Band Celebrates Halloween with Young and Old

The Western Wayne High School Marching Band took their show on the road for Halloween festivities on Monday, Oct. 30.

 First, the students gave a performance to elementary students in the district at the R.D. Wilson School and on the same day, they performed in the community at the Wayne Woodlands and Julia Ribaudo Nursing Homes. They also included in their day a performance for the Western Wayne Middle School and Evergreen Elementary School as well.

The band students were thrilled to be able to perform for these very special audiences.  All of the students and nursing home residents who got to see the performances felt a lot of Halloween spirit.

“I am so grateful to be able to go out and perform in the community,” one of the color guard captains, sophomore Kayelin Martin said.  “It adds another layer to our performances, and we get to have such fun experiences with new audiences.”

Fellow color guard captain senior Rebekah Palko agreed.

“It was so wonderful to be able to go out into the community for our Halloween performances,” Rebekah said.  “I really enjoy performing for various audiences.”

Pictured is Western Wayne High School Band Director Elaine Ort, center, with the Marching Band and Color Guard.

Public Welcome to Attend Spanish Dance Performance on Thursday, November 9

Learning rhythms, beats, steps, and choreography isn’t just work for the Rockettes and Broadway stars, Western Wayne High School foreign language students have a yearly tradition of learning Spanish dancing as a part of their curriculum each fall.
Local dance instructor and studio owner Vince Brust works with the Western Wayne students to teach a variety of traditional Spanish dances such as tango, merengue, mambo, and salsa among others. Brust does this as a part of the Artist in Residence Program through NEIU-19.
The students have a few weeks of sessions with Mr. Brust in the fall leading up to a performance for the community this Thursday, November 9, in the Western Wayne High School Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Admission is FREE for everyone.
The high school students were thrilled to learn how to dance and get to meet and work more closely with their fellow classmates in the process.
Freshman Jennifer Stump said she had never danced before this fall, but that once she got started with the classes she really enjoyed them and realized how dance is directly connected to her color guard performances. Jennifer has been on color guard for two years being inspired to join by her aunt who was a part of a team in her youth.
“Once we started counting out the steps in the Spanish dance lessons, I realized that this is just like color guard,” Jennifer said. “I am always counting to be in time for my guard performances and the same skill helps me stay on time for all of the dances we are learning in class.”
Fellow freshman Kendall Murray said she is happy to expand her growing knowledge of dance through the classes offered through the school and taught by local professional dancer Mr. Brust.
“I really have been enjoying learning Spanish dance from an experienced teacher,” Kendall said. “I got to do a lot of different dance styles in our school’s musical last year and really think that my experience with Spanish dance is helping me to learn more styles and gain knowledge about a different culture at the same time.”
There will be about 30 students participating in the Spanish Dance Performance for the local community at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 3, in the High School Veterans Memorial Auditorium. Again, admission is FREE for all.
The students and staff involved hope to see you there for what will be about an hour of performance fun.

Western Wayne Participates in Community Connections to Our Watershed Program

Students from a variety of local schools have the opportunity to participate in an educational forum in which they can learn about the environment and collaborate with each other throughout the 2023-24 school year. Students from Western Wayne, Carbondale Area, Forest City, Lackawanna Trail, Lakeland, Mountain View, Old Forge, Riverside, and Wayne Highlands have already started their journey in this exciting, educational experience.
Each school will have a team of five students and a teacher-advisor. The forum will engage students through place-based educational field experiences and hands-on investigations.
Earlier this month the students involved in the Watershed Program explored the Tunkhannock Creek Watershed as a part of their adventures in environmental studies. The five Western Wayne students who participated in this and will continue to learn from it throughout the school year include: Audrey Agnello, sophomore; Abigail Bell, freshman; Ryleigh Mahon, senior; Madelyn McClure; freshman; and Sofia Ochlan, freshman.
The girls enjoyed their opening experience with the program. Abigail explained how the students had the opportunity to learn about mushroom fungi, caught fish and identified them, and also learned about trees in the surrounding area during their trip to Tunkhannock Creek.
“I thought it was really interesting how we learned how to put a frog to sleep by rubbing its belly,” Abigail, who is an honor roll student, said when discussing the students’ experiences in the creek learning about the different amphibians that make it their home.
The students’ teacher who is moderating their participation in the program Dr. Mark Nebzydoski explained how the students will use the knowledge they gain from their excursions with the Watershed Program to develop a presentation about environmental issues on their school campus or in their community and this project will then help them serve as stewards of natural resources.
“The students have already started to work on developing notes from their experiences with the program to guide them towards their culmination project,” he explained.
Nebzydoski explained how Western Wayne had participated in this program in the distant past and are now very eager this year to be able to have this experience again with a new generation of students. The students will continue their learning experiences in November, January, March, April, and May, with their culminating project presentations scheduled for the end of May. The projects are called MWEE stewardship projects and they address the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and PA Science and Environmental Standards.
“I’m looking forward to more unique experiences in the outdoors to help my understanding of science and the environment,” Abigail Bell, freshman Western Wayne program participant, said.

