Western Wayne recently honored two outstanding teachers by presenting them with the PASR award at their annual Middle School Moving-Up Ceremony held on Thursday, June 21 in the Middle School gym.
The PASR award is presented on a rotating basis to two teachers within the school districts of Western Wayne, Wallenpaupack, and Wayne Highlands. This year the award was presented to two teachers within the Western Wayne School District. The recipients of the 2018 PASR award for Western Wayne were Mrs. Carrie Wittenbrader and Mr. Michael Bershefsky.
PASR is an association comprised of members who are all retired employees of the public schools of Pennsylvania. PASR’s mission is “to serve others in need and help one another enjoy retirement.”
PASR was established in 1937 and is a pioneer of nonprofit voluntary membership organizations nationally—having helped establish both the National Retired Teachers’ Association in 1947 and the nation’s largest senior organization, AARP, in 1958. Currently, there are approximately 70 local PASR chapters. Most are found throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; however, chapters are located throughout the country.
Western Wayne is extremely proud of their teachers for receiving this honor.
Michael Bershefsky has been a faithful employee of the Western Wayne School District since August of 2002. Mr. B., as he is known by his students, works tirelessly as a Para-Professional with students who have intense emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. Mr. B. is an incredibly caring and kind-hearted individual who unconditionally supports his students. Mr. B. also supports the school and community through countless hours of volunteer work and activities.
Carrie Wittenbrader started her Wildcat teaching career in 2006. Mrs. Wittenbrader is known as a dedicated teacher who is always creating engaging lessons for her students. Mrs. Wittenbrader will stop at nothing to see her students succeed. Aside from her teaching duties, she has served as coach, advisor, mentor, and volunteer.
In recognition to Wildcat dedication and excellence, the Western Wayne School District is proud to recognize the work and accomplishments of both Michael Bershefsky and Carrie Wittenbrader.
If you have not already, please view the report GRADING OUR SCHOOLS from the Scranton Times. We are Western Wayne Proud of the district’s performance. In the High and Low section our Third Grade were recognized on the PSSA test in both ELA and Math as second in the region for performance, and WW High School was one of 13 districts meeting SAT performance. Our Middle School met or exceeded the State Average in ELA and Science, as did the Elementary in Grades 4 and 5. The High School met or exceeded all areas of performance in Algebra, Biology and Literature on the Keystone Exam. If you are interested in the complete report, see the Scranton Times.
Dr. Barrett and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Board of Education, our administration, teachers, staff, students and parents for the continued hard work, tough decisions, and support to ensure Western Wayne is successful, not only academically, but in preparing students to meet the challenges of a global society.
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From Western Wayne soccer fields and wrestling mats to the mountains in Pyeong Chang, South Korea. Wayne County native and Western Wayne alumni Mike Minor has accomplished a lot at 28. Mike won a bronze medal in the Snowboard-cross event and a gold medal in the Banked Slalom event at the 2018 Paralympic Games this March.
Mike, a 2008 Western Wayne graduate, moved to Colorado about four years ago to pursue his dream of professional snowboarding. Later, Adaptive Action Sports discovered Mike’s talents when he was working at Copper Mountain and started working with him. Once being discovered, he pushed even harder with his Olympic training.
Mike’s family including his sister Mallory Minor, another Western Wayne Alumni, are extremely proud and excited about all of his accomplishments. Mallory confirms that Mike will be the parade Marshall at the Waymart Pride and Patriotism parade on June 9. She also confirms that Mike has agreed to speak to Western Wayne Students at their annual end of year sports banquet.
Western Wayne Administration and staff are also very proud of Mike’s accomplishments and look forward to welcoming him back to the area to share his stories and encourage others this June.
Mike’s former guidance counselor Renee Chernin feels very proud of his incredible accomplishments at the Olympics.
She explained how Mike was the Keynote Speaker at a county-wide Transition Expo held this past October at Ladore Conference Center. The Transition Expo is designed to help students successfully transition from high school to college or work.
