, December 6, from 6 to 8 pm in the High School Cafeteria. 

This event is for adults and students grades 8 and up ONLY. Adult ticket cost $25 dollars; students and senior citizens for $20 dollars. Cost includes: appetizers, soda and water, buffet dinner catered by RPlace, and live show. More information in ticket link. 

Reservations accepted now through Nov. 22. PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO DRESS IN 1920s ATTIRE. There will be audience prizes for best costume! We hope you join us for this unique night out hosted by our Drama Club students this holiday season! Questions, email jmclau@wwsd.io

See order link for more details below. Paper order form attached, if preferred.


Happy early holiday season from the Western Wayne Drama Club!

Sophomores Chosen to Attend HOBY Leadership Seminar

  Western Wayne sophomores Donovan Gregorski and Isabella Kolp have been chosen to represent Western Wayne at the 2025 Central Pennsylvania HOBY Leadership Seminar this June 2025.

       Donovan is an accomplished Western Wayne honor roll student who enjoys being a part of a variety of sports and clubs at school including:  football, basketball, outdoor track, and FBLA.

In Donovan’s leadership essay for HOBY, he explained what leadership means to him by discussing how it relates to his life, and its overall importance in the world who benefits from it in so many ways.

“Leadership influences my life through its role in sports, work, and so many other things,” Donovan said.  “Through using leadership skills in my life, I feel more determined to accomplish my goals.”

After high school, Donovan aspires to study sports analytics in college to work as a sports statistician in the future.

      “I have a strong love for both sports and math, and I really want to pursue a career path that will let me combine these interests,” he explained.

Donovan’s classmate Isabella Kolp, a sophomore honor roll student, also, is a HOBY winner for Western Wayne and shares a similar view on leadership as Donovan.

“I think it is important for the world to have good leadership,” Isabella explained.  “This is necessary for things to run well.”

Isabella participates in the following activities:  tennis team, Cats Club, FBLA, and student council.

After high school, Isabella plans to major in international business. She loves to travel with her family and has gone on a variety of trips abroad during her high school years so far to places such as France, Japan, and Spain with Japan being her favorite experience at present.

“I really like learning about different cultures and want my future career path to include a way to foster my passion for travel,” she explained.

Both students look forward to attending the conference in the spring and meeting other student leaders from various districts.

The Western Wayne School District wishes them both much success at the conference and in their very bright futures.

From left: Isabella Kolp, Mr. Paul Gregorski, high school principal; and Donovan Gregorski.

Band Celebrates Halloween with Young and Old

The Western Wayne High School Marching Band took their show on the road for their annual Halloween festivities on Wednesday, Oct. 30.

 First, the students gave a performance to elementary students in the district at the R.D. Wilson School and on the same day, they performed in the community at the Wayne Woodlands and Julia Ribaudo Nursing Homes. They also included in their day a performance for the Western Wayne Middle School and Evergreen Elementary School as well.

The band students were thrilled to be able to perform for these very special audiences.  All of the students and nursing home residents who got to see the performances felt a lot of Halloween spirit.

“I am so grateful to be able to go out and perform in the community,” junior Kayelin Martin, color guard captain said.  “It adds another layer to our performances, and we get to have such fun experiences with new audiences.”

Fellow senior color guard student Rebekah Palko agreed.

“It was so wonderful to be able to go out into the community for our Halloween performances,” Rebekah said.  “I really enjoy performing for various audiences.”

Pictured is the Western Wayne Marching Band and Color Guard with director Elaine Ort and assistant director Maria Arneil.