Financial Aid Night – October 24th – 6-7:30 PM


We are hosting a Financial Aid Information Night on Tuesday, October 24th from 6pm-7:30pm in the Auditorium. All seniors and their families are invited to attend.

Any questions see your School Counselor.

Kickoff Time for Varsity Football Game CHANGED

Please be advised that the kickoff time for the varsity football game between Lakeland and Western Wayne scheduled for this Friday, October 20, 2023, has been changed to 4 PM. The reason for this change is a Lackawanna Interscholastic Athletic Association (LIAA) league-wide shortage of PIAA football officials. The shortage of officials forced the LIAA to change kickoff times and/or dates to ensure that all games scheduled would be fully staffed with officials. We understand the logistical difficulty for parents and community members resulting from this change, but we ask for your patience and understanding.

Spanish Club to Sell Bracelets for Pulsera Project

The Western Wayne High School Spanish Club will sell handmade bracelets and bags as a part of the Pulsera Project, a non-profit organization that benefits artisans in Guatemala and Nicaragua. Each bracelet, or pulsera, comes tagged with the name of the artist who created it. Students enjoyed participating in the sale last year in both the middle and high school. This year, the club had the opportunity to interview Chris Howell, the co-founder of the Pulsera Project, and hear more about how these sales improve the lives of those artisans. The Pulsera Project will take place in the high school from Monday, October 23, to Friday, November 3. Items will also be on sale during the club’s annual Dance Showcase, which is open to the public, on Thursday, November 2 at 7pm in the high school auditorium. Pictured are the beautiful bracelets the club will sell.

Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Prevention “Red Ribbon Week” contest

K-12 students in all Wayne County schools are invited to bring their artistic talents and enter the Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Prevention “Red Ribbon Week” contest. Wayne County has declared October 23-31 2023 “Red Ribbon Week”, which is a national campaign to raiseawareness and prevent drug use/abuse and violence among youth and adults.  We are asking students to design a picture around this year’s theme, “Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.”

The student’s submissions will be posted anonymously on social media and voted for by the public. We will have two 1st place winners, one in grades K-5 and one in grades 6-12 whose designs will be placed on a billboard in Wayne County generously donated by Lamar Advertising. The 2nd and 3rd place winners from each age group will receive a prize as well.

Contest submissions will be accepted through November 3rd, voting will take place from November 6-10 and the winner will be announced November 13th 2023. For more information or questions please contact Wayne County Drug and Alcohol Commission at (570) 253-6022.


Fire Safety was held at EverGreen on Friday, October 13th

Fire Safety was held at EverGreen on Friday, October 13th. EverGreen Elementary hosted Hamlin Fire & Rescue, Lake Ariel Volunteer Fire Company, and Ledgedale Volunteer Fire Company where local emergency personnel presented students with life saving strategies and different pieces of equipment that they use. Students also were able to tour apparatus that local companies had on hand that day. The fire companies presented t-shirts to all students highlighting the 3 companies involved and notating the significance of fire prevention during National Fire Safety Week. We would like to thank these fire companies for coming to EverGreen for the presentation and helping our students understand ways to be safe.

Autumn Art at RDW

The students at RDW have been working hard to make Autumn inspired artwork! Students across grade level have used the changing seasons and weather,  as inspiration for paintings, drawings, and collages! They have observed the environment around them and utilized a variety of techniques to create beautiful seasonal art!