There are three focusses of the conference: post-secondary education, employment, and independent living. Area agencies, service providers, colleges and employers are there to provide students with information.
Chernin explained how Mike’s presentation that day fit in perfectly with the purpose of the event. She said Mike’s speech captivated all of the Western Wayne students in attendance.
“Mike spoke about overcoming physical limitations and believing in oneself despite naysayers. He discussed how having a goal can change your life,” Chernin explained. “The students were inspired to see someone from our hometown travel the world to follow his dream. They were given photo opportunities and an autographed picture as mementos.”
Chernin is glad the students had the chance to get to know Mike, who was born missing his right forearm, before his Olympic experience. She believes Mike inspired the students in the fall and feels these students are even more so motivated to go after their life goals after seeing someone so similar to them achieve his dreams.
“Mike was a typical high school student,” Chernin said. “He sometimes struggled academically with meeting deadlines. However, he has a magnetic personality and is a person who likes to have fun and be the center of attention. Mike enjoyed the thrill of sports and competition in high school. He self-accommodated and excelled in all sports and physical activities. For example, Mike was a skilled wrestler. He could pin an opponent within seconds, with one arm. Mike never needed help from anyone and would not take help if offered.”
Mike’s former Western Wayne soccer coach Matt Fitzsimmons agrees with Chernin about Mike’s strongest qualities as a student and athlete at Western Wayne.
“Mike was always a tough kid and a kid that gave his all on everything,” Fitzsimmons explained. “His hustle and determination was never questioned. I truly believe his work athleticism and work ethic translated into his medal winning performance.”
Fitzsimmons explained how he very much enjoyed working with Mike when he played forward and midfielder positions on the Western Wayne Soccer team.
“When I think of Mike in soccer, what I picture is a kid hustling his butt off, taking hits, bouncing right back up and going even harder,” Fitzsimmons recalls. “I always joked that he was made of rubber because he would bounce off people, the ground, get hit, roll, but just keep moving.”
This imagine correlates with Mike’s continuing successful journey as a snowboarder. He already is focused on training for the 2022 Paralympic games in Beijing. Luckily, for Western Wayne students, Mike has agreed to return home later this spring to speak at Western Wayne’s Annual end of year sports banquet.
Fitzsimmons looks forward to seeing Mike again in person so he can congratulate him.
“I am very proud of him and think it is awesome what he has done,” Fitzsimmons said. “To say that I coached an Olympic Gold Medalist is humbling.”
Everyone at the Western Wayne School District also is incredibly happy for Mike and look forward to his return home to celebrate all of his successes with him and his family.
The Boys Varsity Basketball game with Dunmore at home today and the Girls Varsity Basketball game at Holy Cross have been postponed and will be reschedule at a later date.
Along with the usual traditions of crowning a homecoming king and queen, students at Western Wayne are focussing on giving back to others this week as a part of their homecoming celebration. The Wildcats are asking students, staff, and the community to bring items to aide hurricane victims to the Friday, September 29, Homecoming Game. Mike Biondi; owner of Team Biondi LLC, Lake Ariel; has donated a truck to be used to hold all of the goods and will then transport it to where it needs to go to help those in need at the conclusion of the drive. Please help our students to “Stuff the Truck!” Suggested items are cleaning supplies, school supplies, paper products, nonperishable food, and baby supplies. Also, items can be delivered to the High School Office, Middle School Office or EverGreen Elementary School Office through October 13. Finally, there is a Homecoming Tailgate for all High School students from 3 p.m. until the start of the football game this Friday night in the High School parking lot area. There will be music, food and drinks provided for students, including chili from the chili cook-off made by faculty and staff. From left, members of the homecoming court: Dominic Corma; Abigail Zeiler; Kaitlyn Juhasz; Marty Spewak; Jennifer Bradley, assistant high school principal; Paul Gregorski, high school principal; Cole Fuller; Lilli Millon; Ryan Cavage; Kirstin Metschulat; Nick Koch; and Katelin Dennis.