Western Wayne FBLA Members Attend FBLA RLW at Woodloch

Western Wayne High School FBLA members attended the FBLA Regional Leadership Workshop at Woodloch Resorts on October 26.  From left, Laurel Frable, Dakotah Sopko, Cheyenne Stenlake, Kayla Fitzpatrick, Alexandra Buckman, Taylor Burdick, and Summer Franklin.

Western Wayne Student Wins Local NCW Poetry Contest

Reciting original limericks was always a fun activity in Ezra Tetreault’s family.  Little did he know that this skill would help him in winning a local section of the most recent National Chemistry Week Poetry Contest.

“My dad has always been really good at limericks,” Ezra, a sophomore at Western Wayne High School, said.  “I ran my poem by him before bringing it to school.”

Ezra’s chemistry teacher Maria Masankay challenged her students to enter the American Chemical Society’s 2017 National Chemistry Week Poetry Contest.  Much to his surprise, Ezra won the Susquehanna Valley Section of the contest.

“I had no expectations for winning,” he said. “The idea came to me quickly.”

Ezra explained that once he knew the topic for the poem was “rocks” he immediately started to think about writing a limerick because of his experiences with them in his family.  He then started to think of a rhyme scheme and realized that just about all types of rocks end in the suffix “ite”.

After doing some quick research, he found that only three types of rocks do not end in that suffix.  Therefore, he gave Basalt, Gabbro and Pumice a featured line in his poem.  He accented his entry by including a drawing of a volcano and some of the rocks.

His poem has now made it to the national level of the contest.  Ezra’s family and Masankay are invited to attend the ACS Awards Banquet in May where Ezra will be presented with a $50 check for being section winner.

This isn’t the first time Ezra has made it to a national level competition. Last year, he competed at FBLA nationals in public speaking as a freshman.

This year Ezra and a team of two other Western Wayne students Noelle Orehek and Trina Barcarola are working on a presentation to enter into the FBLA introduction to business event, which is a state-level competition. Ezra serves as the sophomore representative for FBLA.  Also, he is sophomore class president.

When he is not writing poetry and FBLA presentations, Ezra plays football and track for Western Wayne.

Ezra loves all of the academic and extra-curricular experiences he is having at school so far and looks forward to participating in more activities.  He also is greatly interested in politics and aspires to join the Coast Guard Academy and possibly work for NASA in the future.

“We are all very proud of Ezra’s efforts in all areas at Western Wayne,” Paul Gregorski, high school principal said.  “We look forward to seeing if he advances in the NCW contest.”


From left: Ezra Tetreault, 2017 NCW Poetry Contest Section Winer for the Susquehanna Valley Section of the ACS, and Paul Gregorski, Western Wayne High School principal.

Administrators Serve Thanksgiving Dinner to Students


As a long-standing Thanksgiving tradition administrators throughout the Western Wayne School District served lunch to students on the Thursday before Thanksgiving.  Both teachers and administrators enjoyed this festive event before the holiday.

Pictured is EverGreen Principal Justin Pidgeon serving students.

Pictured is EverGreen Elementary Assistant Principal Kerrie Fitzsimmons serving students.

SPO Wayne Thomas presents Internet Safety to Evergreen Kindergarten

On November 17, SPO Wayne Thomas presented to the EverGreen Elementary Kindergarten – 5th grade students about Internet Safety. Officer Thomas discussed 4 important rules to help students stay safe online. He also spoke with EverGreen students about netiquette and cyberbullying.


R.D. Wilson and Middle School Host Benjamin Franklin Assembly

Western Wayne elementary and middle school students were treated to an educational and extremely entertaining presentation about and “given by” Benjamin Franklin himself on Wednesday, Nov. 1. Elementary students at R.D. Wilson were treated to the presentation in the morning while students in the middle school enjoyed it in the afternoon in the newly renovated and recently dedicated Western Wayne Veterans Memorial Auditorium. The Wayne County Community Foundation made this presentation possible through a grant.

The Foundation has many programs and seeks proposals from organizations to secure grants that are meant to support efforts to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Wayne County.   A variety of programs received almost $ 40,000 from the foundation grants that were awarded in the last fiscal year.

In 1997 the Estate of Benjamin Franklin awarded $ 20,000 to the Wayne County Community Foundation.  The amazing vision of Mr. Franklin in realizing community organizations would exist more than 200 years after his passing, exhibits the man’s extraordinary vision.

The members of the Wayne County Community Foundation were glad students in Western Wayne’s R. D. Wilson Elementary School and the Western Wayne Middle School could experience a presentation about the life and accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin performed by professional actor Brian Patrick Mulligan.

Mulligan has been performing as Benjamin Franklin for over 25 years and his vast experience has proven to be an inspiration to all who have had the opportunity to witness his presentations.  He has an extensive repertoire of events and many characters that he portrays.

Mulligan entertained and educated the students dressed in a period appropriate costume. The program was very interactive with Mulligan discussing many historical facts from Franklin’s life. A number of students had the opportunity to act out scenes to help the group learn about this rich history. There was a scene about the functioning of the printing press and another about kite flying among others.

The Western Wayne School District is very grateful to The Wayne County Community Foundation for providing their students with this educational opportunity. The Foundation also provided this same program to students from the Wayne Highlands School District, Forest City Regional School District, Wallenpaupack School District, and Canaan Christian Academy.

