From left are Western Wayne Senior art students, who will be featured in the Scranton Times 2022 Artist of the Month Exhibit: Adelaide Treibley, Carleigh Galliford, and Ella Dougher Carleigh Galliford’s piece called “Beacon of Hope.” Ella Dougher’s piece called “Autumn’s Arrival”.
Adelaide Treibley’s piece called “A Moment with Monet”.Adelaide Treibley’s featured artwork that ran in the December issue of Happenings Magazine.
Western Wayne senior artists have been selected to be a part of the Scranton Times Artists of the Month Exhibit. They include Carleigh Galliford, February artist; Adelaide Treibley, May artist; and Ella Dougher, November artist.
The students’ artwork will be featured in the Scranton Times for their designated month. Carleigh’s acrylic painting titled “Beacon of Hope” will be featured for February. The picture depicts a lighthouse by an ocean and a cabin. Carleigh has been accepted at Marywood University for the fall. She wishes to pursue an art therapy degree.
She explained that most of her pieces are based on self expression.
“I enjoy art because it helps me to express things that can’t be expressed through words,” Carleigh explained.
Fellow senior Adelaide Treibley also enjoys the aspect of creative expression in her art work. Adelaide’s acrylic piece titled “ A Moment with Monet” will be featured for May.
She explained how her piece is a very detailed nature scene that took her a lot of time to work on all of the coloring throughout it.
In addition, Adelaide has artwork featured in the December issue of Happenings Magazine. The issue can be found at the following link:
“I like to create artwork with animals, wild life, and nature the most,” Adelaide explained.
Senior Ella Dougher’s artwork also features nature. Her Scranton Times acrylic piece is called “Autumn’s Arrival.” Ella is excited to have already received a scholarship to Mount Saint Mary’s. She enjoys doing art and hopes to pursue it in some capacity in her college studies.
“I like having the freedom to create whatever I choose,” Ella said in regards to her art work.
The students look forward to having their pieces featured in the Scranton Times and are all currently working on creating more artwork for their upcoming spring art show which will be the culmination of their high school art careers.