Western Wayne Hosts Mobile Glass Laboratory for Over 600 Students

Seniors Max Phillips, Matt Rosengrant, and Cooper Mistishin work with Keystone instructor Brandon Smith on a hands-on glass blowing demonstration at Western Wayne.

Western Wayne students learned about the physics, artistic qualities, and chemical properties of glass among many other things when the mobile glass studio based out of Keystone College visited on Thursday, Sept. 26 and Friday, Sept. 27.  Approximately 678 middle and high school students viewed the mobile glass laboratory, and 49 students had the unique opportunity of taking part in an individual hands-on demonstration.

The mobile glass studio is the only one of its kind in the region and is sponsored by the Dorflinger Glass Museum and Keystone College.  Funding for the mobile glass laboratory comes from donations to the Dorflinger Glass Museum by corporations under the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development EITC program. The companies get tax credits for donations that support innovative educational programs such as the glass studio.

The glass studio last visited Western Wayne in November of 2017 and the district was thrilled to host this experience for its students again.  Mark Nebzydoski, high school science teacher at Western Wayne, played a key role in planning this event.  He believes that Western Wayne science students greatly benefit from unique educational opportunities such as this.

          “It’s meaningful for students to learn about glass through these visual and hands-on demonstrations,” Nebzydoski said.  “They get to have an educational experience that they wouldn’t have anywhere else.”

 Keystone faculty member Brandon Smith, an advanced glass instructor and studio technician from Factoryville, was one of the teachers from the college that led the Western Wayne students through their experience with the mobile glass lab.

Smith explained how this glass lab is a part of Keystone’s STEAM project and that he helped to build the lab with various students from different parts of the world.

“The main goal of this project is to present information to students,” Smith said.  “We want to show kids that with a single material you can drive yourself into many different careers.”

Smith explained that students who study glass can go into fields such as museum archaeology, architecture, chemical laboratory work, laser technology work, and so many other areas.

Seniors Cooper Mistishin, Matt Rosengrant, and Max Phillips had the opportunity to learn from Smith and Michael Swanson, who teaches an introduction to glass course at Keystone College.  The boys participated in the individual hands-on glass demonstrations.

Cooper was surprised at the intensity of the heat used to mold the glass.

“It was interesting to see the differences in the glass from when it was really hot to when it cooled,” Cooper explained.  “When it was warm it looked like all of the glass was blended together and when it cooled you could see its shape better.”

Cooper, who plans to study computer science in college, was glad to have this experience and especially liked molding the glass.

His classmate Matt Rosengrant also had fun molding glass during the demonstration.

“I liked how hands on the demonstration was and how they allowed us to shape the glass,” Matt, who plans to study electrical construction after graduation, said.

Senior Max Phillips agreed that having this experience was particularly helpful for him as a student because of everything he was able to see and do.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Max, who plans to study computer science in college, said.  “I enjoyed learning about the properties of glass and how it works.”

In addition, Keystone College admissions counselor Colin Dempsey admitted three Western Wayne students to Keystone during the glass blowing event at the school.  He read their transcripts and gave them admissions letters on the spot.

Nebzydoski and the Western Wayne community are excited for the prospects of having the mobile glass lab return for future learning events at Western Wayne.

In the meantime, Keystone College invites the public to their Keystone College Glass Harvest Sale and Glass Pumpkin Patch event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on October 12 at their campus lawn.  There will be live glass blowing at this event.

Western Wayne Cavalcade Standing Room Only

The Western Wayne School District hosted a very successful 12th Bi-Annual Cavalcade of Bands on the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 25.  The stadium was standing room only.  A total of eleven schools participated including:  Dallas, Dunmore, Delaware Valley, Honesdale, Mid Valley, North Pocono, Northwest Area, Valley View, Wallenpaupack, West Scranton, and Western Wayne.  Many coats also were donated at the event for “Warming Up Wilson.”  Western Wayne would like to thank all schools who participated and all in the community who came out to support our local marching bands.

