Dear Parent or Guardian,
This letter serves as our first (1) communication regarding your child’s unlawful absence(s).Upon returning to school after each absence, students are required by law to bring in a medical note explaining the absence. The note can be from a medical provider (turned in at any time during the school year) or from a parent/guardian (turned in within 3 days from the absence). All notes should include your child’s name, the date(s) of the absence, and a reason for the absence. Details aren’t necessary. If your child was ill, that’s sufficient for a parent/guardian note. Notes can be sent in with your child or emailed to hsattendance@westernwayne.org.
If no parent excuse is presented within three (3) days of your child’s absence, the absence is considered unlawful, and the unlawful status cannot be changed.
Your child may bring in 10 parent/guardian notes for the school year. Beyond 10 parent/guardian notes for absences, your child is required to bring in notes from a medical provider. Educational vacations may be counted as excused days. Please seek pre-approval from your child’s Principal or Assistant Principal for vacations.
We are required to share this information with you: If your child accumulates three (3) total unlawful absences, we are required to notify the parent/guardian regarding the need for a joint conference. This is called a Student Attendance Improvement Conference (SAIC) and engages all participants involved in the student’s life. The conference is intended to help resolve any issues that may be causing the unlawful absences. If your child accumulates six (6) total unlawful absences, the district may formally notify the magisterial judge and/or Children and Youth Services of the continued truancy of your child.
If you have any questions or need to contact me for any reason, please call my office at 1-800-321-9973 (Option (1) for the high school & option (2) for the attendance secretary). We look forward to working together to make school a welcoming place for your child.
Thank you,

Mr. Robert Black, Jr.
Assistant Principal