WW Hosts 7th and 8th Grade Chorus Concert

On December 14th, the 7th and 8th Grade Choruses of Western Wayne proudly presented their annual Winter Holiday Program to a very receptive audience. Through their singing, these students shared the joy of the holiday season!

WW Hosts HS Band and Chorus Concert

The Western Wayne High School Chorus and Band  students performed their holiday concert on Friday, December 17,  for family, friends, and members of the community under the direction of Mr. Taber Starnes, chorus,  and Mrs. Elaine Ort, band.  A great time was had by all.


The winners of this year’s Holiday Door Decorating Contest are as follows:
1st Place is Mrs. Jenkins Room 104 with her Buddy’s Starbucks Café!
2nd Place is Mr. Hayden Room 102 with the Polar Express.
3rd Place is Ms. Ferraro Room 101 with her Cozy Log Cabin.
4th Place is Mrs. Orloski and Mrs. Rush with their Cat Lady Meme.
Runners up are Mrs. Masankay with the Year without a Santa Claus AND Mr. McCaffery with Putting the Fro in Frozen.

RDW Kindness Club Inspires

For their final project, the RDW Kindness Club decided to do something nice for the younger students in the building. They wrote inspiring messages on over 150 snowflakes and delivered them to Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade classrooms while they were away at lunch. Teachers later reported that students “loved” receiving the snowflake surprise.

Mrs. Germani is proud of the work that this group accomplished and is excited to be welcoming a new group of KC students after the holiday break!

Strengthening Families Program

5:30- 8 PM

Eligible to ALL students ages 10-14.
Limited to the first 15 families.

A Free and Fun Program for the Entire Family. Take advantage of this opportunity to make your family stronger and give your child the skills to transition into their teen years successfully.

1. Family Meal Provided

2. Attendance Prizes

3. Childcare for Younger Siblings

4. Youth Skill Building Activities

5. Play Games

6. Create Long Lasting Memories

Middle School Students Treated to Book Tasting

Western Wayne middle school students in Ms. Starlah Robbins English Language Arts classes were treated to a book tasting this week during class time.  The students got to sample a variety of new books to see what new flavor of reading sparked their interest.  The students were thrilled to get to experience so many new books at once, and many chose a new story to start reading for class assignments and for pleasure! The classroom was decorated as a sort of book café with table cloths and other trimmings, and Robbins herself dressed as book chef to make the atmosphere fun.  Ms. Robbins hopes to do more engaging activities of this nature in the future, and the students are looking forward to it as well!

Drama Club to Host Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser for Community

The Western Wayne Drama Club will be wrapping gifts for community members and/ or faculty and staff on Tuesday, Dec. 21, from 3 to 5:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Snow date is Wednesday, Dec. 22.  Let the students wrap your gifts for you! All are welcome!  Cost of wrapping is a donation of your choice.  Hope we can take some stress off of you during this busy holiday season!  All proceeds benefit our Drama Club students. Our spring 2022 production will be Little Shop of Horrors.  From left, sitting in the back row, Drama Club members: Colette Schmitt and Joanna Regalbuto. From left in front row:  Robert Scramuzza, Julia Phillips, Amanda David, and Gabe Treibley.

WW Band Students Participate in Band Celebration

Western Wayne High School Band students participated in the Junior Wind Band Celebration held at Marywood the first weekend in December. They joined students from a variety of local schools for this event that ended with a concert on December 4. From left are Western Wayne High School Band members who participated: Lillian Maros, Lia Hartman, and Robert Scramuzza.

WW Hosts 6th Grade Chorus Performance

Western Wayne Sixth Grade Chorus students performed their holiday concert on Tuesday, Dec. 7, for family, friends, and members of the community under the direction of Mrs. Joyce Covaleski.  A great time was had by all.

WW Hosts 7th and 8th Grade Band Performance

Western Wayne Seventh and Eighth Grade students performed their holiday concert on Thursday, Dec. 9, for family, friends, and members of the community under the direction of Mrs. Maria Arneil and Mrs. Elaine Ort. A great time was had by all.