The Western Wayne Drama Club recently elected their 2019-20 officers

The Western Wayne Drama Club recently elected their 2019-20 officers.  The students are excited for a fun year of events.  From left: Julia Phillips, treasurer; Lily Visceglia, public relations; Rhonda Fenkner, secretary; Sydney Peet, president; and Honour Shaffer, vice president.  Absent from photo: Rebeccah King, historian.

Western Wayne to Host Cavalcade of Bands September 25

The Western Wayne School District will host a cavalcade of bands on the evening of Wednesday, September 25 at our football stadium.  The National Anthem will be played at 6:10 p.m. followed by the first band performance at 6:15 p.m. A total of eleven schools will participate including:  Dallas, Dunmore, Delaware Valley, Honesdale, Mid Valley, North Pocono, Northwest Area, Valley View, Wallenpaupack, West Scranton, and Western Wayne who will be the closing performance.  Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for students and senior citizens, or free with the donation of a new or gently used winter coat for “Warming Up Wilson.” In addition, concessions will be sold with all proceeds benefiting Western Wayne band and color guard students.  Come out and enjoy a great night of music and fun.

Western Wayne Middle School September Students of the Month

Western Wayne Middle School Administration has recognized Mitchell Lunn and Gianna Rosetti, both sixth graders, as outstanding students for the month of September. 

        Mitchell has been very respectful to his classmates and teachers this first month of school.  He has even been seen holding doors open for his teachers.  “It feels good just to be helping people,” Mitchell said.  Mitchell’s favorite class is math.  He is always prepared for class and loves learning about exponents.  Mitchell also enjoys his band class where he is learning how to play the trombone.  In his spare time, Mitchell likes to ride his bike, play video games, and take walks with his mom and two dogs.

      Like Mitchell, Gianna has also been recognized for being very respectful to others at school.  She too enjoys her math class the most.  “It’s a fun class where I get to figure things out,” Gianna said.  In addition, Gianna likes her chorus class where she can develop the quality of her singing.  In her spare time, Gianna enjoys taking walks with her younger cousins. She also looks forward to joining track and cross country in seventh grade.

The Western Wayne community is proud of Mitchell and Gianna’s accomplishments and can’t wait to see what they do next.

Western Wayne Names 2019 Homecoming King and Queen

Western Wayne School District hosted its annual Homecoming Game on Friday, September 13, against Montrose.  Prior to the game, the Homecoming Court of ten seniors was recognized. Afterwards, the King and Queen were announced in front of a full crowd.  This year’s Homecoming King is senior Jack McAllister and Homecoming Queen is senior Kristi Kromko.  Jack, one of three Western Wayne Varsity Football captains, plans to go to college upon graduation and complete an ROTC program.  Kristi, one of two Wildcat Marching Band drum majors, enlisted in the Army National Guard and plans to study forensic psychology in college.  Pictured is Jack McAllister, Homecoming King, and Kristi Kromko Homecoming Queen. 

Pictured is the 2019 Western Wayne Homecoming Court.  From left:  Hunter Frable, Gevin Coccodrilli, Ezra Tetreault, Derek Mason, Jack McAllister, Homecoming King; Kristi Kromko, Homecoming Queen; Sinaea Buford, Rebecca Klemovitch, Trina Barcarola, and Noelle Orehek.

Western Wayne Homecoming Game and Food Drive Set for Friday, Sept. 13

Following in a tradition that has been established over the past few years, the Western Wayne School District invites the community to attend to its annual homecoming game this Friday, September 13 and accept the challenge of helping others.  Along with coming to cheer on the students, they ask that spectators bring donations of canned goods and other nonperishable food items for a drive that will benefit those in need in Wayne County.

The Western Wayne Homecoming Game against Montrose will begin at 7 p.m. with the presentation of the Homecoming Court about a half hour before kick-off. The ten seniors on this year’s court feel extremely honored and excited to be a part of this ensemble.

Members of the court include:  Rebecca Klemovitch, Kristi Kromko, Trina Barcarola, Sinaea Buford, Noelle Orehek, Derek Mason, Jack McAllister, Ezra Tetreault, Hunter Frable, and Gevin Coccodrilli.

