The Western Wayne School District would like to congratulate high school band director Mrs. Elaine Ort on being the recipient of the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 9 Citation of Excellence. Mrs. Ort is the only band director in District 9 to be chosen for the award this year. This award is given to music educators who demonstrate high musical standards both inside and outside the classroom. She will attend an awards banquet at the PMEA State Conference in April to receive the official recognition.
In addition, Mrs. Ort has had the honor of being a member of America’s Bands Directors with her most recent appearance with this group at the 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
The district is proud of Mrs. Ort’s past and most recent accomplishments.
Pictured is Mrs. Ort at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Please also enjoy this link to an appearance Mrs. Ort made on PA Live last year to discuss her accomplishments in music.