the cooperage – KIDS FREE Lunch Party

Free Lunch for ages 0 – 18
Monday thru Friday (11 am – 1 pm)
June 17th thru August 6th
(No lunch July 4th and 5th)

Held at
the Cooperage
1030 Main Street
Honesdale, PA

Western Wayne School District Participates in Area P Special Olympics

Pictured is Western Wayne Special Olympics participant Kameron Sic, fifth grade, Evergreen Elementary School, with a look of pure joy on his face as he competes.

Western Wayne Special Olympians in the elementary, middle, and high schools had another successful year at the 13th Annual Track and Field Area P Special Olympics that took place on May 8 at the Delaware Valley High School stadium.
“It’s an incredible experience for our students,” special education teacher Mrs. Sarah Rickert explained. “They all take it very seriously. There is something magical about seeing the wheelchairs lined up and ready to go for some of the races.”
One such student who had the chance to participate in races at Special Olympics with his wheelchair was Western Wayne senior Sebastian Tomasetti. He competed in the 25 meter speed and 50 meter speed.
“I had fun,” Sebastian said.
Rickert explained that a lot of the other students had really nice wheelchairs in the race this year and that Sebastian was racing with a new chair as well.
Sebastian’s classmate ninth grader Michael Phillips participated in a variety of Special Olympics events including: shot put, 100M dash, and the long jump.
“I liked seeing old friends at the event,” Michael said.
Rickert explained that one highlight of Special Olympics for the students is to reconnect with former classmates who have since graduated from Western Wayne.
“Outside agencies bring people to the event, so it is nice to see the students have a reunion of sorts,” Rickert said.
A student who enjoyed reuniting with former classmates was senior Marisol Henkel. Along with having fun with friends that were both former and current classmates, Marisol participated in the softball throw, long jump, and 100M dash.
Rickert described the Special Olympics as having an open format in which parents can move about freely to support their children. Sebastian, Michael, and Marisol had parents in attendance.
Along with the support of parents, friends, and teachers, the students were treated to the support of the Delaware Valley Marching Band who came out to play some music for all to enjoy.
Rickert said her students really enjoyed the music along with the support of Delaware Valley Elementary students who spent some time in the stands cheering on all of the Special Olympians.
A great day was had by all involved. Western Wayne participated along with students from Wayne Highlands, Wallenpaupack, and Delaware Valley among other schools and local agencies.
This year, as a special treat, the Western Wayne students wore bright yellow t-shirts to show their Wildcat pride and pride for themselves as unique individuals.
“The shirts had the word ‘disability’ on them with the ‘dis’ crossed out,” Rickert explained. “I think the message was powerful.”

Harlem Wizards Come to Western Wayne Tuesday, April 30

The Harlem Wizards will host an event in the Western Wayne High School gym on Tuesday, April 30 from 6:30 to 9 p.m.  They will wow the crowd with their basketball tricks on the court along with playing a team of Western Wayne faculty and staff.  Proceeds from the event will support the Western Wayne football program.  Advance ticket sales: $10 for students; $15 general admission; $25 court-side plus (online only).  Court-side plus includes: meet and greet, free photo, reserve seat and $10 off a jersey—Only 60 court-side seats available.  At the door: $12 students; $17 general admission.  Tickets are available in all Western Wayne School offices or online at www.

                Recently Western Wayne students at Robert D. Wilson Elementary, Evergreen Elementary and the Middle and High Schools were treated to a visit from David Paul of the Harlem Wizards.  He gave them a preview of the event along with teaching basketball moves to student volunteers and talking to students about showing respect for elders.  All Western Wayne students, faculty, and staff from Kindergarten through 12th grade are excited for this unique event happening at their district and invite the public to come and join them for an evening of fun.

Community Health Needs Assessment Survey

Parents and Community members, please take a moment to add your input into this critical survey. Thank you!

Wayne Memorial Hospital, Wayne Memorial Community Health Centers and community leadership throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania are conducting our 2019 study on health care needs and priorities, which will guide the development of new or expanded programming and services in the Wayne/Pike/Carbondale/Forest City area. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete by accessing

FDA: Dozens of seizures reported after vaping, mostly by young people

In an article featured on, at least 35 people reported seizures after using electronic cigarettes over the past decade, the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday.

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the agency is investigating the incidents, which primarily involved youth and young adults and were discovered in its “adverse event” reporting system. 