This year’s three Western Wayne football senior captains, Derek Mason, Jack McAllister, and Ezra Tetreault, also have the honor of taking part in homecoming together through being members of the court.

As a part of homecoming week the students have the opportunity to visit with Western Wayne elementary and middle school students in addition to other typical homecoming traditions like themed dress-up days throughout the week, a high school pep rally, a school-run tailgate party before the game, and the homecoming festivities at the football game.  Jack, who is also a part of the wrestling and tracks teams along with being a member of FBLA, said he was most looking forward to interacting with younger students this homecoming week.

“I want to be a role model for younger students and get them excited about homecoming and things they will be able to do at Western Wayne when they are older,” Jack, who plans to go to college and complete an ROTC program, explained.

Fellow football captain Ezra said he also looks forward to visiting with elementary students as a part of his homecoming responsibilities.

“I like socializing with younger kids and answering their questions,” Ezra said.

Ezra certainly can discuss many clubs and sports at Western Wayne since he has been highly involved in after- school activities throughout his high school career. He serves as president of the National Honor Society and is also student body president this year.  In addition, he is greatly involved in FBLA serving as first vice president of this organization for the state of Pennsylvania.  Along with playing football in the fall, Ezra is a member of both indoor and outdoor track with hurdling as his main event.

Ezra, who plans to attend the Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut upon graduation, is happy to have some time this week to spend on the homecoming court with his best friends.

“It’s great to be on it with Derek and Jack and other people we have grown up with,” Ezra said.

Derek agrees with Ezra and explains that all three football captains are just as excited about the homecoming game as they are about being on the homecoming court.

“We went into this season feeling we have something to prove,” Derek explained.  “Each one of us captains has a different way of leading the younger players.  I lead by example and others follow.”

The boys explained that Jack is a more vocal leader whereas Ezra leads by communicating with his teammates on a personal level.

The boys look forward to all of the support of the community at the annual homecoming game.

Fellow homecoming court member Rebecca Klemovitch also looks forward to seeing the crowd at homecoming when she is dressed in her formal wear.

“My favorite part of homecoming is being able to associate with my classmates all dressed up,” she said.

Rebecca, who aspires to study art after graduation, felt shocked to be chosen for the court.  Rebecca’s senior project was creating a mural that was donated to the high school of an abstract cityscape.

“I love being about to create what I envision into my actual artwork,” she said.

In addition Rebecca is a member of the National Art Honor Society, volleyball team, where she has been a starter for four years, and plans to join the political science club this year.

Rebecca’s volleyball teammate Sinaea Buford also serves with her as part of the homecoming court. Sinaea like Rebecca felt surprised to be chosen for homecoming.

She also plays basketball and is in the Spanish club, NHS, FBLA, and FCCLA.

Sinaea can’t wait to meet with younger students as one of her homecoming duties.

“I like answering their questions and talking to them about how high school is,” she explained.

Kristi Kromko agrees with Sinaea that talking to younger students will be a high-light of her homecoming experience. Kristi, who serves as one of this year’s Wildcat Marching Band drum majors, plans to focus on promoting the high school band program when she visits the elementary schools.

“It’s an honor representing the band,” she said.  Kristi, who has already enlisted in the Army National Guard, has played softball for four years and is a part of NHS. She participates in student council along with having been the junior class president. She has qualified for District Band two years and has held various leadership positions in the Western Wayne Band.

Another member of the homecoming court Gevin Coccodrilli also has military plans for after graduation. He wishes to do an ROTC program and join the Marines. 

“I’ve always wanted to be in the military since I was younger,” Gevin explained. 

Gevin has played basketball and baseball for Western Wayne and looks forward to having fun at homecoming.

“It’s exciting.  I didn’t know I’d make it,” Gevin said.

Hunter Frable also felt surprised to be named to the court and looks forward to being with his friends at the game.