From left: Mr. Josh Rowe, middle school teacher; Benjamin Franklin played by Mulligan; and Josh Mahnke, 8th grade, who got to play a role in one of the skits from the presentation

Western Wayne Celebrates Red Ribbon Week

Lead by example.  Be helpful to someone.  Nice is free.  Pay it forward.  This is a no bullying zone.

Students at the Western Wayne Middle School went on a hunt to find lids with these powerful words on them hidden throughout their school for just one of many activities in honor of Red Ribbon Week, which is observed from October 23 through October 31 each year.

Red Ribbon Week is a United States initiative for the education and prevention of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol abuse.  Both students in Western Wayne’s Middle and High Schools participated in a variety of events to celebrate Red Ribbon Week.

They included wearing red ribbons to symbolize  being drug and alcohol free, wearing black and gold to show school pride for making positive choices, wearing mismatched socks to spread the message of “socking it to drugs”, and wearing boots to show the idea of “giving the boot to drugs.”

These different dress days were done throughout the week in both middle and high schools.  Prizes were given for homerooms who had the most participants among other activities to earn rewards.

The two schools also set aside October 24 to commemorate the life of Rachel Scott and celebrate Rachel’s Challenge.  Rachel’s Challenge is a national program that promotes acts of kindness in memory of Rachel Joy Scott, the first person killed in the Columbine High School shooting.  Participating Western Wayne students wore orange on this day to pledge that they will always try to treat others with kindness just like Rachel did.

The CATS (Community Attitude Toward Success) Club lead this kindness and positive choices initiative in the middle school.  The group’s advisor is Western Wayne Middle School Guidance Counselor Lisa Jacques.

One project that  CATS Club members did this year was to work to cut out positive sayings to put on plastic lids that teachers hid throughout the middle school for students to find and turn in for prizes.

As students found the lids they put them up for display on a board in the cafeteria with the words reduce, reuse, and recycle on it.  The board was an effort to promote the idea of spreading a positive, drug-free atmosphere in the middle school along with encouraging students to treat their environment with kindness.

Western Wayne Middle School CATS Club members pose in front of the lid display in honor of Red Ribbon Week.  From left:  Mary Jane Gilligan, Halle Smith, William Dwyer, Josh Mahnke, Zoey Goldman, Sami Sharp, and Emma Gilligan.

Middle School Student of the Month

From Left: Miss Elizabeth Watson, Assistant Principal, Dawson Wargo, Grade 7, Victoria Scarpati, Grade 8, Jocilyn Brungard, Grade 6, Mrs. Kristen Donohue, Principal

Students Enrich Spanish Curriculum with Dance

Whip, nae nae, and dab are all moves that most teenagers have mastered in today’s culture. However, it is not often that teenagers have an opportunity to learn traditional couples dancing. At the Western Wayne High School, it is a yearly tradition that students in the Spanish course take Spanish dancing as a part of their curriculum during the fall.

Local dance instructor and studio owner Vince Brust works with the Western Wayne students to teach a variety of traditional Spanish dances such as tango, merengue, mambo, and salsa among others.

The students had about nine sessions with Mr. Brust before debuting their new dance skills for other Spanish classes during the day on Thursday, Nov. 2, in Western Wayne’s newly renovated high school auditorium.

Students performed a variety of the dances they learned for their classmates. They did a choreographed dance with multiple partners and a mambo among other numbers during the day as a practice session for an evening performance. The Spanish students also gave the night performance on Thursday, Nov. 2, for their friends, family, and members of the community.

All of the students involved enjoyed having the opportunity to learn about this important aspect of Spanish culture.

From left: Brittney Reinert, Dillon Dante, and Bethany DeGroat pose at a final rehearsal before their evening Spanish dance performance on Thursday, Nov. 2, in Western Wayne’s newly renovated high school auditorium.

Local dance instructor and studio owner Mr. Vince Brust explains to an audience of Spanish students the types of dances they will see their classmates perform during an in-school performance on Thursday, Nov. 2. He is pictured with Western Wayne High School Spanish teacher Mrs. Elizabeth Sandrowicz.

Western Wayne Band to Close Halloween Performances on Nov. 5

The Western Wayne High School marching band took their show on the road for Halloween festivities during the final days of October.

The students performed at a number of events including Honesdale’s Annual Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 26. They also gave a performance to elementary students in the district on Tuesday, October 31 at the R.D. Wilson School and on the same day, they performed in the community at the Wayne Woodlands and Julia Ribaudo Nursing Homes.

The Western Wayne Marching Band will wrap up their Halloween season tour on Sunday, Nov. 5 at 2 p.m.  in the 52nd Annual Barrett Township Halloween Parade, Route 390, Cresco, PA, which had been postponed from a previous date due to rain.

From left: Rachael Harsch, color guard captain; Ellen Dwyer, color guard captain; Katelin Dennis, drum major; and John Kear, drum major.

RDW and EverGreen Elementary Schools Celebrate Apple Crunch Day

On October 24 the elementary schools celebrated Apple Crunch Day in their classrooms and were served apple crisp and apple slices for lunch. This is a nation wide event that encourages healthy eating habits. It’s an opportunity for teachers to teach their students how to use apples and other fruits to make fun and nutritious snacks. Teachers incorporated this day into their lessons and even used apples to create science experiments! Learning and healthy eating is beneficial and fun! If you want to make some apple snacks at home, just google, “Healthy snacks kids can make” and enjoy!

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