Seizures or convulsions are known to be possible side effects of nicotine poisoning. They have reportedly occurred after users swallow vaping liquid containing nicotine.

Additionally, we would like to offer the latest E-Cig toolkit that was provided from the American Lung Association in Pennsylvania.

Get your tickets early!

This is like a Broadway show on a basketball court. Our team will feature tricks, music dunks, comedy, dancing, and audience participation. It is an awe-inspiring, two-hour basketball show including an autograph session! See them take on the WW Ballers (WW faculty). Benefits the WW Football program.

Western Wayne presents ANNIE

Based on Little Orphan Annie by permission
of the Media Tribune Services, Inc.

“Annie” is presented through special arrangement with
Music Theater International (MTI)

-Location –
Western Wayne Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium.

Friday, April 26th at 7 PM
Saturday, April 27 at 7 PM
Sunday, April 28 at 3 PM


Middle School Contest Participants Need Your Vote

Pictured are some of the Western Wayne Middle School students involved in the 2019 “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” Northeast PA Contest. From left: Trinity Foulds, Alaina Maiocco, Ella Pavlovich, Kailey Tickner, Julie Bryan, Skylar Long, and Evan Peirce. Team members not pictured: Bernie Roedel and Ivan Knecht.

Voting for the second-annual “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing Contest?” will be open from March 27th through March 29th at  The public can support Western Wayne Middle School students by going on and voting for their video submission as many times as they would like.

          Western Wayne Middle School students are part of this unique learning experience for the second time.  Created by the Manufacturers Resource Center (MRC) in Allentown, PA in 2013, the “What’s So cool About Manufacturing?” contests draw entries from more than 200 teams across Pennsylvania.  The teams of students and teacher coaches receive camera equipment, software, and professional guidance as they learn to script, record, and edit their video stories of what it’s like to work in the manufacturing industry. Students learn about the manufacturing career field and complete their projects at various local manufacturing businesses.

The contest’s objective is to change students’ perceptions about manufacturing careers by sending them to local places where manufacturing is done to complete their submissions for “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?”.  The “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” contests are supported regionally by their sponsors and partners. 

The 2019 “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” Contest for Northeast PA is produced by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center in Hanover Township, PA. Participating schools are from Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, and Wayne counties.  Western Wayne is one of eleven schools participating in the Northeast PA Contest.

 For the second year, Western Wayne Middle School students had the opportunity to explore Boyce Products Ltd., a manufacturing facility located in Damascus, for their project.  This winter the students toured Boyce to learn about the manufacturing career field and gather information for their submission.

The group of Western Wayne students consisting of Bernie Roedel, Ella Pavlovich, Alaina Maiocco, Skylar Long, Trinity Foulds, Evan Peirce, Ivan Knecht, Julie Bryan, and Kailey Tickner felt rewarded and fulfilled after their experiences at Boyce and in creating their video submission.

The students were surprised to learn that Boyce makes a variety of products used in the national spotlight.  For example, the students learned Boyce creates set pieces for CNN News, the tables used for interviews in the NFL, along with different props used in popular movies, and the call boxes used in New York City subways.

“It was neat to see how much work goes into each piece they create,” Evan Peirce, 8th grader from Western Wayne, said.

Evan’s fellow classmate Julie Bryan said she was excited to see the different equipment in use at Boyce.

“We got to see laser cutters going through metal,” Julie explained.

After their trip, the students worked on creating their video submission about their experience.  Eighth grader Bernie Roedel acted as a student leader for this effort.  The film is now finalized and can be viewed on the Western Wayne website at

The Western Wayne School Community invites the public to vote for Western Wayne Middle School’s video submission to “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” at

The students have the chance to win for a variety of categories.  Your vote can help them win the Northeast PA Viewer’s Choice Award.

Tooth Fairy Visit – National Children’s Dental Health Month

On Friday, February 22nd, 2019, the Pre-Kindergarteners and the second grade students celebrated National Children’s Dental Health month with a special visit from the Tooth Fairy!  The students learned about the importance of brushing their teeth twice-a-day for two minutes, as well as learned about the importance of flossing their teeth, and having regular scheduled visits to the dentist.  The tooth fairy showed the students some tools that the dentists use as well as talked about different foods that our healthy for our teeth.  The students and teachers would like to thank Sprout Dental for presenting us with this lesson and for the goodie bags that the children received!