Hunter is a four-year member of the Western Wayne golf team and enjoys being a part of the Hot Rod Club.  He plans to attend a two-year trade school to be an auto mechanic.

Two additional members of the court are Trina Barcarola and Noelle Orehek both girls are highly involved in fashion classes at Western Wayne.  They are both looking forward to the honor of displaying their senior collections in the fall at the school’s annual fashion show.  Noelle’s collection has a wildflower theme and Trina’s is striped-themed and titled “Between the Lines.”

The girls also participate in track together.  Noelle, in addition, plays soccer, and Trina plays volleyball.  This year Trina also had the honor of being named Athlete of the Year for the Scranton Times. She was state champion in two track events last season and made second team all- star for volleyball.

Noelle and Trina are also members of NHS and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  Noelle plans to study biology and environmental science in college. Trina plans to attend college as well with a potential major in business marketing and minor in psychology.  In addition, Trina aspires to continue her track career after high school.

Both Trina and Noelle feel very excited for the homecoming game.

“I can’t wait to get dressed up and see everyone.  I also hope the court brings more spirit to the school,” Noelle said.

Trina agrees.

“I love getting dressed up and feel very honored to represent the school at such a fun event.”

Trina and all of the members of the homecoming court look forward to bonding with each other and making memories during homecoming at Friday’s game. The court along with the rest of the Western Wayne community invite the public to join them on Friday, Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. for the homecoming festivities followed by the game.

 Bring some canned goods to donate and contribute to the positive atmosphere of Western Wayne Homecoming.

Western Wayne FBLA Students are National Winners

From left: Abby Gogolski, Sydney Peet, Allison Mattern, Jillian Dudley, and Darlene Black.

Eleven members of the Western Wayne chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) recently returned from attending the annual National Leadership Conference held in San Antonio, Texas. 

            The students had the opportunity to see the Alamo, take a tour of the city via the famous River Walk, and attend a rodeo.

            Once the conference actually began, the students competed in their events.  The team of Allison Mattern, Darlene Black, Jill Dudley, Abby Gogolski, and Sydney Peet captured a third-place national award in Parliamentary Procedure.  Each girl had to take a 100-question objective test covering the rules of parliamentary procedure.  Their scores were averaged. Then, the top 15 teams advanced to the final round where the students were given a specific problem and asked to conduct a chapter meeting incorporating the problem.

First row, front left: Ashton Fitzsimmons, Madison, Kapschull, Kaeli Romanowski, Lena Piccolino, Abby Gogolski, and Darlene Black.
Second row, from left: Allison Mattern, Jillian Dudley, Rachel Hoch, Sydney Peet, and Ezra Tetreault.

            Also attending were Kaeli Romanowski, Lena Piccolino, and Rachel Hoch, who competed in Intro to Parliamentary Procedure; Ashton Fitzsimmons, Intro to FBLA, and Madison Kapschull, Accounting I.

            Ezra Tetreault led the Pennsylvania delegation which numbered nearly 600 members and advisers.  Ezra is currently serving as PA FBLA First Vice President.

            Accompanying the students were local chapter adviser, Theresa Lubash, and chaperone, Fran Vitovsky.

Ezra Tetreault

Strengthening Families Program

The Strengthening Families Program 10-14 returns to Western Wayne School District Wednesday, September 25, 2019.  SFP is designed for 10-14 year old students and their parents.  It is designed to help youth learn about setting positive future goals, peer pressure resistance skills, positive management of emotions, coping with stress and communication skills.  It is a great opportunity for families to work together as their youth transitions to the teen years and adjusts to middle school.    There is an opportunity for parents to develop decision making, establish boundaries, and life skills including stress management, peer relationships and goal setting. It is a great opportunity to meet new families and build on your family strengths.    

The program runs from 5:30-8:00 PM at Western Wayne Middle School.  Each of the seven sessions begins with a family supper. Babysitting is provided for those families with younger siblings.  There is no charge to our families for this project.  Sign-up today by contacting Mrs. Jennifer Bradley, Principal of Western Wayne Middle School, 800-321-9973.